Minutes of a General Meeting of the Governing Body of the School on
Tuesday 17 September 2013 at 5.00pm in the new Sixth Form area.
Governors present: Mr S Adcock-Kersting, Dr J E Anderson, Mr J de Braux (Chair), Mr A Buddie, Mr H A F Collyer, Mr G Cox, Mr B Dorling (Vice-Chair), Mr P Harman, Mr T Harrison, Mrs N Hussein, Mr A LaGrange, Mrs S Munn, Mrs E Pickford, Mrs W Rennoldson, Ms T Sinclair, Mr A Smith, Mr H Youssefi.
In attendance:Dame Helen Hyde – Executive Headteacher (Headteacher, Watford Grammar School for Girls)
Mark Allchorn – Acting Headteacher (Deputy Headteacher, Watford Grammar School for Boys)
Ric Euteneuer - Clerk to the Governing Body
The clerk ascertained the meeting was quorate – 9 governors required – 17 present. The Clerk took the Chair for the first item
1. To elect the Chair: John de Braux had been nominated - no other nominations had been received - he was therefore elected unopposed.
John de Braux then took the Chair.
2. To elect the Vice-Chair: Brian Dorling had been nominated - no other nominations had been received - he was therefore elected unopposed
The Chair introduced Dame Helen Hyde, the Executive Headteacher, who outlined her appreciation of the governors and the staffs' work during her tenure so far, and the work Mark Allchorn has undertaken as Head of School. She took the school into the same training consortium as Watford Grammar Schools for Girls and Boys and other high profile schools in the County.
He thanked Harvey Collyer for chairing the governing body over the last 7 years, he has led us through some exciting times such as becoming an academy, investment in wonderful new facilities and the successful recruitment of a new Head. The Chair outlined his vision for the school, including ensuring governors have the skills and abilities to meet the challenges ahead, and an excellent relationship with the Head and staff, and that performance management and improvement are core and key to the school's success. Attracting pupils, particularly 6th formers, would be hugely beneficial to the school; skills audit and governor appraisal. Mrs Hussein asked for training for governors, particularly buddying/mentoring. Mr H Youssefi suggested a written governor briefing. The Executive Head proposed to contact FASNA ( to ascertain the type of training they offered - the resolution was unanimously approved by governors(ACTION: Executive Head)
3. Apologies for absence: Muna Ausat, Tony Walker, Anthony Smith for lateness. These absences were all consented to.
4. Disclosure:Ashley LaGrange declared his interest in the refurbishment of the swimming pool as a hirer of the pool.
5. Minutes of the meeting of 11 July 2013: These had been previously circulated.The following amendments were made. The school should be titled “Rickmansworth School” rather than “Rickmansworth Academy”. The decision to appoint the Headteacher should read “To approve the recommendation” rather than “To unanimously approve the resolution”.Under point 7 -the sentence starting 'Following discussion…' should follow the resolution, and not precede it and should state “approval was unanimous”.The amended minutes will be signed as a true and accurate record by the Chair.
6. Matters arising from the minutes:Hoss Youssefi said he felt the minutes did not reflect the note he had sent explaining his absence because of his serious concerns with the way the governing body is run. Following unresolved discussion on this point, Ashley LaGrange suggested there should be binding arbitration between Hoss Youssefi, John de Braux and Brian Dorling. Brian and John accepted this proposal but Hoss would not. As no further progress was possible the Chair moved on to the next item on the agenda.
7. Pupil representative item: Deferred, as pupil representative not present.
8. To appoint associate member(s): In the past this has been the Deputy Headteacher - Agenda for January meeting (ACTION: Clerk)
9. To confirm Governing Body appointments:
a)SEN Governor: Wendy Rennoldson
b)Governor for child protection & looked after children: Wendy Rennoldson
c)Drugs awareness governor: Sarah Munn
d)WRL & EL Governor: Neeshat Hussein
e)Other link roles: Muna Ausatfor training governor - Chair to speak to her when she returns home.
Governors agreed these appointments
10. To make appointments to committees: Amatrix of governor appointments to the Governing Body committees was circulated. The resolution to appoint the governors was unanimously approved by governors(ACTION: Clerk) with the addition of Sarah Munn to the Health and Safety Committee. Remuneration and Performance Committee made with Chair and Vice Chair plus Chairs of FGPC, E&L and Personnel Committees. Each of the Committees will elect their own chairs and take their own minutes, the Chair will email notes (NOT minutes) of each Committee meeting’s minutes to the Chair and Clerkfor inclusion on the next FGB agenda (ACTION: Chairs of Committees). The Chair reminded governors we had agreed that it was unfair to ask staff to attend meetings after 6pm, and that Committees should avoid these wherever possible.
11. To receive committee reports:Finance and General Purposes Committee previously circulated. Charles Hampshire (Director of Finance) noted in the report that the 84% of the school’s budget being spent on staff costs was rather high. The Head said the percentage was similar to the two Grammar Schools in Watford. The School and governors should be aware of the pensions item discussed at F & GP.Charles's recommendation was for the school to go into the Hertfordshire CC Non-teaching staff pension scheme pool to reduce the fluctuations in future payments- the resolution was unanimously approved by governors (ACTION: Director of Finance).
The Dining Hall project will be finished by Christmas 2013. Dame Helen Hyde and Mark Allchorn asked for their thanks to be given to the site services staff. The Vice-Chair proposed a vote of thanks for Chris Holt (Premises Manager) and his team - the resolution was unanimously approved by governors - the Chair agreed to write to them. (ACTION: Chair)
Planning consent granted to swimming pool works - works are progressing well, and are on target to complete. Safeguarding project completed - discussion being held to release final monies. Boilers have arrived - one more than expected!
Members of the Admissions Forumrecommended that the PAN increase from 185 to 190. It was noted that governors had already agreed this proposal in the previous academic year. There had been 31 admission appeals - 2 resulted in places being awarded. There were also 9 in year appeals – of these, 4 pupils were admitted.
12. Notification to governors of fixed period exclusions for the summer term: 15 students for 43 days. More detail was given in the Headteacher’s report
14. Any other business: The Headhad previously circulated aHeadteacher's report. He expressed his satisfaction with A Level results (and the 6th form retention rate), but the KS4 results were slightly below expected levels. The Education and Learning Committee would be drilling down to the results. The Head explained the different brands of Fisher Family Trust data presented (“FFT-D” and “FFT-B”– comparisons with the top 25% of schools, and schools similar to Rickmansworth,respectively). For KS4, the school scored 77% 5A*-Cs –the school target was 88%. Partially due to last year's cohort issues - this year’s Y11 are potentially more likely to achieve better results.
Higher than expected English language attainment - Mathematics lower than anticipated. A Level performance –Rickmansworth was 150th in the “Daily Telegraph League Table for Comprehensive School A level results”. The Headwould be going through the reports tabled in his report to discuss these issues with staff.
Drew Buddie asked if the fact that the guidance on retakes and January exams had changed would reflect in the results. The Head said that the school would have to take this on board, and that individual tracking and target setting would be paramount in tracking and pushing performance, particularly for middle achievers - as it seemed evidential that the school's high flyers were doing well.
Appropriateness of Y12 options under discussion - a governor asked if pupils' choices were affected by underachievement. Consideration is also being given to marketing the school towards areas like Harrow. Better news at Y13 - including 2 pupils at Oxbridge. Dame Helen Hydesaidthe school needs to consider the balance between vocational and academic 6th forms. Mr. Youssefi proposed an exit survey –the Head and Executive Head said this was kind of work was already in hand. The character of the 60 pupils who chose not to proceed was discussed. The statistics showed that attendance is improving; fixed term exclusions – there had been a small increase, but early days yet;students on roll - healthy numbers at the school;staffing –the school was fully staffed – there were no vacancies. Thepresent CPD offered to staff was outlined, and the role of 'lead teachers' explained to governors.
Link governors - Wendy Rennoldson distributed the Link Governor list. The Executive Head expressed her concerns about the staff and governor time required if the proposal was implemented, and the structural problems this may cause - most issues should pass through teacher governors and the Headteacher. It was agreed to place this on ice for this term, and to review when the new Headteacher started in January 2014.The resolution was unanimously approved by governors(ACTION: Chair/Head)
Parents Guild Quiz this Saturday - Governors' team requested.
15. Date of next general meeting of the governing body is at 6pm on the 19th November 2013: This date had been agreed, and a set of dates for FGB's already circulated to governors.
The Executive Head and Head of School left the meeting at 19.04.
13. To consider any Part 2 (Confidential) items: Governors were updated on a confidential issue and a resolution agreed the meeting closed at 19.39
Action item andAgenda Number / Responsible Officer / Timescale
2. The Executive Head proposed to contact FASNO to ascertain the type of training they offered - governors agreed / Executive Headteacher / Before next meeting on 19th November 2013
8. To appoint associate member(s): In the past this has been DHT - Agenda for January meeting / Clerk / December 2013 for January 2014
10. To make appointments to committees: A matrix of governor appointments to the Governing Body committees was circulated. Governors agreed this list with the addition of Sarah Munn to the Health and Safety Committee.
Each of the Committees will elect their own chairs and take their own minutes, the Chair will email the minutes of each Committee to the Chair and Clerk / Clerk
Chairs of Committees / Immediately – clerk to send list through to head’s PA
Next committee meetings, when scheduled, before December 2013
11. To receive committee reports: Governors agreed Charles's recommendation to go into the Hertfordshire CC Non-teaching staff pension scheme pool.
The Vice-Chair proposed a vote of thanks for Chris Holt (Premises Manager) and his team - the Chair agreed to write to them / Charles Hampshire (Director of Finance)
Chair / As soon as practicable
As soon as practicable
14. Any other business: Link governors - It was agreed to place this on ice for this term, and to review when the new Headteacher started in January 2014. / Chair/Head / In Spring term 2014
13. To consider any Part 2 (Confidential) items: This item was deemed confidential / This item was deemed confidential / This item was deemed confidential