DATE: / 01 June 2005
AUTHOR: / Christine Tetlow
APPLICATION NO: / 05/00092/LBC / WARD: / KBH / RECEIVED: / 17/01/05
APPLICANT: / Reigate & Banstead Borough Council / AGENT: / D M Potts
Park Farm Depot, Holly Lane, Banstead
DESCRIPTION: / Replacement of doors to existing buildings, replacement of existing fencing and internal alterations.DRAWING NUMBERS: / 04.90/P/01, 02, 03B, 04B
The application is for listed building consent for the replacement of existing doors to two buildings with vertical boarded timber doors, internal alterations to the buildings, and the replacement of existing fencing in selected areas around the depot with a green painted metal railings.
It is considered that as amended the alterations proposed would preserve the appearance and setting of the listed buildings.
Because the site is within the ownership of the Council, the power to determine the listed building application lies with the First Secretary of State rather than the Council as Local Planning Authority. It is however necessary for the Council to advise the First Secretary of State of its views on the application.
The Council recommends to the First Secretary of State that listed building consent be GRANTED subject to conditions.
Highway Authority: no objections
Conservation Officer: no objection
Statutory Amenity Bodies: no comments received
English Heritage: views awaited
English Nature: no objections
Surrey Wildlife Trust: no objections
Neighbours were notified by letters dated 21/01/05. A site notice was posted on the 27/02/05. No representations have been received.
1.0 Site and Surroundings
1.1 Park Farm Depot is one of the Council’s grounds maintenance depots. It lies behind a small group of residential properties fronting Holly Lane. The depot is based around former farm buildings, with a number of more modern additions. One of the original buildings on the site is flint faced with red brick dressings under a slate roof and is Grade II listed for its historic interest. The second main building on the site appears to be of a similar age. While not listed in its own right, it is covered by the listed building protection because it falls within the same curtilage.
2.0 Relevant Planning History
2.1 None.
3.0 Current Proposal
3.1 The application is for listed building consent for:
· The replacement of existing doors to the garage/office building to the north of the yard and the garage/storage building to the south of the yard with vertically boarded timber doors.
· Internal alterations to both buildings to increase security and upgrade mess facilities.
· The replacement of existing fencing on the eastern side of a smaller yard and open parking/bulk storage area and the existing fencing on the east and western sides of the service yard, with green painted metal railings.
4.0 Policy Context
4.1 Local Plan Designation
Grade II Listed Building
4.2 Surrey Structure Plan 2004
Protecting the Heritage / SE54.3 Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005
Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Importance / Pc94.4 Other Material Considerations
Planning Policy Guidance Notes / PPS 1, PPG15Supplementary Planning Guidance / Surrey Design
Local Distinctiveness Design Guide
Other / Human Rights Act 1998
5.0 Principal Issues
5.1 The issue for consideration in this listed building application is whether the proposed works preserve the historic and architectural character of the listed building and its setting. The works do not require planning permission as they either do not amount to development or benefit from permitted development rights.
Alterations to the Buildings
5.2 It is considered that, following amendment to the design of the doors, the proposed external changes to the buildings would preserve their appearance. The external changes to the garage/office building to the north of the yard consists of the removal of one of the existing corrugated iron clad double doors and the replacement of the other set of double doors with vertically boarded timber doors. The external changes to the garage/storage building to the south of the yard consists of the replacement of the two sets of existing corrugated iron clad double doors with vertically boarded timber doors. The proposed doors would be slightly offset from their existing position and would be slightly narrower in design. It is considered that the vertically boarded timber doors are similar in style and type to those as would originally have been used on the buildings.
5.3 The internal changes to the garage/office building to the north of the yard consist of the insertion of toilet facilities and some internal partitions, while the internal changes to the garage/storage building to the south of the yard consist of the strengthening of part of the rear wall. It is considered that the proposed internal changes would not harm the historic character of either building. The changes would not remove any significant element of original fabric and would not be visible from outside the buildings.
Alterations to the Fencing
3.2 The proposed metal railings are of a traditional design, which would be in character with the setting of the listed building. The selected metal railings (Barbican-style) are simple vertical metal rods held with two horizontal bars and supported on metal posts. The metal fencing would be painted green. It would improve the appearance of site compared to the existing palisade and, in places, wire mesh fencing, which is currently located to the east of the smaller yard and around the parking/bulk storage area and to the east and west of the service yard.
5.5 It is considered that the proposal is a reasonable balance between the functional requirements of the site and the desirability of retaining the character of the listed building and its setting.
5.6 Under legislation relating to listed buildings, the Council is required to refer any resolutions to grant work to listed buildings within its ownership to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
1. The development for which Listed Building Consent is hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this consent.
To comply with Section 18(1)(a) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
2. The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the approved plans, the specifications and the conditions attached to this Decision Notice. It shall not be varied without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.
To ensure that the development respects and continues to respect the character and appearance of the Listed Building with regard to Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005, policy Pc9.
The development hereby permitted has been assessed against development plan polices SE5 and Pc9, and material considerations, including third party representations. It has been concluded that the development is in accordance with the development plan and there are no material considerations that justify refusal in the public interest.
M:\BDS\DC\Ctreports 2005\1 June 2005\05.00092.LBC - Park Farm Depot, Holly Lane, Banstead 02.doc