Matthew A. Zook
University of Kentucky 859.218.0955(office)
Departmentof Geography510.410.1410 (cell)
817Patterson Office
Lexington, KY 40506@mattzook
Academic Work Experience
University Research Professor, Department of Geography, University of Kentucky (2018 -)
Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Geography, University of Kentucky (2012-13; 2018 -)
Professor, Department of Geography, University of Kentucky (2014-2018)
Director of GIS Initiatives and New Maps Plus,Department of Geography, University of Kentucky (2012-2017)
Co-Director, New Mappings Collaboratory, University of Kentucky (2012- )
State Geographer, Commonwealth of Kentucky (2015)
Visiting Professor,Urban Planning Curriculum: Changing Cities and ICTs. Department of Geography, Tartu University, Estonia (2014- )
Visiting Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (2014)
Fulbright Scholar,Department of Geography, Tartu University, Estonia (2013-14)
Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Kentucky (2007-14)
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dept. of Geography, University of Kentucky (2007-09)
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Kentucky (2002-07)
Visiting Research Fellow, Public Policy Institute of California, (2001-02)
Publications (5000+ citations, h-index 33,i10-index 55, according to Google Scholar)
(a) Monographs
Zook, M.A. (2005). The Geography of the Internet Industry: Venture Capital, Dot-coms and Local Knowledge. Blackwell Publishers
(b) Peer Reviewed Work
Zook, M. and M. Graham. (2017). Hacking Code/Space: Confounding the Code of Global Capitalism. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. Forthcoming.
Zook, M. (2017). Crowd-sourcing the Smart City: Using Big Geosocial Media Metrics in Urban Governance. Big Data and Society. Vol 4(1). Pp. 1-13.
Zook, M., Barocas, S., boyd, d., Crawford, K., Keller, E., Gangadharan, S.P., Goodman, A., Hollander, R., Koenig, B., Metcalf, J., Narayanan, A., Nelson, A., and Pasquale, F.(2017). Ten Simple Rules for Responsible Big Data Research. PLOS Computational Biology. March 31.
Cockayne, D. Leszczynski, A. & M. Zook.(2017).#HotForBots: Sex, the non-human, and digitally-mediated spaces of intimate encounter. Environment and Planning D: Society & Space.0263775817709018.
Poorthuis, P. and M. Zook. (2017). Making Big Data Small: Strategies to Expand Urbanand Geographical Research Using Social Media. Journal of Urban Technology. Pp 1-21.
Ashton, P. Weber, R and M. Zook. (2017). How New Data Practices Reconfigure Urban Governance. Big Data and Society.
Ojanperä, S., Graham, M., Straumann, R. K., De Sabbata, S., & Zook, M. (2017). Engagement in theknowledge economy: Regional patterns of content creation with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Information Technologies & International Development. 13, 33–52.
Zook, M., and M. Grote. (2016). The Microgeographies of Global Finance: High Frequency Trading and the Construction of Information Inequality. Environment and Planning A. DOI: 10.1177/0308518X16667298
Zook, M., Kraak. MJ. Ahas, R. (2015). Geographies of Mobility: Applications of Location Based Data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. Vol.29 (11).
Graham, M, Sabbata, S and M. Zook. (2015). Towards a Study of Information Geographies: Immutable Augmentations and a Mapping of the Geographies of Information. Geo: Geography and Environment. DOI:10.1002/geo2.8/epdf
Ahas, R., Yuan, Y., Smoreda, Z., Aasa, A., Raubal, M., Liu, Y., Ziemlicki, C., and Zook, M. (2015). Smart Timing for Smart Cities - Developing indicators for measuring social time from mobile phone datasets, a Case study of China, Estonia and France.International Journal of Geographical Information Science. DOI:10.1080/13658816.2015.1063151
Shelton, T., A. Poorthuis. Zook, M. (2015). Social media and the city: Rethinking urban socio-spatial inequality using user-generated geographic information. Landscape and Urban Planning. pp. 198–211doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.02.020
Poorthuis, P. and M. Zook. (2015). Small Stories in Big Data: gaining insights from large spatial point pattern data sets. Special Issue of Cityscape. 151-160.
Shelton, Taylor Matthew Zook and Alan Wiig. (2014). The ‘actually existing smart city’ Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society. doi:10.1093/cjres/rsu026
Poorthuis, Ate and M. Zook.(2014). Artists and Bankers and Hipsters, Oh My! Mapping Tweets in the New York Metropolitan Region. Cityscape. Volume 16(2). 169-173.
Shelton, T., Poorthuis, A., Graham, M. and M. Zook. (2014).Mapping the Data Shadows of Hurricane Sandy: Uncovering the Sociospatial Dimensions of ‘Big Data’. Geoforum. Vol 52 (3), 167-179. .
Crampton, J. Graham, M., Poorthuis, A., Shelton, T. Stephens, M., Wilson, M.Zook, M.(2013). Beyond the Geotag? Deconstructing “Big Data” and Leveraging the Potential of the Geoweb.Cartography and Geographic Information Science (CaGIS)40 (2), 130-139.DOI:10.1080/15230406.2013.777137
Graham, M. and M. Zook. (2013). Augmented realities and uneven geographies:Exploring the geolinguistic contours of the Web. Environment and Planning A. 45 (1), 77-99. DOI:10.1068/a44674.Awarded the Ashby Prize by Environment and Planning A for the most innovative paper of 2013
Graham, M, Zook, M. and A. Boulton. (2013). Augmented Reality in the Urban Environment: Distorted Mirrors and Imagined Reflections.Transactions of the Institute of BritishGeographers.Vol.38(3), 464–479.DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-5661.2012.00539.x
Shelton, T, Zook, M. and M. Graham. (2012). The Technology of Religion: Mapping Religious Cyberscapes. Professional Geographer. 64(4) 602-617.DOI:10.1080/00330124.2011.614571
Roberts, S., Secor, A., and M. Zook. (2012). Critical Infrastructure: Mapping the Leaky Plumbing of US Hegemony. Antipode. Vol 44. 1. pp. 5-9
Zook, M., Devriendt, L. and M. Dodge. (2011). Cyberspatial Proximity Metrics: Reconceptualizing Distance in the Global Urban System. 18(1). Journal of Urban Technology. 93-114
Graham, M and M. Zook. (2011). Visualizing the Global Cyberscape: Mapping User Generated Placemarks. Journal of Urban Technology. 18(1). 115-132
Participants in the Economic Geography 2010 Workshop (I was one of 20 authors contributing to this paper). (2011). Emerging Themes in Economic Geography" Economic Geography, Vol 87(2). 111-126
Zook, M., Graham, M., Shelton, T. and S. Gorman. (2010). Volunteered Geographic Information and Crowdsourcing Disaster relief: A Case Study of the Haitian Earthquake. World Health and Medical Policy. Vol 2(2)
Zook M, Graham M. (2010). Featured graphic: The virtual ‘bible belt’" Environment and Planning A. 42(4) 763 – 764
Dodge, M., Kitchin, R. and M. Zook (2009). How does software make space? Exploring some geographical dimensions of pervasive computing and software studies (Guest Editorial). Environmental and Planning A. 41(6). 1283–1293
Crutcher, M. and M. Zook. (2009). Placemarks and Waterlines: Racialized Cyberscapes in Post Katrina Google Earth. GeoForum. 40(4). 523-534
Grubesic, T., Matisziw, T. and M. Zook (2009). Spatio-temporal fluctuations in the global airport hierarchies. Journal of Transport Geography. 17(4), 264-275
Grubesic, T., Matisziw, T. and M. Zook (2008). Global Airline Networks and Nodal Regions. GeoJournal. 71(1), 53-66
Zook, M. and M. Graham. (2007). The Creative Reconstruction of the Internet: Google and the Privatization of Cyberspace and DigiPlace. GeoForum. Vol. 38(6). 1322-1343
Zook, M. and M. Graham. (2007). Mapping DigiPlace: Geo-coded Internet Data and the Perception of Place. Environment and Planning B. 466-482
Zook, M. (2007). Your Urgent Assistance is Requested: The Intersection of 419 Spam and New Networks of Imagination. Ethics, Place and Environment. Vol. 10. No. 1. 65-87
Grubesic, T. and M. Zook. (2007). A Ticket to Ride:Evolving Landscapes of Air Travel Accessibility in United States Journal ofTransportation Geography. Vol. 15 (6). 417-430
Zook, M and S. Brunn. (2006). From Podes to Antipodes: New Dimensions in Mapping Global Airline Geographies. Annals of the Association of America Geographers. September. 471-490
Zook, M and S. Brunn. (2005). Regions, Hierarchies and Legacies: European Cities and Global Air Travel. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. August. Vol 13 (2). 203-220
Zook, M.A.(2004). The Knowledge Brokers: Venture Capitalists, Tacit Knowledge and Regional Development. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. (September): 621-41
O' Riain, S., Parthasarathy, B. and M.A. Zook (2004). Symposium: Flows and Filters: The Politics of ICT Regions in a Global Economy. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. (September): 617-20
Zook, M.A. (2003). Underground globalization:Mapping the space of flows of the internet adult industry. Environment and Planning A. Vol 35(7). 1261-1286.
Zook, M.A. (2002). Hubs, nodes, and bypassed places: A typology of e-commerce regions in the United States. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. Vol 93. No.5. pp. 509-521
Zook, M.A. (2002). Grounded capital: Venture financing and the geography of the internet industry, 1994-2000. Journal of Economic Geography. Vol 2. No 2.151-177.
Elmer, V, Landis, J. and M.A. Zook. (2002). New Economy Housing Markets: Fast and Furious, But How Different? Housing Policy Debate. Vol. 13. No. 2. 233-274.
Chapple, K. and M.A. Zook. (2002). Why Some IT jobs stay: The rise of job training in information technology. Journal of Urban Technology. Vol 9. No 1. 57-83.
Zook, M.A. (2001). Old hierarchies or new networks of centrality? The global geography of the internet content market. American Behavioral Scientist. (June). Vol 44. No. 10. 1679-1696.
Zook, M.A. (2000). The web of production: The economic geography of commercial internet content production in the United States. Environment and Planning A. Vol. 32. 411-426.
Zook, M.A. (2000). Internet metrics: Using hosts and domain counts to map the internet globally. Telecommunications Policy. Vol. 24 (6/7).613-620.
Zook, M.A. (1996). The unorganized militia network: Conspiracies, computers, and community. Berkeley Planning Journal. 11(1): 26-48.
(c)Book Chaptersand Reports
Zook, M. (2018). Cryptocurrency City. Chapter for How to Run a City Like a Corporation, and Other Fables (Eds. Mark Graham, Rob Kitchin, Shannon Mattern and Joe Shaw). Meatspace Press (
Zook, M. (2017). Information Flows, Global Finance and New Digital Spaces. Chapter for the New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography.
Zook, Shelton, T. and A. Poorthuis. (2017). Big Data and the City. Chapter for Handbook of Urban Geography (Ronald van Kempen and Tim Schwanen, Editors).
Zook, M. (2017). Geography of Digital Industries. Book Chapter for Digital Geographies edited by Agnieszka Leszczynski, James Ash, and Rob Kitchin. Sage.
Poorthuis, P. and M. Zook. (2017). The Geography and Gaze of the Selfie. Chris Lukinbeal (Ed.) Media’s Mapping Impulse)
Zook, M., Poorthuis, A, Donohue, R. (2017). Mapping Spaces: Cartographic Representations of Online Data. Chapter for the Handbook of Online Research Methods Second edition, (Eds, Editors Fielding, Lee and Blank).
Poorthuis, A., M. Zook, T. Shelton, M. Graham and M. Stephens. (2017). Using Geotagged Digital Social Data in Geographic Research. Book chapter Key Methods in Geography (3rd edition) Sage. Pp. 248-268.
Zook, M. and J. Breen. (2017). Volunteered Geographic Information. Encyclopedia Entry in Encyclopedia of GIS (2nd edition). Springer.doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23519-6_1,656-1
Zook, M. and T. Shelton. (2017).The Internet and Global Capitalism. Encyclopedia Entry for Wiley-AAG International Encyclopedia of Geography.
Zook M, T Shelton, A Poorthuis, R Donohue, M Wilson, M Graham, M Stephens. What would a floating sheep map? Lexington, KY: Oves Natantes Press, 2015.
Zook, M., Graham, M, and A. Boulton. (2014).Crowd-Sourced Augmented Realities: Social Media and the Power of Digital Representation. Chapter in S. Mains, J. Cupples, and C. Lukinbeal. Mediated Geographies/Geographies of Media. Springer Science International Handbooks in Human Geography
Zook, M. and A. Poorthuis. (2014). Offline Brews and Online Views: Exploring the Geography of Beer Tweets. Chapter in M. Patterson and N.Hoalst-PullenGeographies of Beer. Springer. 201-209
Zook, M. and J. Breen.(2014). Mapping Mashup. Encyclopedia Entry for Wiley-AAG Encyclopedia Entry for Wiley-AAG International Encyclopedia of Geography.
Graham, M. and Zook, M. (2014). Augmentierte Geographien: Zur digitalen Erfahrung des städtischen Alltags. Geographische Rundschau. 65(6) 18-25
Souter, D. and Zook, M. (provided input). (2014). Chapter on Target Nine in Measuring ICT: the global status of ICT indicators. UN Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development.
Shelton, T and M. Zook (2013). Information Society, Geography of. Entry in International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences 2nd Edition. 4500 words.(Ed: James Wright)
Poorthuis, A and M. Zook.(2013). Spaces of Volunteered Geographic Information. Ashgate Research Companion on Geographies of Media (P. Adams, J. Craine J. Dittmer eds.)
Graham, M., Shelton, T., and Zook, M. (2013). Mapping Zombies: A Guide for Pre-Apocalyptic Analysis and Post-Apocalyptic Survival. In Zombies in the Academy: Living Death in Higher Education. Eds. Whelan, A., Walker, R., and Moore, C. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Zook, M. (2013). Making Currency Personal: The Salutary Tale of the Downfall of the Domdrachma.Chapter in The Immersive Internet (Robin Teigland and Dominic Power Eds.) Palgrave. 238-246
Boulton, A and M. Zook. (2013). Coding cultural geographies: landscape, locative media and the map.Chapter in Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Cultural Geography. N. Johnson, R. Schein and J. Winders (eds.) 437-451
Zook. M. (2012). The Virtual Economy. Chapter for The New Companion to Economic Geography (Eds. J. Peck, T. Barnes and E. Sheppard). 298-312
Zook, M and T. Shelton. (2012). The Integration of Virtual Flows into Material Movements within the Global Economy.Chapter in Cities and Flows (P. Hall and M. Hesse Eds.) pp. 42-57
Zook, M., Graham, M. & T. Shelton. (2011). Analyzing global cyberscapes: mapping geo-coded internet information. Proceedings of the 2011 iConference (iConference '11).
Zook, M., Graham, M. and T. Shelton. (2011). The Presidential Placemark Poll. In Atlas of the 2008 Elections (S. Brunn Editor). Pp. 43-45
Zook, M. (2010). Digiplace and cyberscapes: Rethinking the digital divide in urban America. Chapter in Kate Williams (editor). eChicago 2009, The Univeristy of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Zook, M. and M. Samers. (2010). Tele-mediated servants and self-servants of the new economy: labor in the era of the ICT enabled E-commerce. Chapter in Susan McGrath-Champ, Al Rainnie and Andy Herod (eds.) Handbook of Employment and Society: Working Space, London: Edward Elgar.124-143
Zook M. (2009). Internet, Economic Geography. In Kitchin R, Thrift N (eds) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Volume 5, pp. 555-561. Oxford: Elsevier.
Zook M, Dodge M. (2009). Mapping, Cyberspace. In Kitchin R, Thrift N (eds) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Volume 6, pp. 356-367. Oxford: Elsevier
Dodge, M. and M. Zook (2009). Internet Measurement. In Kitchin R, Thrift N (eds) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, pp. 569-579. Oxford: Elsevier
Zook, M. and M. Graham. (2007). From Cyberspace to DigiPlace: Visibility in an Age of Information and Mobility. Chapter in Societies and Cities in the Age of Instant Access Eds. Harvey Miller and Howard Rheingold. 231-244
Zook, M. (2007). The New Old Thing: E-Commerce Geographies after the Dot-Com Boom. In Geographies of the New Economy eds. Peter Daniels, John Beaverstock, Michael Bradshaw and Andrew Leyshon. Routledge. Pp. 87-109
Grubesic, T., Horner, M, Zook, M. and T. Leinbach. (2006). Global Distribution Systems and the U.S. Commercial Air Industry: Gathering Real-Time Airline Flight and Fare Information for Spatial and Economic Analysis. Forthcoming in the Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC
Zook, M. and M. Graham. (2006). Wal-Mart Nation: Mapping the Reach of a Retail Colossus. In Wal-Mart Nation. ed. S. Brunn. Routledge. 15-25
Zook, M. (2006). The Geographies of the Internet. In Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST) ed. B. Cronin. Volume 40. 53-78
Zook, M.A., Dodge, M., Aoyama, Y., and A. Townsend. (2004). New Digital Geographies: Information, Communication, and Place. In Geography and Technology. Brunn, Cutter and Harrington (eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers. 155-176
Zook, M.A. (2004). Cyberspace and local places: Dot-com geography in the late 1990s. In The Cybercities Reader. Steve Graham (ed.). Routledge. 205-212
(d) Book Reviews
Zook, M.A. (2012). Review of Code/Space: Software and Everyday Life by Rob Kitchin and Martin Dodge. Regional Studies. 1105-1106
Zook, M.A. (2010). Review of International Business Travel in the Global Economy. Journal of Economic Geography. Vol 10 (6). 941-943
Zook, M.A. (2005). Review of Cooperation, Networks and Institutions in Regional Innovation Systems. Economic Geography.81(1)
Zook, M.A. (2004). Review of Internet, Economic Growth and Globalization. Growth and Change. 35(4). 545-547
Zook, M.A. (2004). Review of The Internet on Earth: A Geography of Information. Regional Studies.38 (2): 227-228
(e) Work Currently Under Peer Review
Ojanpera, S., Graham, M. and M. Zook. 2017. The Digital Knowledge Economy Index: Mapping Content Production. (under review at Journal of Development Studies)
Grote, M., Zook, M. and T. Heidorn. (2017). Geographical limits to arbitrage in the global oil market. (submitted to Economic Geography).
Zook, M., Graham, M. and M. Stephens. (2017). Data Shadows of an Underground Economy: Volunteered Geographic Information and the Economic Geographies of Marijuana. (revise and resubmittoEconomic Geography)
Poorthuis, A., Power, D. and M. Zook (2017). Attentional Social Media: Mapping the Spaces and Networks of the Fashion Industry. (under review at the Annals of the AAG).
Poorthuis, Ate and Matthew Zook. 2018. Being smarter about space. Invited to submit for a Special Issue ‘Smart Spaces and Places’ Annals of the AAG (in preparation, due December 2018).
(g) Other Publications
Zook, M. (2006). Expert Witness Report on the Location of the Internet Adult Industry. Commissioned by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for ACLU vs. Gonzales (47 U.S.C. 231, commonly referred to as COPA)
Zook, M.A. (2002). The geography of venture capital firms. Journal of Biolaw and Business. Vol 5. No 3
Zook, M.A. (2001). Connected is a matter of geography. netWorker. Vol. 5 No. 3. 13-17
Zook, M.A. (2000/2001/2002) Geography matters: Differences between venture capital firms in US cities in Pratt's Guide to Venture Capital Sources. Securities Data Pub. New York
Zook, M.A., C. Benner and A. Kim (eds.). (1997-98). Vol. 12 of the Berkeley Planning Journal
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, CA) 2001
M.R.P. Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) 1995
B.A. Earlham College (Richmond, IN) 1989
2016. Co-PI. Conference: 2016 Summer Institute in Economic Geography. NSF – Geography and Spatial Sciences. ($44,500)
2015. Primary Investigator. The Working Lives and Spatial Practices of Digital Media Developers" (with Daniel Cockayne) NSF – Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Award. ($15,783)
2014. Creating New Maps+: A Proposal for an Online Professional Mapping Certificate and a Professional Master's in Mapping. Provost, University of Kentucky. ($199,336)
2013. Teaching/Research Award in Estonia. Fulbright Scholar Program. 2013-14
2012. Primary Investigator. Building Better Data Access for the Analysis of Geocoded Twitter and Flickr data. Research Support Grant program sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research of the University of Kentucky. ($10,000)
2007. Teaching/Research Award in Estonia. Fulbright Scholar Program. 2007–08.(Declined)
2007. Primary Investigator. The Baltic Tiger: The cultural economy of the Estonian software cluster. National Geographic Society's Committee for Research and Exploration ($19,920)
2007. Primary Investigator. New Silk Roads: Promises and Perils of the Internet in the Thai Silk Industry (with Mark Graham) NSF – Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Award. ($11,990)
2005. Primary Investigator. Connecting Cyberspace to Place: Understanding the Evolution of Transactions and Value Chains in Electronic Commerce. National Science Foundation- Geography and Regional Science. Award Period 2005-2008. ($144,000)
2005. Y0ur m0r[gage is appr0ved - unsolicited bulk mail as a "legitimate" marketing channel. University of Kentucky. Research Challenge Trust Fund Summer Research Program. ($4,500)
2004. Web Culture. U.K.Research Challenge Trust Fund Summer Research Program. ($4,500)
2003. eBay and the Geography of Electronic Commerce. University of Kentucky. Summer Faculty Research Fellowship. ($6,000)
Academic Honors
Ashby Prize for the most innovative paper, Environment and Planning A, (2014)
Fulbright Scholar Award, Estonia, (2013-2014)
Provost Teaching Award, University of Kentucky,(2013)
Outstanding Geography Teaching Award, University of Kentucky UKGS, (2012)