Board Meeting, Tuesday, November 14, 2017

4:30-6:30 PM

Niagara Offices

925 S. Niagara St. Suite 140

Conference Call Number: 720 833-3015

ID 480# Password 480#

Board Members in Attendance: Mary Hanewall (Chair, Secretary), Gina Nocera, Jorge Loweree (Vice Chair), Dianne Lefly, Bill Bethke, Polly Baca, David Conde, Deb Brackney, Matt DeAngelis (Treasurer), Tomas Mejia

Regrets: none

Meeting called to order at 4:36 pm by Mary Hanewall.

Action Items

1)  Reading the Mission Statement (Polly)

2)  Consent Agenda (Mary)

a)  Approval of agenda:

Motion to amend agenda by moving item I.5.b Model for Balancing Budget and item 8.a Board Leadership Committee to action items.

Polly moved, Dianne second, unanimous vote to amend agenda.

b)  Approval of Board minutes, October 17, 2017

Polly move, Deb second, unanimous vote to approve minutes

I.5.b. Model for balancing budget.

Dan reviewed previously provided model as well as rationale, process and means for achieving the goal of a 2% raise for staff, covering the 5.5% increase in health benefits, and covering the increase in PERA. He also explained some additional opportunities we may have in future years to further reallocate dollars. He asked that the BoD approve this model so we can include this retroactively in November paychecks as we have done before.

David move, Polly second, unanimous vote to approve model

I.8.a. Board Leadership Committee

Mary outlined the process followed to arrive at the various recommendations for continuing existing members, adding new members, and a preparing a potential slate of officers for 2018.

Motion to extend another term to Tomas and Gina. Polly move, Deb second, passed unanimously in favor of extending another term to both Tomas and Gina.

Mary, Polly, Gina and Dan discussed the potential new BoD members, Gamaliel Castro and Rebecca Bernstein. After meeting individually with each candidate, along with members of the Board Leadership Committee, it was clear that both Gama and Rebecca each bring a unique perspective and valued skill set to the Board.

Motion to accept the recommendation of the Board Leadership Committee and extend an invitation to join the Board in January to both Gamaliel Castro and Rebecca Bernstein.

Jorge moved, Dianne second, passed unanimously to extend invitation to both Gama and Rebecca.

Mary and Matt provided another name for consideration for a Board seat, Paul Wiser, an Attorney and Financial Planner. Because of time constraints, we were unable to set a meeting with Paul prior to this meeting. Dan and Gina will meet with Paul in the near future and come back to the Board for further consideration and information. Could lead to an electronic vote prior to the next meeting on Dec 19th.

Mary described the recommendation for a slate of officers for 2018. The Board Leadership Committee is recommending Deb Brackney for Chair, Tomas Mejia for Vice Chair, David Conde for Secretary and Matt DeAngelis for Treasurer.

Gina move, Polly second, passed unanimously to approve the slate of officers for 2018 as presented.

Mary shared that she may be done prior to the next Board meeting so a proposal was made to have Deb Brackney assume the role of Chair earlier than January 1, 2018, on the day that Mary leaves.

Polly move, Matt second, passed unanimously that Deb assume the Chair earlier.

1)  Superintendent Report (Dan)

Dan shared information about activities/ focus areas the past month.

2)  2015-17 NWEA MAP Results by campus w/ Student Growth Sheets (Jen)

Jen shared information regarding Grade level Equivalency breakdown at each of the NAS Campuses for the recent MAP administration. Data is very revealing around the academic realities for our students. We have students across every RIT band, but seems to be some trends similar peaks and valleys around certain grades on Reading, Language usage and Mathematics.

Questions regarding the interpretation of the data, the implications for instruction and training in our classrooms, and the impact on our SPF were all answered.

3)  Staff Update (Tracey)

Tracey provided a handout and an update on our micro credentialing initiative. She gave some very specific examples of using the tool in a classroom and how that informs her and the teacher.

Finally, she shared some data around her own coaching observations and the implications for PD both at the individual and system level.

4)  Authorizers Update (Dan)

a)  Jeffco – moving along smoothly

b)  CSI – renewal decision November 14

The CSI Board met this morning and, after many months of Jen/Mike providing them information and data supporting our position and approved a 2+2 agreement for Thornton. While this is a favorable decision given where Thornton has been, it is a bit of a letdown as we were seeking a longer term 3+2 agreement so we could possibly turn that into a longer term lease agreement saving some dollars in the process. Our appeal fell on deaf ears.

c)  Adams 12

More information and specifics will be coming. Important dates coming up. Dan/Mike will coordinate with specific BoD members for the site visits…but all Board members are invited to the Board meetings in January.

i)  Site visit 11/29 @ NAS Thornton, 8:30 am

ii)  Adams 12 Board site visit 12/5 @ NAS Thornton 9:00 am

iii)  Adams 12 Board meetings Jan 10 and 17, evenings

5)  Financial Update

a)  Network finances (Ray)

Ray explained the Financial Summary for the network as of June 30, 2017 and shared recommendations from Dom and Craig as to how to proceed moving through this year. Specifics were shared in an email from Ray to the entire Board. Matt shared that this is an extension of a discussion last February, and that the outcome is what was expected. We will continue to monitor the situation and bring any updates back to the full board as necessary.

b)  Model for balancing budget (Dan) Moved to action Item

6)  Principal Reports (Mike, Annie, Jon)

Jon shared some of the challenges they are having with the facility. Roof, parking, noise are all concerns that we will be addressing in the upcoming lease negotiations. In spite of that, feels like there are good things happening for students and the school .

Annie shared positive news about a recent awards ceremony at Lowry and the large number of parents and family there to celebrate the awards for the students. A great night.

Mike shared his disappointment with the CSI decision, but celebrated the results and data of a few other things happening at Thornton.

7)  National Board update (Gina)

Gina shared that there is an upcoming meeting in December to discuss the state o the network and possibilities moving forward. NM recently received a large grant to expand charters in the state and they are hopeful that Santa Theresa can be added to the NM NAS group. Vegas is still in play, but NAS lost the large grant. Dom and Craig are still seeking a charter and then will go back and see if startup can be funded.

8)  Standing Board Committees Reports

a)  Board Leadership Committee

b)  Data Review Committee

Jen, Tomas and Dianne have a meeting scheduled on November 29th. If any other board members are interested, please contact Jen directly.

c)  Executive Committee

d)  Fundraising Committee

i)  Current grants (David)

David shared good news around some grants being extended thru next year.

e)  Scholarship Committee

Dan/Gina to meet after the first of the year to outline new processes

9)  Public Input

10)  Special Recognitions

Plaques and thanks were extended to the four Board members leaving the Board at the end of the year. All of them have been such an asset to the Board and we will miss their leadership, support and expertise and wish them the best in the future. Mary Hanewall, Jorge Loweree, Mara Gonzalez and Dianne Lefly, thank you for all of your work!

11)  Adjournment 6:26 pm

Next Meeting: Tues. December 19, 2017, 4:30-6:30

Polly Baca’s Residence

1777 Larimer Street Suite 510

(Community Room next door to her)

Denver, CO 80202

Business meeting 4:30 to 5:30

Spouses and Significant others as well as newly appointed Board members invited to join us at 5:30

If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact dmcminimee@ at least one week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact dmcminimee@ if a summary or other type of accessible format is needed.