1. Present

CouncillorsP J Bettley (Vice Chair), D E Davies, D G James,D J Lawton and S Wall.

In view of the absence of the Chair, Councillor P J Bettley proceeded to chair the meeting.

Members of the public, Gill Owen and Phil Johnson were all welcomed to the meeting.

  1. Acceptance of Office

The statutory declaration of acceptance of office was signed by Councillor S Wall.

  1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillors K E Griffiths, T D Jones, J Lawrence, H E M Lawton, R M Morris and E B Thomas.

  1. Declarations of Personal Interest

Councillor P J Bettley declared his interest under Category C(4) of the Model code of Conduct in connection with an item to be raised by a member of the public (Mr A Montagu)in the open discussion, concerning a highway hazard warning sign located by Mr A Montagu’s house.

  1. Minutes

CouncillorD J Lawton proposed that theminutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held on15th of June2017 be confirmed as correct. The proposal was seconded by Councillor D E Davies, with members in full support.

  1. Open Discussion for Members of the Public

Adrian Montagu informed members of an issue he had with a newly erected “bend” warning sign located opposite his drive on the C2006 Berriew to Bettws road, which protrudes from the hedge,and results in vehicles passing in the direction of Bettws having to move into the middle of the road to avoid it, and vehicles passing in the opposite direction going into his drive and damaging a water feed box. Mr Montagu requested that the sign be moved 30 yards further down the road.

It was agreed that the matter be considered under Highway issues, later in the meeting.

The remaining members of the public had attended the meeting regarding rights of way in the community, and it was agreed that an open discussion would follow Phil Johnson’s presentation.

  1. Community Christmas Lunch

Gill Owen gave a summary of the Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch held by both Montgomery and Welshpool Town Council including food, charges and entertainment.

After a discussion, it was unanimously agreed that the idea of a Christmas Lunch should be taken forward, however the final model would need to be agreed and volunteers and sponsorship sought.

  1. Rights of Way Network

Phil Johnson Footpath Development Officer, Powys County Council then gave a talk about his role as Community Delivery Officer. He informed members that Powys County Council is in charge of the community delivery project which aims to enable communities within the Montgomery Rural Cluster to be involved in their own management of the Rights of Way system.

Powys County Council have a duty to protect Rights of Ways however funding is limited. Community Councils also have expenditure power to repair and maintain public footpaths and bridleways under section 43 of the Highways Act 1980.

Mr Johnson informed those present that volunteers can clear vegetation, repair stiles etc. however they are not able to use mechanical tools, deal with anything dangerous or deal with conflict.

The Scheme involves the Community Council:

  • Collating reports of Rights of Way issues and making PCC Countryside services aware of all reports (Footpath No’s / Grid references)
  • Identify maintenance issues and improvements, and identifying what would benefit the community e.g. circular walks
  • Recruiting potential volunteers
  • Explore funding which is not available to PCC

An open discussion was then held for members present. It was generally felt that improved footpaths would be a benefit to the community, and clear signage was needed.

Members of the public present raised issues relating to footpaths around Felindreand limited access to Berriew withoutusing the road. A constructive conversation took place about the need to maintain and improve access where appropriate.

The Chair stated that individual issues will be referred to a strengthened Footpaths and Rights of Way Sub-committee and recommended the following course of action:

  • The existing Footpaths Sub-committee be constituted on a more formal basis, with 4 members not 3. The Sub-committee will agree terms of reference with the Community Council that accommodate and embrace the work of the Montgomery Rural Cluster, and support of the development and management of the Rights of Way system. The Sub-committee will have the power to undertake the duties outlined by Phil Johnson, including making decisions, or recommendations to the full Community Council for their consideration.
  • The specific issue at Felindre would be addressed by the Sub-committee, with past minutes and history being taken into account
  • A copy of the Definitive footpaths map be sought from Phil Johnson.

Members were unanimously in favour of the proposals.

The Chair then thanked Phil Johnson and members of the public for attending.

  1. Roads in Berriew Community

i) Newly erected bend sign on edge of road C2006 - Bettws to Berriew.

Following Mr Montague’s request, it was agreed that the issue of moving the sign 30 yards closer to Bettws be reviewed with the Highways Authority, when County Councillor D E Davies next meets with a representative in the community.

ii) Highway Matters

The Clerk reported an email (20/06/17) from Mr Clive Jones, HGSS Manager (North) (Place) in response to the matters raised at the previous meeting. Resolved that the following issues be referred to the Highway Authority:

  1. Potholes have been filled up to Henfaes Garage, Felindre but further potholes along the road have been left (U2426)
  2. Potholes Brithdir lane, Berriew (U2446)

Councillor D G James stated that roads in the area are getting worse. Patching is no longer working, and with roads never having a top dressing the “C” roads are being neglected!

Resolved: That Liam Fitzpatrick, PCC Cabinet Member for Highways be informed of the general state of roads.

Councillor P J Bettley questioned the position concerning the request for a 30-m.p.h. sign along the U2461 by the Recreation field. It was resolved that correspondence and minutes be reviewed, and the matter referred back to the next meeting.

iii) 20 m.p.h. Speed Limit Signs

It was confirmed that the 20-m.p.h. speed limit sign entering the village has now been repaired.

Councillor P J Bettley noted that these and many other signs in the village were filthy and it was resolved that they should be cleaned in the Autumn by a working party once sap had finished falling from leaves.

  1. Matters Arising

a)Rights of Way

Resolved: That correspondence received by the Clerk concerning footpath issues, be passed on to the Footpath Sub-Committee once the terms of reference have been agreed

An anonymous letter was received from a resident of Glan-Yr-Afon, Berriew concerning the state of the hedge at 15 Glan-Yr-Afon, and the overgrowth down the path.

Resolved: That the landowner be informed of the complaint and be requested to cut the hedge back.

b)Public Conveniences

i)£135.98paid toMr W A Croft in respect of June 2017 salary and £135.98 in respect of July2017 salary(S111 LGA’72).

ii)£79.65 paid to Water plus for water usage for the period 17.11.16 to 11.05.17(Public Health Act 1936 S/87).

iii)£ 13.71 paid to Npower for electricity usage for the period 14.06.17 to19.07.17 (Public Health Act 1936 S/87).

c)Pantyffridd Telephone Kiosk

The Clerk informed members that the telephone kiosk at Pantyffridd (01686 650260) was decommissioned on the 28thof June 2017, and the Council is now its legal owner.

  1. Election of Minor Authority Representative – Berriew C.P. School

Resolved: That the matter be referred to the next meeting.

  1. Clustering / Community Delivery

The Clerk informed members that the next meeting of the Cluster would be held on the 12th of September 2017.

  1. Interactive Speed Awareness Warning Signs

Councillor D J Lawton had spoken to a Company at the Royal Welsh Show, and received an estimate of £2,400 for one portable battery-operated speed awareness sign, which would be fully compliant with Powys County Council.

In view of the cost, it was agreed that an item be put in Berriew Newsletter to ask residents for their opinion on the Council purchasing interactive speed awareness signs, which would result in a one-off increase in Council tax of no more than £10 per household, which could be reduced with grants etc.

  1. Legionella Risk Assessment

The Clerk reported outstanding issues following the receipt of the Legionella Risk Assessment. Resolved: That training requirements be referred to the next meeting.

Councillor P J Bettley declared his interest under Section C(1) of the Model Code of Conduct having used one of the contractors himself, and Councillor D J Lawton declared his interest under Section A(1) & C(1) of the Code having a conflict of interest with his employment.

The Clerk reported that three quotations had been received for the necessary work identified on the legionella report from Chris Evans; Flamecare and BPS Renewable Thermal Products Ltd.

Resolved: Councillor D G James proposed that the cheapest quotation from BPS Renewable Thermal Products Ltd of £208.00 plus vat be accepted. The proposal was seconded by Councillor D E Davies. It was further proposed that the additional work recommended in moving and replacing pipes to the cistern on the urinals to the value of £160.00 also be undertaken.

In view of the fact that two members had declared their interest and were unable to vote, a quorum was no longer in place. It was therefore resolved that Councillor T D Jones’ approval also be obtained, in order for the work to be undertaken as soon as possible.

  1. Fixed Electrical Quotations – Public Conveniences

Councillor D J Lawton declared his interest under Section A(1) & C(1) of the Code of Conduct having a conflict of interest with his employment.

The Clerk reported that quotations for an EICR report had been requested from three electrical contractors with the following two quotations being received:

Richard Leighton Electrical Services / EICR Report / £170.00
Blake Jones Electrical / EICR Report
Rectify Faults
Replace 6 x 2D light fittings / £ 60.00
£ 60.00

Resolved: Councillor D E Davies proposed that the quotation received from Blake Jones Electrical for £60.00 for the EICR report, plus £60.00 to repair faults and a further £120.00 to replace light fittings be approved. Councillor D G James seconded the proposal, with members in full support.

  1. Circulars

The following circulars were received:

a) Clerks & Council Direct July 2017 b) The Clerk July 2017

b) PCC Household Waste & recycling Centres

  1. Reports

The following reports were received:

a)PCC – Draft Commissioning, Procurement & Commercial Strategy

b)Welshpool Town Council Community Plan 2017-2022 (First Draft)

  1. Planning

The following Planning application was then considered:

i) / DECC2017 0012 / Application under Section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989 for existing HV overhead service line requiring retrospective planning for a second supply which will be underground at Land adj The Ffridd, Berriew - The Council has no objection to the application.
  1. Accounts

a)Income & Expenditure Account

The Income & Expenditure Account as at the 1st of July 2017 was received and approved by members present.

  1. Urgent Business

a)New Members Training

The Clerk informed members that Manafon Community Council were looking at the training requirements for Clerks and Councillors, and the possibility of looking at training locally within sister Councils.

Resolved: That the Community Council would be interested in training for new councillors.

b) James Corfield

The thoughts of the Community Council are with James Corfield, his family at friends at this difficult and uncertain time.

  1. Date of Next Meeting

Resolved that thenext meeting of the Community Council will be held on Thursdaythe14th of September2017in the Committee Room, Berriew Community Centre at 7.30 p.m. prompt.

Vice Chairman

Should any member of the community have any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk Mrs K Jones on 01686 668182 (Dol-Hafren, 5 Caerhowel Meadows, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6JF) or or a Community Councillor.

Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings, and time is set aside set for public participation to ask questions, make statements etc. The public however must not take part at any other time during the meeting.