Management Reports and Statistics are a suite of reports, taking real-time data from the HR/Payroll database, designed to aid planning and daily management of schools and departments. The reports are located in the Information for Managers web pages, part of the Human Resources web pages.
Application for Access to Management Reports and StatisticsPage 1 of 3
Last Updated: 21/08/2009
Details of the employee who is seeking access
Full Name:
IT account username:
Please tell us which departments you would like to see data for
(Please detail any sub sections)Please tick the access box if you want access to this group of reports
Report Group / AccessSenior Management Reports
These reports will contain sensitive data such as salary, allowances and equality and diversity data related to employees
Absence & Leave Reports
These reports will contain data on a variety of employee absence including sickness absence and academic leave
Staffing Reports
These detail contractual information of staff such as contracted hours, weeks, fixed term contract expiry dates and probation
Costing Reports
These reports detail where employees salaries are charged to
All forms must be signed by the Head of School/Department/Section, any forms received by HR Systems and Planning without the appropriate signature will be returned.
Please return the completed form to HR Systems and Planning, Human Resources, Registry
I confirm that I will use my Management Reports and Statistics access solely for the requirements of my role at the University
Signed (Management Reports and StatisticsApplicant)
...... …………………………………………….………Date......
I confirm that this Management Reports and Statistics accessis being sought with my permission and agree to notify HR Systems and Planning if the role holder leaves or the requirement for access changes.
Signed (Applicant’s Head of School/Department)
...... …………………………………………….………Date......
Name (please print)…………………………………………………………………………….
Human Resources Data Access Agreement
In order to ensure proper management of data, respecting the legal rights of the staff who are subjects of that data, you must ensure that at all times you will:-
- treat all Human Resources data with great sensitivity as required under the Data Protection Act.;
- only share reports with staff entitled to have sight of that information
- never disclose your user name and password to anyone that could lead to unauthorised access to the Management Reports and Statistics
- be careful about casual sightings of Human Resources information on your computer screen
If you have any concerns please to contact HR Systems and Planning
Data Protection Act
All personal data held in these reports is protected by the Data Protection Act 1998 and staff using the Management Reports and Statistics should ensure that they adhere to and understand the data protection principles and the restrictions on disclosure that the Data Protection Act places on them.
Further information on the Data Protection Act can be foundat
Regulations for the Use of Computing Facilities
All University staff are bound by the “Regulations for the Use of Computing Facilities at the University of Kent”. These are available from the Information Services website at or on paper from Information Services.
I confirm that I have read and agree to abide by the terms of this Data Access Agreement
Signed (Management Reports and Statistics Applicant)
...... …………………………………………….………Date......
Application for Access to Management Reports and StatisticsPage 1 of 3
Last Updated: 21/08/2009