Special Services Director:
Francie Berg
Gifted Coordinator:
Nancy Conaway
Muskingum Valley ESC
Gifted Intervention Specialist:
Diane Schlegel
August, 2011
Policy for
Identifying and Serving
Gifted Students
IDENTIFICATION – Pursuant to OAC Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15
Using instruments approved by the Ohio Department of Education, the district screens and identifies children in grades kindergarten through twelve who may be gifted in Superior Cognitive Ability, in specific academic Ability in Reading and Writing, Math, Science, and/or Social Studies, in Creative Thinking Ability, and in Visual or Performing Arts.
All students in grade two and three are given the Terra Nova Full Battery. Students in grade four are given the Terra Nova in Science and Social Studies. Students in grade six are given the Terra Nova in Science, Social Studies, and Science.
All students in grades two and three are given the InView. Students achieving an ability score of 128 or above on the In View are identified as cognitively gifted. Students scoring at 123-127 are eligible to be further tested with the Woodcock Johson III. Students receiving a score at the 95thpercentile or above are identified as gifted in the corresponding academic area. Students achieving 92-94th percentile are eligible to be further assessed. The district provides the students with two opportunities per year to be screened or assessed.
Criteria and procedures used to screen/identify students are based upon Ohio’s Operating Standards for Identifying and Serving Gifted Students.
Tests are administered in student’s native language when necessary.
Tests used reflect accurate aptitude/achievement in students with physical and sensory disabilities and are valid for special populations.
Tests are administered by qualified personnel.
Appropriate methods are used to screen/assess students who are culturally diverse, economically disadvantaged, or have a disability or limited English Proficiency.
Transfer students are assessed within ninety days at the request of the parent(s).
Outside testing data is accepted. An appeals process is followed for decisions regarding screening and identification.
Criterion for placement is based upon Ohio Operating Standards for Identifying and Serving Gifted Students and is available upon request to any parent, student or district educator. This criterion does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, disability status, first language or socio-economic status. All services provided are consistent with students’ areas of identification and are differentiated to meet their needs.
Third Grade – Sixth Grade: Criterion for identification and service at this level: Superior Cognitive – 128 (In View); Specific Academic Achievement – 95%ile in Math and/or Reading (Terra Nova).
Students are formally clustered into designated classrooms per grade level.
Classroom teachers have received extensive training in the areas of gifted identification, curriculum development and assessment and meet regularly with the Gifted Coordinator for on-going professional development during the year.
Seventh Grade - Eighth Grade: Criterion for identification and service at this level: Superior Cognitive – 128 (In View); Specific Academic Achievement – 95%ile in Math and/or Reading (Terra Nova).
Students at this level are placed into advanced classes for language arts. The classroom teachers serving these students have received extensive training in the areas of identification, curriculum development, assessment and differentiated instruction. The Gifted Intervention specialist co-teaches in these classrooms. The Gifted Coordinator provides on-going professional development during the school year.
Ninth – Twelfth Grades: Students at this level have the opportunity to participate in several Advanced Placement Courses, Post-Secondary Option, Seniors to Sophomores, Academic Competitions and Independent Study.
The district also has documented policy and procedures for early entrance, grade acceleration, subject acceleration, and early graduation as options for those students in need of additional challenge.
If parents are dissatisfied with his/her child’s placement an appeals process is available. In addition, if parents or students desire to withdraw from services, a request may be submitted in writing to the building principal and teacher followed by a conference to discuss appropriate options.
Services for identified gifted students are documented on their Written Education Plan (WEP) each year. Students’ goals are written on the WEP as well as the methods used for evaluating progress toward specified goals. The staff member responsible for ensuring delivery of services is listed on the students’ WEP.
The WEP lists the methods and schedule for reporting progress to parents.
Parents can check on their son/daughter’s progress on a regular basis using their log in and password to Progress Book. The WEP also lists the policies regarding waiver of assignments and re-scheduling of tests as well as the date of review.
In the fall of the school year, copies of students’ WEPs are made available to parents and to those staff members responsible for providing the service delivery.
Expectations regarding assignments missed: Assignments will be waived and tests rescheduled for the student if he/she has participated in any gifted services provided outside of the general education classroom.