School District: (To enter, click VIEW, then HEADER/FOOTER) Center Name: Date:
Action Component: PACE-like Family Literacy is a family literacy program designed to break the intergenerational cycle of “under education” in Kentucky by providing opportunities for parents and their children (birth – 18) to learn together, thereby creating a desire for life-long learning.
Goal of Component: To address the four family literacy components (1. child education 2. parent time 3. parent and child together time 4. adult education) that provide opportunities for parents and their children ages birth to 18 to learn together, thereby creating a desire for life-long learning.
Local Supporting Data
School Data:
Desired Outcome(Statement of
Expected Benefit) / Collaborative
Fund Source & Cost
(Inputs) / Activities
w/ Timelines / Implementation
/ Results
(as supported by data) / Additional Observations
(This is a required section for each Activity) /
Outputs (# of participants,
# activities, etc) / Outcome Achieved (data to support change in behavior,
knowledge, skills, attitude, condition ) /
Shaded areas are to be completed by the coordinator on an ongoing basis