Council of Biomedical Graduate Students
4/20/2017 Meeting Minutes
Location: HEB 233
Start Time: 8.05am
Jessica Saul-McBeth, President
Gayatri Subramanian, Secretary
Jin Chen, Treasurer
Saad Moledina, Risk Assessment Officer
Tupa Basuroy, CAB Representative
Amit Chougule, MOME Representative
Erin Semple, NND and MD/PhD Representative
Oluwatomisin Atolagbe, BRIM/BIPG Representative
Christopher Coakley, First Year Representative
Sarah Galla (MOME track)
Shermel Sherman (MOME track)
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Kandace Williams, Dr. Jyl Matson
I. Call to Order
II. Old Business
1. 2017 Graduate Research Forum Recap
a. Feedback
i. Judges and Grading varied, so use raw score; no 0.5 scores allowed, remind them, meet them earlier
ii. Flyers need to reach department secretaries
iii. Nursing program can be included, they were interested but need notice in advance
iv. Get Biological Sciences from Main Campus to participate
v. All submitted abstract will be public
b. Expenses:
i. $ 4717.28
ii. Detailed list provided in meeting
2. 2018 Graduate Research Forum:
a. Dr. Thomas Hornyak: Tupa to include Gayatri in emails
III. New Business
1. Elections:
a. All positions except President open for nomination:
i. Representatives will be elected by track in case of more than one nomination
ii. Officers will be elected by all students in case of more than one nomination
iii. Emails for elections sent out 4/20/2017
iv. Dr. Williams and Dr. Matson to continue as faculty advisors for 2017-2018
2. Spring Event:
i. Gayatri and Saad
ii. Third week of May
iii. Sandpiper Cruise: to check availability
IV. Student Issues:
1. MOME track students: Regarding Grant writing course and Qualifying Exam
a. Decision made with all 4 track directors in December
b. Changes made in attempt to have rules fair for all tracks
c. In future, grant writing will be compulsory for all tracks and QE and Grant Writing will be two different assignments
President Jessica received a token for leading the success of GRF2017
Next meeting- TBD –Pizza Lunch 2016-2017 Council welcomes 2017-2018 Council.
IV. Adjournment
End Time: 8.48am