Agency/Vendor / MOA
Number / Agreement Period/
Total Cost / Reason for Exchange of
Resources or Responsibilities / Pay Schedule/
Funding Source / Agreement Description
Agency/Vendor / MOA
Number / Agreement Period/
Total Cost / Reason for Exchange of
Resources or Responsibilities / Amendment Amount/
Amendment Description / Agreement Description
Adult Education and Literacy, Department for
1. / Carroll Co. Board of Education
Carrollton, KY / 20769 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$42,500.00 / Pursuant to the approved Lifelong Literacy and Adult Basic Education - Jobs for Adult Graduates (JAG) plan, the Kentucky Department for Adult Education and Literacy is awarding JAG subcontracts, in compliance with the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) as amended, P. L. 102-367, Section 123, Education and Coordination Grants. / Increase by $2,500.00;
Budget increase to purchase a lap top computer for the JAG programs. / Jobs for Adult Graduates (JAG) programs provide services in compliance with a curriculum developed by the Jobs for America's Graduates, Inc. titled "Out-of-school Dropout Recovery." This competency areas are career development, job survival, basic skills, leadership, self-development, and personal skills. These services are provided to JTPA-eligible participants, ages 16-23, who are high school dropouts.
2. / UK Research Foundation
Lexington, KY / 20754 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$8,000.00 / Agriculture does not have the resources available to perform the scientific aspects
of this project. / No increase or decrease;
Request of early implementation date. / Administer a program for the expansion and maintenance of American ginseng in Kentucky.
3. / Purchase ADD
Mayfield, KY / 19718 / 11/17/98 - 6/30/99
$62,250.00 / Provide funds made available by USDA for issuance of foods. / Increase by $41,250.00;
Increase in volume of work. / To provide receipt, storage and distribution of USDA foods.
4. / Northern Kentucky ADD
Florence, KY / 19719 / 11/17/98 - 6/30/99
$80,250.00 / Provide funds made available by USDA for issuance of foods. / Increase by $54,250.00;
Increase in volume of work. / Provide receipt, storage and distribution of USDA foods.
Education, Department of
5. / Hancock Co. Board of Education
Hawesville, KY / 20581 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$22,486.00 / In accordance with the Kentucky Department for Adult Education and Literacy State Plan for Adult Education and pursuant to KRS 151B, the Kentucky Department for Adult Education and Literacy is the state agency authorized to award adult education subgrants under the authority of the Adult Education Act, P.L., 100-297, as amended by the National Literacy Act, P.L. 102-73. / Decrease by $1,161.00;
Correct an administrative error in computing the Staff Development fund for this project. / Adult basic education programs provide basic academic, life, and employability skills instruction via teachers and volunteers for adults, from literacy to GED level.
6. / KY Valley Education Cooperative
Hazard, KY / 20571 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$943,089.00 / In accordance with the Kentucky Department for Adult Education and Literacy State Plan for Adult Education and pursuant to KRS 151B, the Kentucky Department for Adult Education and Literacy is the state agency authorized to award adult education subgrants under the authority of the Adult Education Act, P.L., 100-297, as amended by the National Literacy Act, P.L. 102-73. / Increase by $548.00;
Correct an administrative error in computing the Corrections State Conference allocation. / Adult basic education programs provide basic academic, life, and employability skills instruction via teachers and volunteers for adults, from literacy to GED level. Staff Development funds are used to provide training that is cost-effective and addresses specific regional and statewide issues for adult educators to increase student learning and achievements.
7. / Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative
Shelbyville, KY / 19463F-1 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$83,061.00 / Promote Marilyn Peterson from Branch Manager to Division Director. / Increase by $3,921.00;
Annual salary increase. / MA between KDE and Ohio Valley Ed Cooperative to obtain services of Marilyn Peterson as a Division Director.
8. / Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative
Shelbyville, KY / 19463G-1 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$89,393.00 / Promote Thomas Peterson from Branch Manager to Division Director. / Increase by $4,222.00;
Annual salary increment. / Memorandum of Agreement between the Kentucky Department of Education and Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative to obtain services of Thomas Peterson as Division Director.
9. / Kenton County Board of Education; James Spaw
Erlanger, KY / 19613 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$71,251.00 / KDE does not have the personnel to fill this position and is therefore contracting services from vendor. / Increase by $6,695.00;
Salary increase and increase number of days by board. / Furnish the services of its employees as a consultant in the Region 4 Service Center.
10. / Daviess County Board of Education
Owensboro, KY / 19663 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$58,015.00 / KDE does not have the personnel to fill this position and is therefore contracting services from vendor. / Increase by $1,440.00;
Salary increment by board. / Furnish the services of its employee as a math portfolio consultant in the Bureau of Learning Results Services.
11. / Corbin Ind. Schools
Corbin, KY / 20589 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$50,377.00 / Pursuant to KRS 151B and KRS 158.360, as amended, and in accordance with the Kentucky Department for adult Education and Literacy (DAEL) State Plan for Adult Education, DAEL is the state agency authorized to award subgrants for Parent and Child Education (PACE) for Family Independence programs. / Increase by $648.00;
Correction of staff computation error. / Parent and Child Education (PACE) for Family Independence programs provide basic academic skills which include parenting skills, and employability skills. Eligible participants are adults who do not possess a high school credential and their children (age 0-8).
12. / Johnson County Bd. of Education; Brenda Blackburn
Paintsville, KY / 19659 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$78,086.00 / Kentucky Department of Education does not have the personnel to fill this position and is therefore contracting services from vendor. / Decrease by $481.00;
Salary increase by board, however indirect cost rate decrease. / Furnish the services of its employee as a Highly Skilled Educator in the Division of School Improvement.
13. / Mayfield Independent Schools; Ruth Ann Harrell
Mayfield, KY / 19650 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$41,551.00 / KDE does not have the personnel to fill this position and is therefore contracting services from vendor. / Increase by $7,600.00;
Salary increment by board, extended days and indirect cost rate decrease. / Furnish the services of its employees as a consultant in the Region 1 Service Center.
14. / Calloway County Board of Education; Joy Waldrop
Murray, KY / 19666 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$78,845.00 / To provide services in the Division of School Improvement as a Highly Skilled Educator pursuant to KRS 158.782. / Increase by $5,053.00;
Salary increment by local board of education. / Furnish the services of its employees as a Highly Skilled Educator in the Division of School Improvement.
Families and Children, Cabinet for
15. / Harlan County BOE
Harlan, KY / 19696 / 10/1/98 - 6/30/99
$545,334.00 / Mandated by statute KRS 156.497. / Decrease by $6,066.00;
Reduce the FY '99 grant by the amount of funds unexpended from FY '98 grant. / Provide funding and support for the operation of local Family Resource and Youth Service Centers.
16. / KIPDA
Louisville, KY / 20012 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$6,871,743.00 / Federal mandate to contract with designated PSA, in this case the ADD. / Increase by $23,527.00;
Additional Federal Grant. / Provide services to the elderly.
17. / Kentucky River ADD
Hazard, KY / 20200 / 8/1/98 - 6/30/99
$1,461,524.00 / Federal mandate to contract with designated PSA, in this case the ADD. / Increase by $8,468.00;
Additional federal grant. / Provide services to the elderly.
18. / Lake Cumberland ADD
Russell Springs, KY / 20201 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$1,901,328.00 / Federal mandate to contract with designated PSA, in this case the ADD. / Increase by $11,952.00;
Add Federal dollars to Benefits Counseling Program budget. / Provide services to the elderly.
19. / Community Action Council
Lexington, KY / 20178 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$653,200.00 / To provide a local level mechanism to the Second Party's organization for Kentucky Works Program (KWP) case management services by providing funds to employ, house and train staff and maintain equipment (including computer hardware and software) to access the System Tracking Employability Program (STEP) and maintain clerical support and reporting requirements. / Increase by $68,000.00;
Increase pursuant to negotiations between the contractor and agency. / Provide case management services to Kentucky Transitional Assistance Participants (K-TAP) in the Bluegrass Area Development District.
20. / Fayette County Public Schools
Lexington, KY / 19685 / 10/1/98 - 6/30/99
$1,300,824.00 / Mandated by statute KRS 156.497. / Decrease by $34,576.00;
Reduce the FY '99 grant by the amount of funds unexpended from FY '98 grant. / Provide funding and support for the operation of local Family Resource and Youth Service Centers.
21. / Cumberland Valley ADD
London, KY / 19860 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$2,758,774.00 / Federal mandate to contract with designated PSA, in this case the ADD. / Increase by $14,887.00;
Additional Federal funds. / Provide services to the elderly.
22. / FIVCO Area Development District
Cattletsburg, KY / 20143 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$1,320,580.00 / Federal mandate to contract with designated PSA, in this case the ADD. / Increase by $7,981.00;
Additional Federal Grant. / Provide services to the elderly.
23. / Gateway ADD
Owingsville, KY / 19859 / 8/1/98 - 6/30/99
$891,877.00 / Federal mandate to contract with designated PSA, in this case the ADD. / Increase by $5,660.00;
Additional Federal Grant. / Services to the elderly.
24. / Lincoln County BOE
Stanford, KY / 19760 / 10/1/98 - 6/30/99
$225,251.00 / Mandated by statute KRS 156.497. / Decrease by $549.00;
Reduce the FY '99 grant by the amount of funds unexpended from FY '98 grant. / Provide funding and support for the operation of local Family Resource and Youth Service Centers.
25. / Barren River ADD
Owensboro, KY / 19852 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$2,137,156.00 / Federal mandate to contract with designated PSA, in this case the ADD. / Increase $10,220.00;
Additional Federal Grant. / Provide services to the elderly.
Finance and Administration, Cabinet for
26. / Pennyrile ADD
Hopkinsville, KY / 20140 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$2,259,537.00 / Federal mandate to contract with designated PSA, in this case the ADD. / Increase by $11,428.00;
Additional federal grant. / Provide services to the elderly.
Health Services, Cabinet for
27. / Eastern Kentucky University
Richmond, KY / 19828 / 7/1/98 - 6/30/99
$181,421.00 / Agency does not have the expertise to provide necessary training. / Increase by $2,500.00;
Reimbursement for technical computer assistance. / Development of a Regional Monitoring System and a Technical Assistance Team for the Kentucky First Steps Program, and to provide training in Person Centered Practices.
Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet
28. / Division of Forestry
Frankfort, KY / NREPC0044 / 11/10/97 - 6/30/99
$297,000.00 / KRS 146.560. / Increase by $136,000.00;
Cupp property acquisition. / Pursuant to KRS 146.560 for acquisition of land.
29. / City of Owensboro
Owensboro, KY / 19098 / 8/1/98 - 12/31/98
$2,500.00 / Federal project for Local Government and Non-Profits. / No increase or decrease;
Extension for time only. / Urban Tree planning Grant.
30. / University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY / 17682 / 5/1/99 - 6/30/01
$195,700.00 / This Federal Program set up for project on local Government level. / No increase or decrease;
Time extension only. / Federal 319 Project.
Office of School to Work
31. / Badget Center
Madisonville, KY / 20861 / 11/1/98 - 9/30/99
$275,000.00 / Promote School to Work activities in the local labor market areas as required by the 1994 School to Work Opportunities Act. / No increase or decrease;
Time extension only. / 1998-99 School to Work Continuation Project subgrant agreement.
32. / Buffalo Trace Area Development District
Maysville, KY / 20869 / 10/1/98 - 9/30/99
$300,000.00 / Promote School to Work activities in the local labor market areas as required by the 1994 School to Work Opportunities Act. / No increase or decrease;
Time extension only. / 1998-99 School to Work Continuation Project subgrant agreement.
33. / Rockcastle County Board of Education
Mt. Vernon, KY / 20866 / 10/1/98 - 9/30/99
$130,000.00 / Promote School to Work activities in the local labor market areas as required by the 1994 School to Work Opportunities Act. / No increase or decrease;
Time extension only. / 1998-99 School to Work Continuation Project subgrant agreement.
34. / Cumberland Valley Area Development District
London, KY / 20867 / 10/1/98 - 9/30/99
$325,000.00 / Promote School to Work activities in the local labor market areas as required by the 1994 School to Work Opportunities Act. / No increase or decrease;
Time extension only. / 1998-99 School to Work Continuation Project subgrant agreement.
35. / Kentucky Educational Development Cooperative
Ashland, KY / 20868 / 11/1/98 - 9/30/99
$90,000.00 / Promote School to Work activities in the local labor market areas as required by the 1994 School to Work Opportunities Act. / No increase or decrease;
Time extension only. / 1998-99 School to Work Continuation Project subgrant agreement.
36. / Lake Cumberland Community Service organization
Jamestown, KY / 20862 / 11/1/98 - 9/30/99
$95,000.00 / Promote School to Work activities in the local labor market areas as required by the 1994 School to Work Opportunities Act. / No increase or decrease;
Time extension only. / 1998-99 School to Work Continuation Project subgrant agreement.
37. / Clark County Board of Education
Winchester, KY / 20865 / 11/1/98 - 9/30/99
$285,000.00 / Promote School to Work activities in the local labor market areas as required by the 1994 School to Work Opportunities Act. / No increase or decrease;
Time extension only. / 1998-99 School to Work Continuation Project subgrant agreement.
38. / Providence Independent Schools Board of Education
Providence, KY / 20863 / 11/1/98 - 9/30/99
$300,000.00 / Promote School to Work activities in the local labor market areas as required by the 1994 School to Work Opportunities Act. / No increase or decrease;
Time extension only. / 1998-99 School to Work Continuation Project subgrant agreement.
Workforce Development Cabinet
39. / Dept. for Employment Services
Frankfort, KY / 19068 / 4/15/97 - 10/30/98
$180,000.00 / Subgranting federal money according to regulations set forth in award of One-Stop Grant. / No increase or decrease;
Time extension only. / Act as a fiscal agent for the One-Stop Career Center System Local Partnership Council to oversee the implementation of a One-Stop Career Center System.