Part numbers
Products type
1xxx – single site engineering programmer (1710, 1610, 1410/240, 1410/84)
2xxx – multi site production programmer (2710, 2710M, 2610)
3xxx – medium volume automated programmer (APS)(3710, 3710M, 3610)
4xxx – high volume automated programmer (APS) (4710, 4710M, 4610)
Programming site technology – determines the speed of programming and the ability to support newer devices.
x2xx – 2nd Generation programming technology - released 1998
x6xx – 6th Generation programming technology – released 2002 (5x faster than x2xx)
x7xx – 7th Generation programming technology –released 2004 (FX4 socket module, capable, 10% faster than x6xx technology)
xx10 – designated a one half step in technologies (currently designates USB connections)
Socket modules Part Numbering
Part number / Example / DescriptionFXXXXXXXXXXX / FP1710
FSM84UP / All BPM “finished goods”, like socket modules and programmer models, start with F.
FSM144TQB / SM is the initials for “socket module”. SM without an A in front of it means a manual socket module that can only be used on manual programmers (1XXX and 2XXX series.)
FASMR32MLFA / A in the part number means “automated”. Automated socket modules can be used on any BPM programmer. ASM socket modules and SM socket modules are priced on capability.
FSMR32LQF / R in the part number means that the socket module has a receptacle base with the ability to exchange sockets through a quick-change connector.
FX4SM56BG / X4 indicates the socket module contains 4 daughter cards with 4 sockets. Use of this type of FX4 socket module is limited to all X7XX programmers (3710, 1710, 2700 etc…)
FX4ASMR64XXX / FX4ASMR64LQFB / Indication of package type of device.
FX4ASMR64BGX / FX4ASMR64BGK / Indication of pin count of device.
FX4ASMR64BGJ / FX4ASMR64BGJ / Revision code of socket module.
WXXXXXXXXXXX / WASM100BGS / All replacement daughter cards and programmer spare parts start with the letter W.
WX4XXXXXXXXX / WX4ASM115BGB / FX4 replacement daughter card for the corresponding socket module.
CSOCXXXXXXXX / CSOCM32YA / A replacement socket for the corresponding socket module indicated in the last digits of the number.