El Camino College

Classified Staff Development Committee

Notes from January 29, 2008 Meeting

Present: L. Detwiler, D. Manno, A. Martinez, N. Oshio, L. Smith

Absent: C. Biedler, V. De La Torre, V. Doby, B. Gilmore, C. Peacock, A. Quarles

Minutes from the December 12 meeting were approved.

January Workshops- Review/Update

·  Members reviewed the enrollment numbers. An average of 21 people attended each of the completed workshops. Registration for the upcoming workshops “PERS Retirement” and “DeClutter/Organize Your Workspace” is approximately 35 per session. Donna said that she thought there would have been more attendance at the workshops. She said that the planned workshops ranked high on the classified assessment needs survey. The group briefly discussed the challenges of getting staff to attend. The consensus was that manager’s encouragement and support are important.

Classified Professional Development Day

·  Sarita Maybin will be the keynote speaker. She will also be one of the judges of the cart parade. The keynote address will be held in the Haag Recital Hall or Campus Theatre. Attendance will not be mandatory.

·  Donna asked the committee if they thought it was better to provide each group the sum of $25.00 to buy supplies for their cart. The Staff Development Office will continue to provide basic supplies (to be determined at next meeting). Luukia and Linda both agreed that it is a good idea to allow groups to buy the supplies that are specific to their cart needs.

Donna will be sending out a save-the-date flyer followed by a request-for-cart announcement in February.

Tin-can trophies will be made for first, second, third place and People’s Choice recipients only. Donna suggested that a nice plaque be presented to all other cart entries thanking them for their participation and support.

Luukia mentioned that at College Council Dr. Marsee invited students to participate. The group felt that an open invitation to the student body could create logistical problems for food. However, participation of student government and other campus groups such as Unions is encouraged.

Next meeting scheduled for February 13, 2008.

Meeting adjourned at 2:50pm.