Pathfinder District MBU Pre-Requisites 2017 You can find all the requirements for the Merit Badges at, or you can purchases a book at the Scout store. The numbers listed in the pre-requisites will correspond with the numbers either in the book or on the website. ALL PRE-REQUISITES MUST BE DONE PRIOR TO MBU IN ORDER TO HAVE YOUR COURSE SIGNED COMPLETE AT THE END OF THE DAY! ______________________________________________________________________________
Citizen of World: (Mindy Ziegler) 2, 3, 6 & 7 (BRING 6 AND 7 TO MBU)
Citizen of Nation: (Chris Strain) 3 and watch the news for the five days prior to MBU and come ready to discuss it
Citizen of Community: (Theresa Nees) 3, 4, 5, 7 & 8
Cycling: (Shannon Stinson) 5 & 7-All bike rides. There is a District event that is being planned for the bike rides if you are unable to complete before MBU. (YOU WILL NOT HAVE YOUR CARD SIGNED WITHOUT THE RIDES.)
Coin Collection: (Shannon Stinson) 5a&b, 7, 9, & 10
First Aid: (Keith Karnes) 1(minimum Rank requirement)
E-Prep: (David Sims) 1. Students should bring proof they have First Aid Merit Badge ( or ) plan to have requirements 1 signed off by a leader in their home Troop. 2 c. Students should come prepared to talk about their family experience building their emergency kit in 8c. 8 a. Students should have their written mobilization plan with them 8 b. Students should take part in at least one troop mobilization exercise prior to our meeting. We will conduct a dummy exercise and do an After Action Review on site. 8 c. Students should bring their personal emergency service pack in to review. Students should plan to talk about what they put in their family kit. (requirement 2c.) 9 a. Students can bring a completed copy of this Checklist to satisfy all of requirement 9
Environmental Science: (Scott Shutte) Prepare a write up on an endangered species in Indiana. (BRING TO MBU)
Camping: (Chris Douglas) 4b, 7b (need paperwork signed off by Scout Master for both 4&7 req.) 8 c and d, 9 a,b,and c AND 5e (BRING PACK SET UP FOR ONE OVERNIGHT CAMP OUT)
Family Life: (Donna Killian) 3, 4, 5, & 6b
Chess: (Tim Shilson) NO PRE-REQUISITES
Collections: (Travis Kenzig) BRING COLLECTION TO MBU
Game Design: (Chris Hershey) 5a,b,c, and d- 6 a,b,and c- 7 a,b and c ( Chris Hershey which is leading the course is willing to work with Scouts to get the prerequisites complete before MBU. His number is 317.650.0779 and email )
Art(Stephanie Gill)6 and 7
Journalism: 2, 4, 3, & 5
Finger Printing: (Chad Butts) NO PRE-REQUISITES
Radio: (Gordon Cotton) 7, 8, & 9
Communication: (Beth Stinson) 3- write 5 minute speech (BRING SPEECH TO MBU), 5, 7, & 8
Law: (Marshelle Broadwell) 3, 6, 7, & 9 (for requirement 6 you can contact Magistrate Broadwell at 317.697.3491 or )
Digital Tech: (Josh Prine) 1, 5, and 6
Photography: (Andy Rebman) NO PRE-REQUISITES
Music: (Jenny Webber) 3
Medicine: (Mark Mandel) Go over the Medicine MB book (you can find this online at Most the course is discussion. Do some volunteer time in a medical environment (YOUR CARD CAN NOT BE SIGNED WITHOUT THIS).
Sustainability: (Mark Moreno)1, 2(water)A (food)A (community) ALL (energy) B or C (stuff) A, 4 & 5A
Fire Safety: Visit a Fire station, talk with fireman about the difference in the fire trucks and fire prevention in the community. Do a home survey with the help of parent or adult, (BRING SURVEY TO MBU).
Personal Management: (Travis Kenzig) 2a&b, 5, 8, & 10
Indian Lore: (Tim Shilson) 2&3
Safety: (Tim and Chris Shilson)2b, 6, & 8
Public Speaking: (Mark Moreno)4
Chemistry: (Scott Shutte) NO PRE-REQUISITES
Signs, Signals, and Codes: (Chad Butts) 7 & 8
Leatherwork: (Laura Stafford) 4
Movie Making: (Tony Gomez) NO PRE-REQUISITES
*Nuclear Science: (Robby Kile) NO PRE-REQUISITES
*Genealogy: (Michael& Peggy Howard) 2, 4b, 6, &7
*Model Design & Building: (Chris Douglas) 5, 6 & Choose and bring material for requirement 4a, b, c, d or e
*Survey: (Brian Catlin) 1 & 6 (DENPENDANT OF GOOD WEATHER)
*Architecture: (Chris Shilson) NO PRE-REQUISITES
*Traffic Safety: (Sam Penix) NO PRE-REQUISITES
Jump into Scouting: (led by Boy Scouts with Rank of Life or Eagle) Needs to attend one troop meeting prior to MBU. Complete by have a SM conference with Scout’s SM