East Police Precinct
636 E. Trinity Lane
Nashville, TN 37212
February 26, 2017
President Shawn Johnson:Called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
Sonya Palmer:Conducted the Roll Call 4 Clubs present
Secretary Report:Shawn Johnson
The Secretary report, which includes the minutes of the Annual Meeting, on Sep 25, 2016 was presented to members present for review. President Johnsoncalled for a motion of the minutes, James Curbeam made an amendment correction to the minutes as following (Change the meeting location to the West Police Precinct and address, Called the meeting to order time to 2 pm, and the Treasurer report as of to August 2016). President Johnsoncalled for a motion of the minutes with amendments Motion made by Sonya Palmer and seconded by John Carter.The minutes of the annual meeting were unanimously approved.
Presidents Report:Shawn Johnson:
The Presidents report, dated February 26, 2017was presented and discussed by the members present. President Johnson announced that Phillip Myton Youth Chair has resigned, he is moving to California. Morcelloust Harris(Youth TF of Memphis) and Brian Harrell (Stafford High School) will serve as co-youth chairs.
An audit committee is in process of beingformed to review the books. The association is trying to be cost effective when chosen a location for the youth association and region meet.
President Johnson also reported that he met with the TSSAA to discuss their involvement in the TN association and the association involvement inthe TSSAA. TSSAA stated that Jason Parks and his committee will be over seeing all the officials for the State meet this year. TSSAA stated they normally lose money on the state meet and will not pay officials but will be giving passes to the other events.
The association meet will most likely will be at Strafford High School after the logistical items are worked out. President Johnson has also been trying to obtain access to Brentwood High thru the Wings of Skills Coach and FRA Coach expressed interested in the association meet being there. It’s no confirmation on neither location as of today after multiple attempts by President Johnson.
Officials Report: Jim Brown
Jim Reported that the officials process is being worked on and hopefully will be fixed soon
Treasurer Report: Marissa Harris:
The Treasurer report asFebruary 23, 2017was presented and discussed by the members present. All reports were reviewed and discussed by the members of the clubs and are incorporated as an integral part of these minutes.The reportwas accepted for information purposes.
Membership Chair Report: Sonya Palmer
The Membership report, As of September, 2016 to November, 2016was presented and discussed by the members present.. All reports were reviewed and discussed by the members of the clubs and are incorporated as an integral part of these minutes.The reportwas accepted for information purposes. .
Sanction Report: Sonya Palmer
The Sanction report, As of September, 2016 to November, 2016was presented and discussed by the members present. There are 2 Ass Champaign upcoming sanctioned meets. The reportwas accepted for information purposes.
Master’s Chair Report: John Carter-
Mr. Carter informed the membership that the Southeast Masters Championship meet will be moved from July to May 20, 2017 at the U of North Fl. The 2017 Master Schedule was presented in full and a reminder the next meet will be May 6, 2017 to be held at Whites Creek High School.The reportwas accepted for information purposes.
Women’s Track & Field/Coaches Education- Lori Sheppard
Not Presented
Men’s Track & Field:
Not Presented
Youth Chair Report: Morcelloust Harris
No report
LDR Chair Report: – Dave Milner
Not Present
Budget & Finance-Open position
Audit Committee-Open Position
Disabilities Chair Report: - Chentell Pate
Not Present
Mountain Bike Chair: Open position
Race Walking Chair: – Open position
Not present
New Business:
The youth association meet will most likely will be at Strafford High School after the logistical items are worked out as stated earlier. President Johnson stated this will happen in the next couple of weeks hopefully while working with the youth chairs. President Johnson presented Catrena Thompson with the USATF Association volunteer of year award. The association has order a car magnet and pencils form the USATF National free of charge.
Coach Sam Smith death and funeral arrangement was announced
March 4, 2017 Sam Smith Clinic and Health Fair
May 10, 2017 T-belle Golf Tournament
June 3, 2017 Sam Smith Invitational at Whites Creek
Throws only meet – March3/19/17? (date will be announced)
Meeting adjourned at 2:38pm