Scholarship Application–Spring 2018

As part of its commitment to helping non-traditional students access higher education, the University Without Walls offers scholarships to its students each semester. UWW awards thousands of dollars in scholarships every year. By submitting an application, you will be considered for all available UWW scholarships for which you qualify.

University Without Walls Scholarships

Edward J. Harris Lifelong Learning Fund

Named in honor of the founding director of UWW, this scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled in the University Without Walls who is in good academic standing and demonstrates financial need. Completed application and essay of no more than 750 words required.

Jeffrey C. Taylor Educational Opportunity Fund

Established by and named after Jeffrey Taylor, UMass UWW alumnus and founder of, this scholarship is awarded fall and spring semesters to a student enrolled in the University Without Walls who demonstrates financial need.Completed application and essay of no more than 750 words required.

Misty Catherine Bassi Memorial UWW Scholarship

In the spirit and memory of 2009 graduate Misty Bassi, this scholarship is awarded fall and spring semesters to a student enrolled in University Without Walls who demonstrates financial need and is in good academic standing. Completed application and essay of no more than 750 words required.

UWW Faculty Student Scholarship Fund

Established to honor the dedication and passion of the UWW faculty, past and present, this scholarship is awarded fall and spring semesters to a student enrolled in the University Without Walls student who demonstrates financial need and is in good academic standing. Completed application and essay of no more than 750 words required.

Other Scholarship Opportunities

David A. Cole Scholarship
This scholarship is available for students in CPE and UWW programs at UMass Amherst who are making career changes and who have financial need. To download an application for this scholarship only, clickhere.

Miriam Williford Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is available for degree-seeking UMass Amherst CPEand UWW students in good standing who can demonstrate a life-long history of active involvement in learning and non-traditional education. Awards are need based and are only made during spring semester. To download an application for this scholarship only, clickhere.

Application Form

Application Deadlines: February 15at midnight for spring semester and October 15 at midnight for fall semester. Please note that the David C. ColeScholarshipand Miriam Williford Scholarship Fund are administered by Continuing and Professional Education and have different applications, sets of criteria and deadlines. For more information about applying for these scholarships, please contact Laura Howard at .

Applying:Email your completed application form and essay to .

Your essay:You are required to submit an essay of no more than 750 words with your completed application. Your essay should directly make the case for why you should be awarded a scholarship, and it should describe yourself according to the scholarship’s criteria. Because the scholarships are need-based, your financial need will be confirmed by Financial Aid Services. If you have not done so already, please be sure to complete the FAFSA at Lastly, if there is any additional information that you think we should consider, please include it in your scholarship essay.

*Note: All scholarship recipients will be asked to submit a thank you letter and to answer a series of questions which will be featured on our website as “student spotlights.” You can see an example of a student spotlight here.

Questions: All questions about UWW scholarships can be directed to the UWW scholarship committee by emailing .

Name Click here to enter text. Student numberClick here to enter text.

Mailing Address Click here to enter text.
Email Click here to enter text. Best phone Click here to enter text.

Advisor Click here to enter text. GPA Click here to enter text. Degree Concentration Click here to enter text.

Application checklist:

☐Completed application form

☐I have put my name in the title of the files I am emailing (eg. JohnSmithScholarshipApplication.doc)

☐Essay (no more than 750 words)

☐My name is on my essay

By applying for UWW scholarships, I certify that all statements made in my application materials are trueand accurate.
