TJ Performing Arts Department destination 2016:

New York City!

May 27-29

General Information

The TJ Band, Choir, Orchestra are traveling together for our spring trip again this year! This will be a valuable experience for all of the TJ Performing Arts. Students will miss only one day of school as we will leave early Friday morning and return lateSundaynight (Monday is a holiday).Please note that this trip is OPTIONAL.

Price Includes:

Commercial bus transportation, Travel Agent escort, 2-night hotel accommodation, 2 breakfasts, 2 dinners, Performing Arts Clinics, NY Philharmonic performance, Broadway show, Ferry Boat

Additional Expenses

3 fast food lunches, 2 lunches, 1 dinner, and miscellaneous spending money for souvenirs or snacks.

Student Information

4 per room, same gender, any combination of band/orchestra/chorus.

The price per student is determined by the number of students going, but will not exceed $600.

Chaperone Information

The number of chaperones needed will be determined by the number of students going on the trip. Chaperones will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Chaperoneswill be housed 2 per room (single rooms are not available this year). Chaperones will have responsibilities throughout the trip, must stay with their student group at all times, and must travel on the bus in both directions.

Payment Schedule

Payment / Due date / Student amount due
#1 / Wed 10/21 / $150 (Non-refundable)
Trip Contract Due
#2 / Wed 12/9* / $250*
#3 / Wed 2/10 / TBA (not to exceed $200)

*December 9 is the last day to withdraw from this trip.

Final numbers and costs will be set on this date. By paying the second installment on December 9, you are obligated to pay the remaining trip balance.

Intention form and student depositdue no later than

Wed, Oct. 21

Checks payable to TJHSST


NYC 2016: Trip Contract

Due no later than: Wednesday, Oct.21


I will be going to NYCwith the Performing Arts Department and I have enclosed a check in the amount of $150payable to TJHSST. I understand that this initial installment is non-refundable and that as of the Dec. 9 payment, I am obligated to pay the remaining balance in full even if I cancel.

Student Name ______

Student Email______

Student Cell Phone______


I would like to be a chaperone for the NYC trip and realize chaperones are selected on a first-come, first-served basis depending on the number of students going on the trip. Cost information will be given when group size is determined.

Parent Name ______

Parent Email ______

Parent Cell Phone ______