Family Resource List
The following are useful organizations, websites and contacts that can help guide you in some of the more challenging issues that can come up for teenagers and their families. SACY Parent/Family staff can also connect you to Prevention Staff in your teen’s high school for further information on substance mis/use and for school and community resources.

SACY Parent/Family Stream Staff:
Name / Phone/Web / Notes on Resource
Alexandra Wilson / 604-961-4142 / Schools: Lord Byng, Vancouver Technical, Britannia, Prince of Wales, Magee
Phyllis Chan / 778-869-3379 / Schools: University Hill, Eric Hamber, Churchill
Sumeet Ghuman / 604-2505-0251 / Schools: Windermere, David Thompson, John Oliver, Killarney, Tupper
Andrea Arnot / 778-808-5558 / Schools: King George, Templeton, Point Grey, Kitsilano, Gladstone
Family & Parenting Support:
Parents Together / 604-325-0556

look under Parent Services / Offers a variety of support/education services to parents. A respectful and confidential environments helps parents develop and practice skills to improve their family relationships. For parents of teens (13-19)
Parenting without Power Struggles /
look under Parent Services / Group for parents of preteens (10-13) offered through the Boys and Girls Club of BC. See website for locations.
Parents Forever / 605-524-4230

/ Supporting families affected by substance abuse. Links to From Grief to Action, where you can request: The Coping Kit: Dealing with Drug Addiction in your Family
Education Information
Vancouver School Board /
/ The community organizations page links to programs through many groups, including Boys and Girls Clubs, Family Services of Greater Vancouver, Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services Society, Developmental Disabilities Association, Homework Help through Vancouver Public Library and more.
Vancouver Coastal Health /
/ Links to community organizations, articles on parenting health issues of all kinds, contact information for the community health clinics and facilities. Look for the Public Education Serieson Substance use.
Here to Help / / Mental health and substance use information. Look under the Families tab for resources and information and supports.
F.O.R.C.E. society for Kids Mental Health / / Parenting information and support sessions.
BC Mental Health and Addictions Services / / Many links to groups and services.
Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre / / Works to link children, youth and their families with appropriate resources in all areas of mental health and addictions
The Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service / 604-660-9382 or
BC Toll Free: 1-800-663-1441 / Can direct you to local resources so you can get the help you or someone you know needs. Addiction support workers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Self help or Crisis Interventions: These services are separate from VCH Addiction Services
Kids Help Phone / 1-800-668-6868
Vancouver Crisis Line / 604-872-3311
Alcohol & Drug
Information and Referral Services / 604-660-9382
Toll Free: 1-800-663-1441
24-hour Gambling Line / 1-888-795-6111
Narcotics Anonymous / 604-873-1018
Alcohol Anonymous (AA) / 604-434-3933
Al-Anon for Family & Friends of Alcoholics / 604-688-1716
Alateen For Teenagers of Alcoholics / 604-688-1716
Nar-Anon For Family & Friends of Drug Users / 604-878-8844
Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) / 604-515-5585
Rational Recovery (RR) / 604-324-9629
Emotions Anonymous (EA) / 604-681-5653
Gamblers Anonymous (GA) / 604-685-5510