Assessment Plan Template
Program: Recreation
Assessment Coordinator for the program: James Busser______
Department(s) or Interdisciplinary Council Responsible for the Program: Recreation and Leisure Studies
Five-Year Implementation Dates: (2204-2005 to 2009-2010)
Is this program accredited by an external organization? __X___ No _____ Yes, and the organization is: ______
Note: The program may submit the most recent self study assessment documents/information in substitution for this plan.
1. Student Learning Outcomes for the program. List the Student Learning Outcomes for the program.
1. By the end of the Recreation program, students will be able to explain the physical, social, and emotional benefits of leisure.
2. By the end of the Recreation program, students will be able to describe the role of leisure across the lifespan.
3. By the end of the Recreation program, students will be able to explain the elements of flow.
4. By the end of the Recreation program, students will be able to differentiate between the various settings and delivery systems in Leisure services.
5. By the end of the Recreation program, students will be able to demonstrate effective
leadership techniques.
6. By the end of the Recreation program, students will be able to lead an activity in a Recreation setting.
7. By the end of the Recreation program, students will be able to accommodate people with disabilities in a Recreation program.
8. By the end of the Recreation program, students will understand facility design elements, operations and maintenance.
9. By the end of the Recreation program, students will be able to design, conduct and interpret a Recreation program evaluation.
10. By the end of the Recreation program, students will be able to analyze and utilize data for decision-making purposes in Recreation settings.
11. By the end of the Recreation program, students will demonstrate an understanding of legal and effective staff and volunteer recruitment, selection, and evaluation.
12. By the end of the Recreation program, students will be able to evaluate and analyze a Recreational staffing and supervision management plan.
13. By the end of the Recreation program, students will be able to develop and justify a budget.
14. By the end of the Recreation program, students will demonstrate professional written and oral communication skills.
15. By the end of the Recreation program, students will demonstrate appropriate professional behavior in the Recreation field.
16. By the end of the Recreation program students will display ethically appropriate behavior in the Recreation field.
2. Curriculum Alignment of Student Learning Outcomes. Where is the information introduced, enriched, and/or reinforced in the courses required in the program?
I = Introduced, E = Enriched, R = Reinforced
Required CoursesStudent Learning Outcomes / RLS
100 / RLS 150 / RLS 200 / RLS 220 / RLS 300 / RLS 310 / RLS 350 / RLS 445 / RLS 450 / RLS 460 / RLS 461
#1 / I, E, R
#2 / I, E, R
#3 / I, E, R
#4 / I, E, R
#5 / I,E, R
#6 / I, E, / R / R
#7 / I, E, R / R / R
#8 / I, E, R
#9 / E, R / I, E
#10 / E, R / I, E, R / R / R / R / R
#11 / I, E, R / R / R
#12 / R / I, E, R / R
#13 / R / I, E, R
#14 / I / E / E / E / E / E / E / E / E, R / E, R / E, R
#15 / I / E / E / E / E, R / E, R / E, R
#16 / I / E / E, R / E, R
3. Evidence/Artifacts used to assess Student Learning Outcomes over the 5 year period of this Plan. What instruments will be used in each of the five years? When and where will they be administered in each of the five years? Which Student Learning Outcomes will be assessed during each of the 5 years? How will results be reported (e.g. percentages, ranks, state or national comparisons) for each of the 5 years?
Student Learning Outcomes for the Program / Methods/Instruments (Direct and Indirect) to be used / Expected Measures from the Methods/Instruments / When and where will the Methods/Instruments be administered and data collected?#1 / Leisure Assessment Notebook (RLS 100)
Written Examinations (RLS 100) / Letter Grades based on Percentage Points and Instructor Feedback / Classroom
Fall and Spring Semesters
#2 / Written Examinations (RLS 100) / Letter Grades based on Percentage Points / Classroom
Fall and Spring Semesters
#3 / Discussion Questions (RLS 100)
Written Examinations (RLS 100) / Instructor Feedback and Letter Grades based on Percentage Points / Classroom
Fall and Spring Semesters
#4 / Analysis Paper (RLS 150)
Quizzes and Written Examinations (RLS 150) / Instructor Feedback and Letter Grades based on Percentage Points / Classroom
Fall and Spring Semesters
#5 / Written Examinations (RLS 200) / Letter Grades based on Percentage Points / Classroom
Fall and Spring Semesters
#6 / Leadership Activity Plan (RLS 200)
Specific Program Plan Implementation (RLS 300)
Site Supervisor Evaluations (RLS 461) / Instructor Feedback, Supervisor Feedback, and Letter Grades based on Percentage Points / RLS 200 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
RLS 300 – Classroom Fall and Spring Semesters
RLS 461 – Internship Site, Throughout Year
#7 / Written Examinations (RLS 220)
Written Assignments (RLS 220)
Volunteer Experience (RLS 220) / Instructor Feedback and Letter Grades based on Percentage Points / Classroom
Spring Semester
#8 / Written Examinations (RLS 445)
Facility Project (RLS 445) / Letter Grades based on Percentage Points / Classroom
Fall Semester
#9 / Evaluation Plan for Implemented Specific Program (RLS 300)
Written Examinations (RLS 310)
Evaluation Plan and Paper (RLS 310) / Instructor and Participant Feedback and Grades based on Percentage Points / RLS 300 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
RLS 310 – Classroom, Fall Semester
#10 / Written Plan for Specific Program (RLS 300)
Evaluation Plan and Paper (RLS 310)
Decision Paper/Case Study (RLS 350)
Presentation (RLS 350)
Facility Project (RLS 445)
Budget Project and Justification Presentation (RLS 450) / Grades based on Percentage Points, Instructor Feedback, Industry Expert Feedback / RLS 300 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
RLS 310 – Classroom, Fall Semester
RLS 350 – Classroom, Spring Semester
RLS 445 – Classroom, Fall Semester
RLS 450 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
#11 / Written Plan and Implementation for Specific Program (RLS 300)
Budget Project (RLS 450)
Site Supervisor Evaluations (RLS 461) / Instructor, Participant and Agency Feedback and Grades based on Percentage Points, Industry Expert Feedback / RLS 300 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
RLS 450 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
RLS 461 – Internship Site, Throughout Year
#12 / Written Specific Program Plan (RLS 300)
Decision Paper/Case Study (RLS 350)
Budget Project (RLS 450) / Instructor Feedback and Grades based on Percentage Points / RLS 300 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
RLS 350 – Classroom, Spring Semester
RLS 450 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
#13 / Written Specific Program Plan (RLS 300)
Budget Project and Justification Presentation (RLS 450) / Instructor and Industry Expert Feedback and Grades based on Percentage Points / RLS 300 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
RLS 450 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
#14 / Class Participation and Leisure Notebook (RLS 100)
Association Paper (RLS 150)
Essay Examinations, Project and Activity Plan (RLS 200)
Acorn People Paper and Volunteer Report (RLS 220)
Specific Program Plan Implementation and Write-Up, Presentation and Comprehensive Program Plan (RLS 300)
Essay Examinations, Research Proposal and Paper (RLS 310)
Essay Examinations, Decision Paper/Case Studies, and Presentation (RLS 350)
Facility Project (RLS 445)
Budget Paper and Justification Presentation (RLS 450)
Mock Interview, Resume, and Presentation (RLS 460)
Site Supervisor Evaluations (RLS 461) / Instructor Feedback, Supervisor Feedback, Industry Experts Feedback, and Grades based on Percentage Points / RLS 100 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
RLS 150 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
RLS 200 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
RLS 220 – Classroom, Spring Semester
RLS 300 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
RLS 310 – Classroom, Fall Semester
RLS 350 – Classroom, Spring Semester
RLS 445 – Classroom, Fall Semester
RLS 450 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
RLS 460 – Classroom, Spring Semester
RLS 461 – Internship Site, Throughout Year
#15 / Presentation (RLS 300)
Presentation (RLS 350)
Budget Justification Presentation (RLS 450)
Mock Interview, Internship Goals, Portfolio Development and Presentation (RLS 460)
Site Supervisor Evaluations (RLS 461) / Grades based on Percentage Points, Instructor and Industry Experts Feedback, Site Supervisor Feedback / RLS 300 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
RLS 350 – Classroom, Spring Semester
RLS 450 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters
RLS 460 – Classroom, Spring Semester
RLS 461 – Internship Site, Throughout Year
#16 / Implementation of Specific Program Plan (RLS 300)
Written Examination (RLS 350)
Internship Goals, Mock Interview, and Portfolio Development (RLS 460)
Site Supervisor Evaluation (RLS 461) / Grades based on Percentage Points, Instructor Feedback, Site Supervisor Feedback / RLS 300 – Classroom, Fall and Spring Semesters,
RLS 350 – Classroom, Spring Semester
RLS 460 – Classroom, Spring Semester
RLS 461 – Internship Site, Throughout Year
4. Dissemination of Information over the 5 year period of this Plan. When, where, and how will results be disseminated to stakeholders?
Student Learning Outcomes for the Program / Who will analyze the data? / When, where, and how will the results be disseminated to stakeholders?#1 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site
#2 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site
#3 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site
#4 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site
#5 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site
#6 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site
#7 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site
#8 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site
#9 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site
#10 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site
#11 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site
#12 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site
#13 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site
#14 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site
#15 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site
#16 / Individual Instructor Responsible for Courses / Internet Web Site