Power Off Clean Stall
1.)Altitude...... enough to allow recovery above 1500 AGL
2.)Clearing turn to clear area of any traffic
3.) Fuel Selector ...... Both
4.)Mixture ...... Rich
5.) Carburetor heat...... ON
6.)Throttle ...... Reduce to idle
7.) Airspeed...... Establish 70-75 momentarily
8.) Pitch ...... Attitude that will induce the stall
9.)Stall ...... Announce the indications and the stall
10.)Recovery ..Nose down, Full mixture, Full throttle, Full carburetor heat
11.) Pitch ...... Climb attitude (Avoid excessive altitude loss)
12.) Wing Flaps...... Verify UP
Power Off Approach Stall
1.)Altitude...... enough to allow recovery above 1500 AGL
2.)Clearing turn to clear area of any traffic
3.) Fuel Selector ...... Both
4.)Mixture ...... Rich
5.) Carburetor heat...... ON
6.) Throttle ...... 1200 RPM
7.)Wing Flaps...... 30 degrees (10 degrees at a time)
8.) Airspeed ...... Establish 70-75 momentarily
9.)Pitch...... Attitude that will induce the stall
10.)Stall...... Announce the indications and the stall
11.)Recovery...Nose down, Full mixture, Full throttle, Full carburetor heat
12.) Pitch...... Climb attitude (Avoid excessive altitude loss)
13.)Wing Flaps...... 20 degrees
14.) Wing Flaps...... 10 degrees (after reaching Vx 67)
15.) Wing Flaps...... Up (after reaching Vy 80)
Power On Clean Stall
1.)Altitude...... enough to allow recovery above 1500 AGL
2.)Clearing turn to clear area of any traffic
3.) Fuel Selector ...... Both
4.)Mixture...... Rich
5.) Carburetor heat...... ON
6.) Throttle...... Idle
7.) Airspeed...... 60 (Rotation Speed)
8.) Power ...... Full mixture, Full throttle, Full carburetor heat
9.) Pitch...... Attitude that will induce the stall
10.)Stall...... Announce the indications and the stall
11.)Recovery.. Nose down, Full mixture, Full throttle, Full carburetor heat
12.) Pitch...... Climb attitude (Avoid excessive altitude loss)
13.) Wing Flaps...... Verify UP
Power On Takeoff Stall
1.)Altitude...... enough to allow recovery above 1500 AGL
2.)Clearing turn to clear area of any traffic
3.) Fuel Selector...... Both
4.)Mixture...... Rich
5.) Carburetor heat...... ON
6.) Throttle...... Idle
7.)Wing Flaps...... 10 degrees
7.) Airspeed ...... 60 (Rotation Speed)
8.) Power ...... Full mixture, Full throttle, Full carburetor heat
9.) Pitch ...... Attitude that will induce the stall
10.)Stall...... Announce the indications and the stall
11.)Recovery...Nose down, Full mixture, Full throttle, Full carburetor heat
12.) Pitch...... Climb attitude (Avoid excessive altitude loss)
13.) Wing Flaps...... Up (after reaching Vy 80)
Maneuvering During Slow Flight:
1.)Altitude...... above 1500 AGL
2.)Clearing turn to clear area of any traffic
3.) Fuel Selector ...... Both
4.)Mixture ...... Rich
5.) Carburetor heat...... ON
6.)Throttle...... As necessary to maintain altitude
7.)Pitch ...... As necessary to maintain airspeed just above a stall
8.)Maneuver...... Two 90 degree turns in opposite directions
9.)Wing Flaps...... 30 degrees (10 degrees at a time)
10.)Maneuver...... Two 90 degree turns in opposite directions
11.) Recovery...... Full mixture, Full throttle, Full carburetor heat
12.)Wing Flaps ...... 20 degrees
13.) Altitude ...... Maintain
14.) Wing Flaps...... 10 degrees (after reaching Vx 67)
15.) Wing Flaps ...... Up (after reaching Vy 80)
Steep Turns
1.)Altitude...... above 1500 AGL
2.)Clearing turn to clear area of any traffic
3.) Fuel Selector...... Both
4.)Mixture...... Rich
5.) Carburetor heat...... Cold
6.) Airspeed ...... 110 (around 2400 RPM)
7.) Enter 360 degree turn
a.) Inside rudder
b.) 45 degrees bank
b.) maintain altitude and airspeed
c.) lead roll out by 20 degrees (1/2 bank angle)
d.) reduce power and pitch to maintain entry airspeed and altitude
8.)Reverse direction and perform 360 degree turn
Ground Reference Maneuvers
1.) Fuel selector ...... Both
2.) Mixture...... Rich
3.) Carburetor heat...... Cold
4.) Airspeed...... 110
5.) Altitude...... 1000’ AGL
5.) Maneuvering area...... Clear
6.) Select appropriate reference points and area
a.) Clear of any obstructions
b.) Emergency Landing Field within gliding distance
c.) Non populated
Turns around a point: Enter Downwind
Two complete turns to the left
Exit at same heading as entry
Rectangle Course:Enter at a 45 degree mid-field left downwind
Establish adequate wind drift correction
Exit at same point of entry
S-Turns: Enter downwind perpendicular to road
First series of turns to the left
Exit downwind