Lesson Plan for Corridor Meeting #4

First Year & Mixed Halls

Parental Relationships

After Thanksgiving Break, prior to Winter Closing

Connection to Residential Curriculum:

List what learning outcomes and competencies this strategy addresses.

  • Intrapersonal Development: Explore personal values and identity
  • Intrapersonal Development: Identify personal strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Intrapersonal Development: Identify how one’s own beliefs and values influence one’s perspective.
  • Effective Community Engagement: Constructively give and receive feedback.


  • Residents will be able to articulate their responsibilities and action steps for checking out of his/her residence hall room to successfully close the residence hall.
  • Residents will identity changes in their relationship with parents/guardians, and other transitional issues related to visiting home for an extend period of time.
  • Residents will articulate strategies for engaging their parents about discussions of boundaries and forming more partnership relationships associated with adult children and their parents.

Duration: This meeting will take 45 minutes to an hour. Closing procedures should last about 20 minutes.


Before the Meeting

Review the article, “Talking to Your Parents” provided to you. You may choose to copy this and discuss it with all your residents or you may want to create bullet points to lead a guided discussion with your community. You may also find your own resources for discussing the transition back to living with parents after experiencing a semester of college life.

Once you have reviewed the lesson plan and come up with your game plan for the “parental relationship” discussion, you will want to advertise the event. At least one week prior to the meeting, Resident Assistants should publicize the corridor meeting. This should look like large butcher block signs, creative flyers/signs, and/or electronic communication to residents. Going door to door is also effective, if done days prior to the event.

At the Meeting

You will want to review whatever information your supervisor has relayed to you about your hall’s closing procedures.

I.Finals week and check out

  1. Discuss 24 hour quiet hours and remind students of the expectations that go with it
  2. Discuss closing check list (provided by your supervisor) and make sure students understand what is expected of them
  3. Check out procedures
  4. Room preparation prior to appointment
  5. Hall and hallway cleanliness expectations & trash removal
  6. Ramifications for not following protocol (charges, judicial documentation)
  7. Answer any questions students may have about closing

II.Guided discussion on parental relationships and renegotiating your relationship with parents after moving away to college. This is one of those “just in time” discussions that should be relevant to 75% of residents.

Lesson Plan for Corridor Meeting #5

First Year & Mixed Halls

Revisiting Community Agreements & 2nd Year Housing Process Information

Late January/Early February

Connection to Residential Curriculum:

List what learning outcomes and competencies this strategy addresses.

  • Effective Community Engagement: Assist in the creating and follow community agreements.
  • Effective Community Engagement: Constructively give and receive feedback. (possible)
  • Effective Community Engagement: Understand how one’s actions and decisions affect the community. (possible)


  • Residents will be led in a discussion to revisit the positives and negatives of Community Agreement they designed in September. The RA will act as a catalyst for discussion.
  • Residents will be able to articulate choices for housing in their second year at Miami University.

Duration: 1 to 1.5 hour(s) depending on discussion with Community Agreements and questions which arise in the presenting of Housing Selection information from the HOME Office.


Before the Meeting

You should familiarize yourself with the Room Selection Process which you can find on the HOME website before going into the meeting. Know that you may get questions you do not know the answer and it is okay to write it down and find out the right answer later. Second, you will want to review your Community Agreement document. Jot down some reflective questions you want to pose to your community about things that went well and not so well. This will help guide them toward accepting the current document, making tweaks, or clarifying topics they had not anticipated.

Once you have reviewed the lesson plan, you will want to advertise the event. At least one week prior to the meeting, Resident Assistants should publicize the corridor meeting. This should look like large butcher block signs, creative flyers/signs, and/or electronic communication to residents. Going door to door is also effective, if done prior to the event.

At the Meeting

III.Welcome Back – You may even want to do a small ice-breaker for people to get to know one another again.

IV.Review the Community Agreement for your community.

  1. Make sure you have a visual representation of your Agreement present for everyone to see.
  2. Be prepared to ask pointed questions to help residents think about what they may have missed in September or previous meetings where you revisited your Community Agreement.

V.Talk about the Second Year Residency Requirement and the Housing Selection Process. Provide a basic overview of options. This will probably take about 5 to 10 minutes. Then, you should take some questions. You should not feel like you have to answer all of them, because of the note card assessment activity you will be doing.

  1. Talk about student’ option to create an LLC for next year. This gives them the ability to select their housing before others, live with a group of students they choose, identify any theme or topic on which to base their Student Created Second Year LLC. There is an application which they must complete to apply for this kind of community.

Lesson Plan for Corridor Meeting #6

First Year & Mixed Halls

Responsible Decision Making

Late February, Early March (Prior to Miami University Spring Break)

Connection to Residential Curriculum:

List what learning outcomes and competencies this strategy addresses.

  • Effective Community Engagement: Understand how one’s actions and decisions affect the community.
  • Intrapersonal Development: Make socially responsible and safe decisions.
  • Intrapersonal Development: Identify how one’s own beliefs and values influence one’s perspective.


  • Residents will participate in an activity, event, or discussion that prompts them to understand how high risk behaviors (which can tend to happen around Spring Break) affect their lives and/or college careers.
  • Residents will be able to articulate strategies to mitigate risk in their lives associated with Spring Break activities.

Duration: 1 hour depending on activity/celebration. Closing info should take 20 minutes or less.


Before the Meeting

Once you have reviewed the lesson plan and come up with your own creative personal safety (Spring Break safety) activity idea, you will want to advertise the event. At least one week prior to the meeting, Resident Assistants should publicize the corridor meeting. This should look like large butcher block signs, creative flyers/signs, and/or electronic communication to residents. Going door to door is also effective, if done days prior to the event.

At the Meeting

You will want to review whatever information your supervisor has relayed to you about your hall’s closing procedures.

VI.Spring Break Check-Out

  1. Discuss closing check list (provided by your supervisor) and make sure students understand what is expected of them
  2. Check out procedures
  3. Hall and hallway cleanliness expectations
  4. Answer any questions students may have about closing

VII.Personal/Spring Break Safety activity – prior to your advertising your event, you will have scripted what activity you want to enact. We suggest picking something that will last approximately 30-40 minutes. This may vary based on the nature of your community. An electronic resource of ideas is provided. Consult your supervisor if you think you should stray from this topic matter for your particular community.