Social Studies SOL Review

Part 2 – Progressive Era to The Great Depression

7th Grade – 2013/2014 School Year

Name: ______

Block: ______

**Use your notebook to find the correct answers. This will be graded.**

Due Dates:

A Day – Friday, April 25

B Day – Thursday, April 24

USII.4e – Progressive Movement

Directions: Use the word bank below to fill in the blanks on Progressive information.

Word Bank

strike / vote / 19th / Addams / political / illegal / Prohibition
Chicago / Homestead / AFL / steel / government / unions / reforms
Temperance / English / Hull / people / 18th / tenements / slum
  1. During the time of industrialization, factories were unsafe and workers were paid very little and worked long hours. Workers began forming ______, and at times had to go on ______to achieve their goals. One of the major unions that began during this time was called the American Federation of Labor, or the ______for short. Sometimes strikes turned violent. One example was the ______Strike at one of Andrew Carnegie’s ______plants in PA. Federal troops had to be called in to break up the strike and restore order. During the time of the Progressive Era, child labor was made ______.
  1. 2 new amendments promised change during the Progressive Era. People like Carrie Nation were part of the ______Movement and worked to get alcohol banned (made illegal). Their hard work paid off, and in 1919, the ______amendment to the Constitution was ratified (approved). The time period from 1919 to 1933 became known as ______, because making, selling and transporting alcohol was prohibited. Up until 1920, women were not allowed to ______in many states. This changed in 1920, when the ______amendment to the Constitution was added, saying the right to vote could not be denied to anyone based on their gender.
  1. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, life in the big cities was not easy. Many of the new immigrants lived in poverty. For example, they lived in poor, rundown ______buildings in the ______parts of the city. Many did not speak ______, which made it hard for them to find jobs other than in the factories. Jane ______attempted to help the poor people living in ______, IL. She founded ______House, which provided food, shelter, education classes, daycare, etc. for immigrants and other poor residents of the city. Another major problem in the cities were people being taken advantage of by the ______machines. People were bribed to vote for certain candidates with jobs, money, dinners, etc. Political ______, or changes, helped to put the power of the ______back into the hands of the ______.

USII.5a – Spanish American War

Directions: Using the word bank, determine what the causes and effects of the Spanish American War were and write them in the correct box.

Word Bank

The United States emerged as a world power
Yellow journalism stories made Americans feel sympathetic towards Cuba
U.S. had businesses to protect in Cuba
Cuba gained independence
The U.S. gained possession of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines
Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine
Americans supported Cuba’s desire for independence

USII.5b – Roosevelt Corollary

Directions: Answer the following questions.

  1. What is the definition of a corollary?
  1. What part of the world did Teddy Roosevelt not want European countries involved in?
  1. Explain the following quote: “Speak softly and carry a big stick”

US.5c – World War I

Directions: Write the name of the country beside the corresponding number. Check whether the country was a Central Power or an Allied Power. (Use the map in your notebook to help).

Country Name / Central Power / Allied Power

neutral / militarism / Great Britain / Maine / Lusitania
Treaty of Versailles / Zimmerman Telegram / 14 Points Plan / 1917 / imperialism
1914 / FDR / alliances / League of Nations / Woodrow Wilson
nationalism / U-boats / Germany / assassination / rejected

World War I began in the year______. There were several reasons why problems existed in Europe for years before World War I started. These reasons included ______, ______, ______, and ______. The spark that led war to break out in Europe was the ______of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

The United States stayed ______ for the first few years of the war. But the United States finally entered the war in ______. One reason the United States entered was because of the economic and political ties to______Another reason was the sinking of the______which was a passenger shiptorpedoed by German______The final reason was the ______in which Germany bribed Mexico to declare war on the U.S. to keep the U.S. too busy to enter WWI.

WWI finally ended on November 18, 1918. Leaders from the Allied Powers met to discuss the details of the ______ The country that was punished the most was______ They had to accept blame for the whole war, reduce their military, pay reparations, and give up a lot of their territory. Germany was not happy.

President______proposed a peace plan called the______ His 14th point called for the creation of the ______which would promote world peace. When Wilson brought the treaty back to Congress to ratify, Congress______the League of Nations. Therefore, the United States never ratified the treaty, and we were never part of the League of Nations.

USII.6a – The Roaring 20s – Technology

Directions: Use the word bank below to complete the following sentences.

Henry Ford / telephones / airplane / jobs
labor-saving / electric / radio / industries
Wright / automobile / movies
mobility / suburbs / Detroit

During the 1920s, transportation improved because of the affordable ______. ______was the captain of the car industry, which was located in ______. As more people bought and owned cars, there was greater ______because people were able to travel places quicker and easier. One place that people were able to move to were the ______. Also, because more cars were on the road, new ______were created: people were hired to pave new roads, build gas stations, restaurants and hotels, etc. ______that produced products needed for cars also grew. For example, the steel and rubber industries grew because these things were needed to build a car. Another technology that helped transportation was the ______, invented by the ______brothers.

There were also many communication changes in the 1920s. More people owned ______, and were able to talk to people across the country, as well as in other countries. Many people had a ______in their home, and waited for their favorite weekly programs. People also went to the ______to see Charlie Chaplin or Mickey Mouse have new adventures on the big screen.

Electrification also had a huge impact for people in the 1920s. ______products, such as washing machines, electric stoves, toasters, vacuum cleaners allowed people to finish their housework faster, leaving them extra time to enjoy car rides and movies. More people also had ______lighting in their homes.

USII.6c – The Roaring 20s - People

Directions: Write the name of the 1920s person who fits each description. Make sure to use your notebook.

  1. I am a Harlem Renaissance poet ______
  2. I am an artist who painted scenes of the American Southwest ______
  3. I am a writer who wrote about migrant workers during the Great Depression ______
  4. I am a jazz musician known for my trumpet ______
  5. I am a Harlem Renaissance painter known for my scenes of the Great Migration ______
  6. I am a writer who wrote about the “Jazz Age” ______
  7. I am a jazz musician known for my skills on the piano ______
  8. I am a music composer known for my uniquely American sound ______
  9. I am a jazz singer known as the “Empress of Blues” ______
  10. I am a music composer known for my symphonies and musical scores for movies ______

USII.6d – The Great Depression

Directions:Using the word bank, determine what the causes and effects of the Great Depression were and write them in the correct box.

Word Bank

Banks and businesses closed
People were hungry and homeless
People over speculated on stocks and used borrowed money to pay for the stocks
Farmers’ incomes fell to very low levels (Dust Bowl)
The Federal Reserve failed to prevent banks from collapsing
High tariffs prevented trade between countries
¼ of workers were without jobs

Directions: Answer the following questions.

  1. What year did the Great Depression start? ______
  2. Who became President in 1932 after Herbert Hoover? ______
  3. What was FDR’s plan to help the country overcome the Great Depression called? ______
  4. Which New Deal program was aimed at helping (and still helping) elderly people? ______
  5. Which New Deal program helped banks (and still helps banks) from running out of money? ______
  6. New Deal programs helped labor______and workers so that factories did not close and workers were not treated unfairly.
  7. Federal ______programs, such as the CCC and WPA gave people jobs.