Division of Student & Campus Life
Center for Community
Community Service Grants
For Recognized Student Organizations and Approved Civic Engagement Projects
[Grant applications must be submitted three weeks prior to project or event]
For questions please contact:
Kay Fly, Coordinator of Volunteerism and Service Learning
Center for Community, Union Room 353
, 585‐245‐5893
Dr. Tom Matthews, Director, Leadership Education, Development, and Training
Center for Community, Union Room 353
, 585‐245‐5857
Community Service Group Grants
Mission Statement
Our mission is to distribute Community Service Group Grant funds to help support underfunded
existing SUNY Geneseo programs and help create new outreach program initiatives that serve the wider community.
In this way, the College seeks to support students’ education through community service and
service learning as well as to meet the needs of the community.
This money will be used to provide supplies and resources for recognized organizations and approved civic engagement projects to help accomplish goals and carry out projects.
Information/Application Process
General Guidelines:
- Grants are only for SUNY Geneseo projects. Only recognized student organizations and approved civic engagement projects may apply.
- All sections of the application must be completed prior to submitting the application.
Once the application is received by a Center for Community staff member, changes andadditions may not be made. Once the application is received, the committee will make their decisionbased solely on the information available on the application. Applicants may appeal if
an application is denied.
- Only one application will be considered for a multiple‐group event.
Application Process and Deadlines:
1. Please pick up paper application in the Center for Community, College Union Room 353.
Applications must be completed and submitted at least three weeks prior to the scheduled event. Applications will not be accepted after completed events. No exceptions or extensions will be given. For example, if your event occurred on November 10 and you submit your application on February 5, it will be rejected because it was notsubmitted during the appropriate application time frame.
2. Application will be reviewed by a grants committee of five SUNY Geneseo students and staff members. The application will be approved by majority vote of the committee. Minutes will be recordedand made available upon written request if an application is denied.
3. Approval/Denial of Application:
a. If the application is approved: The applicant will be notified via e‐mail by a staff member of the Center forCommunity.
b. the grants committee may give conditional approval with limitations such as an allocation for less than the requested amount or other (i.e. $200 instead of$250).
c. If the application is denied: The applicant may apply in the next round of applications, provided that the event has not already occurred.
d. All applications and final decisions are subject to approval by Dr. Leonard Sancilio, Dean of
•An individual may apply for funds up to $50
•A group may apply for funds up to $250
Please Note:Individuals/groups will spend the money upfront and be reimbursed.
Reimbursement will only be given to prior submitted and approved applications. Detailed
Documentation with receipts and records are required in order to receive reimbursement. After the appropriatereceipts are received, it may take up to four weeks from date of submission for the check to be processed by the Center for Community and returned to the applicants. Grants are awarded
based on availability and worthiness.
Various Uses for Grant Funds:
Suggestions of Approved Supplies/Projects:
•Food for an event (on‐site)
•Supplies for food (i.e. pancake mix for a Pancake Benefit Breakfast)
•Project Supplies: (art supplies, books, gloves, rakes, trash bags, hats, sports equipment,
•Tickets (i.e. a Big Sister taking their little sister to a play)
The following will not be funded:
•Marketing or fundraising materials (i.e. fliers for publicity, selling sweatpants for the group)
•Trips for a club or class benefit
Date Application Submitted: ______
Date of Event: ______
Grant Application
Please write all information clearly and legibly (attach a separate page if necessary.)
Applicant: ______
Applicant E‐mail: ______
Class/Group Name: ______
Faculty or Advisor Signature: ______
(This signature is required for the grant proposal. Applications will not be considered without it).
Please indicate Group/Individual: ______Group ______Individual
Name of Project: ______
Amount Requested: ______
(Attached budget sheet must be completed)
If you are participating in volunteer efforts, please provide a Project Description of your event:
Location of Project: ______
(Location: Service must be performed in these counties only: Monroe, Livingston, Wyoming, Steuben,
Ontario, Genesee County)
Grant Application
Please answer the following questions (attach a separate page if necessary):
1. The funds from this grant will be used for:
2. Complete the following table in detail:
Item / Anticipated Cost / PurposeBased on this budget, the total amount requested is: ______
*Please note that the amount requested in the budget must match the amount that is
requested on page 6.
1) How critical is this funding to the success of your project?
2) To cover any additional expenses, where will the money come from for this project?
3) Are you or the group receiving money from any other source for this particular project?
______yes ______no
If yes, please list the sources:
4) Have you or do you intend to apply for additional grants? ______yes ______no
If yes, please list the sources:
Please answer the following questions in a well‐written, thoughtful response of no more than
250 words. Applications that exceed this word count will not be considered.
•Describe the project or event
•Who is involved?
•How many in the community will benefit? In what ways will they benefit?
•What is the short term and long term impact on this community?
•Is this a one time only project or will it be repeating?
•How does the project meet the goals of the mission statement?
•Demonstrate financial need