This remit sets out the responsibilities of a convenor, recognising that it is not always practical or desirable for the convenor to carry out all these responsibilities themselves. However, it remains the convenor's responsibility to ensure that meetings are conducted within the spirit of Quaker business methods, that business is progressed efficiently, and that good communications are maintained with the wider Meeting. Convenors are reminded that all committees are under the care of the Local Meeting and are encouraged to draw on the support that is offered.
Conduct of Meetings:
- to include an element of worship at the start and end of each meeting: to use suggested extracts from Quaker Faith and Practice to familiarise new members with their work and the Quaker business method (as appropriate);
- to ensure that meetings are called as appropriate to the business: that agendas are circulated and rooms booked in a timely manner: that minutes are agreed, circulated and maintained for reference by current members and to assist future committees;
- to be sensitive to the needs and individual circumstances of members of the Committee.
Responsibilities to the Meeting
- to be familiar with the committee's remit and any additional Area Meeting requirements (see below);
- to ensure that the committee reviews its work as set out in its remit and submits a short report to the Clerk;
- to forward to the Clerk specific minutes of matters for Meeting for Worship for Business Meeting’s (BM) information, approval or consideration, including dates of any planned activities;
- to liaise with convenors of other committees on matters of shared interest and other members of the meeting with relevant responsibilities;
- to advise the Clerk of any resignations or if additional members are needed.
Additional duties
- to advise the Clerk should difficulties arise within the Committee or if there are specific matters which need wider discussion; to attend the annual convenors and officers meeting;
- to liaise with the Nominations Committee regarding appointments and to provide appropriate handover information to a new convenor;
- to advise the Clerk if any specific training or course could support individuals or the Committee as a whole; to send copies of minutes to the Clerk.
Additional guidance
Convenors should be familiar with those sections of Quaker Faith and Practice set out in their committee's remit, and with section 3.21 of Quaker Faith and Practice which sets out the role of a committee convenor. Specific requirements from Trustees (such as statutory guidance on Safeguarding matters or Warden's Line Management) are included alongside committee remits in the Meeting file held in the Library. Additional background and resources for the work of some committees can be found on the Quaker website
Updated July 2017Confirmed minute 17.10.11