Jobtitle:Assistant Director of Information Services: ITServices
Responsibleto:Director of InformationServices
Main areasofResponsibility
1. / Professional and Strategic leadership in all areasofuniversity IToperations2. / Delivery of university IT services meeting agreedkeyperformanceindicators
3. / Management of the resources of the IT Servicesdivision
4. / Communication and engagement with relevantcustomerand supplier communities, both internal and externaltotheuniversity
5. / Special projects, services, or other duties as agreedwiththe Director of InformationServices
1.Professional and strategic leadership in all areas ofIToperations.
1.1Work with the Director of Information Services to developandmaintain a unified IT strategy for the university in support oftheuniversity strategic plan and highlighting opportunitiesforfurther development.
1.2Contribute actively to the collective efforts of theInformationServices Leadership Team in attaining the university’sstrategicobjectives.
1.3Be responsible for developing and maintaining policiesandprocedures relating to the use of IT and informationsecuritythroughout the university.
1.4Be responsible for developing and maintaining aconsistentapproach to operational IT management across all areas oftheuniversity.
1.5Be responsible for personal professional development withinITServices and participation in relevant internal andexternalactivities.
2.Delivery of university IT services meeting keyperformanceindicators.
2.1Ensure a high quality level of service meeting or exceedingtheneeds of students, staff, partners and other stakeholders inallaspects of IT service delivery, developing and maintaining asetof agreed measurable service performance indicatorswithregular reporting againstthem.
2.2The development, maintenance and execution of acontinualservice improvement plan with aims and outcomes alignedtothe IT strategy and involving all stakeholders in itsdevelopment.
2.3The application of formal process improvement frameworksinthe day-to-day operations of the service ensuringconsistencywith other divisions within the department and acrosstheuniversity.
2.4The development and maintenance of robust resilienceandsecurity within the university ICT environment includingmajorincident planning and businesscontinuity.
3.Management of the resources of IT Servicesdivision.
3.1To have overall responsibility for the development,operation,and maintenance of the university IT infrastructureincludingclassroom and desktop ICT, hardware, software,networks,datacentres, identity and access management,email,telephones, and student and staff facing corporatesystems.This portfolio may be amended from time to time inaccordancewith university and departmental policies and priorities and inamanner commensurate with the level and grade of thepost.
3.2To select and appoint new members of staff, making thecasefor new posts where necessary, and to take responsibilityforthe training, development, performance, and safety of allITServices staff.
3.3Take overall responsibility for the IT Services budget andtomanage the budget in line with university anddepartmentalpolicies andpriorities.
3.4Manage flexibly the physical spaces under the stewardshipofInformation Services in a coherent way and joined up withallstakeholders from across theuniversity.
4.Communication and engagement with relevantcustomerand supplier communities, both internal and externaltothe university.
4.1Influencing, at the highest levels within the university, inorderto shape opinion and facilitate strategicoutcomes.
4.2Represent the department by undertaking a high levelofengagement with university staff and students so as topresentInformation Services as a trusted partner. For examplebyparticipation in committees, working groups, studentunionmeetings, and other student or staffforums.
4.3Engagement with external partners, representativegroups,suppliers, and other organisations to communicateandmaintain awareness of new developments within theuniversity,the higher education sector andIT.
4.4Undertake regular networking with peers at otherorganisationsto share information, ideas, problems and solutions; beanactive participant in relevant sector professional bodies suchasUCISA andJisc.
4.5Regularly elicit and communicate feedback fromservicecustomers in order to demonstrate service excellence aswellas identifying areas forimprovement.
5.Special projects, services, or other duties as agreedwiththe Director of InformationServices.
5.1Take responsibility for the overall delivery of specificprojectsagreed with the Director of Information Services ensuringthatthey meet plannedoutcomes.
5.2Any other duties commensurate with the level and grade ofthepost as agreed with the Director of InformationServices.
Selectioncriteria:The criteria below indicate the qualities that are needed todo
the job well. Candidates for the post will be selectedaccordingto the extent to which they satisfy them. Evidence ofpotentialwill also be considered. Most of the criteria must normallybemet in order to qualify forselection.
- Knowledge/qualifications:
- Graduate with a qualification in informationtechnologyor a relatedsubject.
- Extensive experience of successful management atasenior level in IT, preferably in auniversityenvironment.
- Professional qualifications in service andprojectmanagement such as ITIL v3 and PRINCE2.
Core skills andExperience:
- Experience of IT leadership includingsubstantialachievement in a management role within arelevantprivate or public sectororganisation.
- Significant and successful experience inleading,managing, and developing a service function in alarge
organisation and instilling a strong customer focusandperformance managementculture.
- A successful record in developing IT strategies inacomplexenvironment.
- Experience of budget planning and managementanda track record of achieving major efficiencysavingsthrough the procurement, deployment, and use ofIT.
- Experience of contract management and ofworkingwith and managing major suppliers.
- Committed to continuous self-developmentandlearning through professional training andcontinuingprofessionaldevelopment.
Service Support andDelivery:
- Highly service focused with a strong commitmentofcontinuous improvement in service delivery,meetingor exceeding performance indicators,anticipatingservice needs, identifying opportunities, andleadingchange.
- Flexible, cooperative, helpful; respects ideasandexpertise of others; strong delegationskills;appreciates own strengths andweaknesses.
Planning andOrganising:
- Strong organisational skills and the ability to meettightdeadlines, prioritise and plan effectively anddelegateappropriately; thinks and plans strategically; isawareof implications to entire organization.
- Works systematically; uses time efficiently;meetspriorities and deadlines with a minimumofsupervision; ability to work effectively underpressure;ability to resolve conflicting priorities.
Initiative, problem solving and decisionmaking:
- A record of successful performance at anappropriatelevel of responsibility; sets and meets objectivesonown initiative.
- Ability to generate innovative technical solutionsinresponse to business needs, evaluate optionsandmonitor and review theireffectiveness.
Communicating, Liaising,Networking:
- Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to createandsustain networks within and outside aHigherEducationenvironment.
- Excellent communication skills both oral andwrittenincluding the ability to persuade andinfluence.
Supporting and Developingothers:
- Listens well and understands the needs ofothers.
- Understands the diverse requirements of studentsandstaff and their ITneeds.
- Evidence of broad professional and strategicleadership;business planning and change management experienceorskills.
- Good understanding of commonly used computing andlibrarysystems in an academicenvironment.
This job description sets out the duties of the post at the time itwasdrawn up. Such duties may vary from time to time withoutchangingthe general character of the duties or level of responsibilityentailed.Such variations are a common occurrence and cannot ofthemselvesjustify a reconsideration of the grading of thepost.
Ref: QN/ADITS/1.1
Date: 6 June2016