The “how to” of polls in Webex
Prepare a poll questionnaire
On the Polling panel, you can prepare a poll questionnaire that includes multiple-answer, single-answer, and text questions. Once you complete a questionnaire, you can open the poll at any time during a training session.
Compose poll questions and answers directly in the session
1. Click the Polling tab.
2. Under Question Type, select the type of question you want to compose by doing one of the following:
§ Select Multiple choice > Multiple Answers.
§ Select Multiple choice > Single Answer.
§ To compose a text question, select Short answer.
Note: Mac users will set the question type when adding an answer.3. Click New. Mac users will click the Add New Question icon.
4. Type a question.
5. In the Answer section, click Add. Mac users will click the Add an Answer icon.
6. Type an answer to the question in the box that appears. You can enter additional answers in the same manner.
The question and answers appear in the Poll Questions area.
7. To add questions, repeat steps 2 to 7.
Tip: While you are creating a poll questionnaire, Training Center automatically saves it every two minutes to the WebEx folder in the My Documents folder on your computer. If you ever lose your poll questionnaire, you can easily recover it in the designated folder.Open a poll
If you prepared your questionnaire in advance and saved it, you must first open it on the Polling panel. For details, see Open a poll questionnaire file.
1. Open the Polling panel.
2. Click Open Poll.
The questionnaire appears on attendees' Polling panels. As attendees answer the questions, you can watch the polling status on your Polling panel.
3. Click Close Poll when the time is up.
If you specify a timer and the poll times out, the poll automatically closes. Attendees can no longer answer questions.
Once you close a poll, you can view the poll results and optionally share them with attendees. For details, see View and share poll results.
Fill out a poll questionnaire
1. Select the option buttons or check boxes for each question.
2. If the questionnaire includes text questions, type your answers in the boxes.
3. Click Submit.
If the presenter shares the results of the poll, you can view them on your Polling panel. For details, see View poll results.
View poll results
After the presenter closes a poll, the presenter can share the results with training session attendees. Shared results appear on your Polling panel.
The Results column indicates the percentage of attendees who chose each answer. The Bar Graph column provides a graphic representation of each percentage in the Results column. The Questions column shows your answers.
Share poll results with attendees
After you close a poll, you can share the following with attendees:
§ Poll results—shows the poll results in the attendee's Polling panel
§ Individual Results—shares an attendee results document in a Web browser with the attendee
§ Correct answers—shows the correct answers in the Polling panel
§ Individual's grades—shows the attendee's grade in the Polling panel
On your Polling panel, select > Share with attendees > what you would like to share > Apply.
View poll results
Once you close a poll, you can view the complete results of the poll and share them with attendees.
On your Polling panel, the Results column indicates the percentage of attendees who chose each answer. The Bar Graph column provides a graphic representation of each percentage in the Results column.
Note: Training Manager bases the percentage of attendees who chose each answer on the total number of attendees in the training session, not the total number of attendees who filled out the questionnaire.Save a poll questionnaire
Once you create a poll questionnaire, you can save it as an .atp file. You can open the file for use in any training session. For more information about preparing a poll questionnaire, see Compose poll questions and answers.
If you make changes to a poll questionnaire after you save it, you can either save the changes to the same file or save a copy of the questionnaire to another file.
If you want to… / Do the following…Save a new poll questionnaire / Select File > Save > Poll Questions. Training Manager saves the poll questionnaire to a file at the location you specified. Poll questionnaire file names have an .atp extension.
Save changes to a poll questionnaire that you previously saved. / Select File > Save > Poll Questions.
Save a copy of a poll questionnaire / Select File > Save As > Poll Questions, and enter a name and location for the file.
Save poll results
If you conduct a poll and then share its results, you can save the results to a text, or .txt, file.
Once you save poll results to a file, you can save changes to the poll results or save a copy of the results to another file.
Tip: Training Center automatically saves poll results every two minutes to the WebEx folder in the My Documents folder on your computer. If you ever lose your poll results, you can easily recover them in the designated folder. Training Center saves both group and individual results.If you want to… / Do the following…
Save new poll results / Select File > Save > Poll Results. Training Manager saves the poll results to a file at the location you specified. The names of poll results files have a .txt extension.
Save changes to poll results that you previously saved. / Select File > Save > Poll Results.
Save a copy of poll results / Select File > Save As > Poll Results, and enter a name and location for the file.
Open a poll questionnaire file
Note: You can open a poll questionnaire file, which has an .atp extension, only when a training session is in progress.1. Select File > Open > Poll Questions.
2. Select a poll questionnaire file and click Open.
Note: If you renamed the tab name for the poll questionnaire, the file name will match your change.The poll questionnaire appears on your Polling panel. You can now open the poll to training session attendees.
Open a poll results file
Double-click the saved file, which has a .txt extension.
For each question, the poll results show the number and percentage of attendees who chose each answer and the total number of attendees in the training session.