1.Nursery Reprovision

NHS Grampian took over responsibility for the new nursery, Little Acorns, at the end of April with the intention of opening in early June. The new nursery was required to operate on a breakeven basis and this would be achieved through harmonisation of operational matters and the introduction of an innovative employer supported salary sacrifice scheme. The Committee congratulated all those involved in this considerable achievement.

2.Draft HR Strategy

It was noted that the Strategy was intended to achieve three main aims:

  • Ensuring alignment to NHS Grampian’s strategic themes and objectives
  • Describing the vision for future development of the HR Directorate
  • Providing high level information regarding the future activities of each area within the HR Directorate

The Committee acknowledged the good work that had been done to date and agreed that it was a good base for the commencement of a consultation process.

3.Health & Safety Update

Following extensive consultation, the constitution for the new Occupational Health & Safety Committee had been approved, the first meeting to take place towards the end of June. Consideration was also being given to the health and safety structures within the Board. This would require to be done within existing resources and necessitate reprioritising of activities. All senior executives had successfully passed the IOSH Safety Course. This has provided senior managers with the necessary knowledge required to make informed health and safety decisions.

4.Workforce Development & Redesign

4.1Workforce Plan Action Plan

The Committee received a progress report against specific work areas, noting in particular developments that had taken place on Workforce Information, Integration of Workforce, Service & Financial Planning and Workforce Utilisation.

4.2Pay Modernisation

(i)New Contract for Non-Consultant Career Grades

Good progress was being made on the implementation of this new contract and it was expected that the vast majority of staff would opt to transfer. The importance of the job planning process was emphasised as the best means of taking advantage of this opportunity.


The first round of recruitment to the trainee doctor posts had been completed and initial placements offered. Some vacancies remained in a number of areas which would be picked up in the second round.


The Committee received a detailed update on the considerable progress that had been made and currently over 80% compliance was predicted. Work would continue however through meetings with each specialty, identification of risks and staffing implications. The Committee requested a further update at its next meeting.

(iv)Agenda for Change

Good progress had been made and all targets would be met within timescales. An audit was being undertaken to check the validity of a number of outcomes. An exit strategy for the staff engaged in this process had been developed and the team would be disbanded by the end of October. There was still considerable work to be undertaken by Payroll well beyond that date. The Committee acknowledged the excellent work carried out by the AfC Team.

5.Staff Governance

5.1Health, Safety & Wellbeing

(i)Absence Management

Considerable progress had been made and the absence figure for the month of March was 4.17% against the HEAT target of 4%. This compared very favourably with other mainland Boards. The Strategic Steering Group leading on this issue would now develop into an operational group to ensure the continued provision of timely data to support attendance initiatives.

It was noted however that any pandemic flu outbreak would have an impact on attendance.

(ii)Pandemic Influenza

The Committee noted the Procedure for the Management of the Workforce should a pandemic occur. It included information on when the Procedure would be initiated, identification of staff to be redeployed, recruitment of additional staff and cancellation of leave procedures. It was noted that the Procedure had been developed and implemented in partnership within 5 days.

5.2Staff Governance Action Plan

The Committee noted the considerable progress that had been made on the Action Plan for 2008/09, particularly in relation to the Priority Items.

The draft Plan for 2009/10 was considered and the final version would be submitted to the next meeting. Audit Scotland had carried out an external audit of both plans, confirmed that reasonable progress had been made and that the 2009/10 Plan appeared fit for purpose.

5.3Strategic Change Update

The Committee noted this update and in particular the following issues:

  • Currently undertaking a CSI review of the L&D function to ensure that it was fully aligned with NHS Grampian’s vision, values and strategic themes
  • 447 managers had now attended the People Management Programme
  • The KSF Heat target had been achieved.

5.4QIS Review – Fitness to Practice

The final document had been submitted to QIS and it was expected that Level 2 would be achieved.

Mike Scott


Staff Governance Committee

28 July 2009