Discovering Density
Objective: To have students discover ways to calculate the density of various objects.
In this lab, you will be trying to find ways to measure the density of certain objects using some/all of the laboratory equipment provided. Groups must think of a procedure for each object and get teacher approval before beginning the experiment. Students must record all data in the proper format and show all calculations.
Requirements: Each student will hand in a lab report on a separate piece of paper containing:
At the top of the lab report should be:
Then there should be the following sections represented for each individual item.
Materials used – list only the materials needed for that trial.
Procedure (a separate procedure for each item – they may be different – also you may have to write 2 procedures for finding the density of an object if there are two ways of effectively and accurately finding the density). Please note – if a procedure for measuring is identical for a second or third substance you may write “Refer to the procedure for the ______,” instead of writing out the entire procedure.
Data tables – create a data table specific for that trial – make sure to measure correctly with proper estimation and significant figures.
Calculations – show your work and include units and proper significant figures.
For example – when you find the density of object x, you will have to write a materials section, then a procedure, followed by a data table and calculations. If there are two ways of finding density, then you will have to do another materials section, procedure, etc. Then you will have to repeat that process for the rest of the objects you will be testing. See the back of this page for a sample lab report
Caution! You will be using metal and glass in this lab. You must be careful when inserting any metal into a graduated cylinder. Please tilt the cylinder to the side and gently slide the pieces of metal until they delicately glide to the bottom.
Sample Lab report
Title - ………
Purpose - ……….
Object # 1 – Rubber ball – density trial 1
Materials # 1 - …….
Procedure # 1 - ………
Data Table 1 –
Calculations 1 - ………
Object # 1 – Rubber ball – density trial 2
Materials # 2 - …….
Procedure # 2 - ………
Data Table 2 –
Calculations 2 - ………
Object # 2 – steel cylinder
Materials –
Procedure –