Application for membership of the ACMAPreparatory Group for the World Radiocommunication Conference
Applicant Information
To apply for membership of the ACMA Preparatory Group for the World Radiocommunication Conference (ACMA PG WRC), please email your completed form to the ACMA’s International Regulatory Section:Full Name:
Phone: / ( ) / Mobile:
Email address:
Please complete details regarding your interests/expertise and who you are representing.
My involvement in the ACMA PG WRC is based on:
I will be representing:
Lobbyist Register
If you have indicated above that you intend to participate in the ACMA PG WRC on behalf of a third-party client/s, you must be registered on the Australian Government Register of Lobbyists and comply with the requirements of the Lobbying Code of ConductAre you registered on the Australian Government Register of Lobbyists?
☐ / Yes / ☐ / No
If you selected ‘yes’, please list all of your clients below that are relevant to the work of the ACMA PG WRC:
Signature of applicant
In signing this application, you agree to comply with the conditions of the ACMA Guidelines for participation in international and regional radiocommunications forums and meetings.
Signature of applicantDate
Note on the Privacy Act
The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act) imposes obligations on the ACMA in relation to the collection, security, quality, access, use and disclosure of personal information. These obligations are detailed in the Australian Privacy Principles.
The ACMA may only collect personal information if it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, one or more of the ACMA’s functions or activities.
The purpose of the collection of the personal information in this application for membership of the ACMA PG WRC is to facilitate the administration of the group including discussions between its members.
The ACMA will not use the information for any other purposes, nor will we disclose it, unless we have your consent or are otherwise permitted to do so under the Privacy Act.
If you do not provide the information requested your application for ACMA PG WRC membership will be rejected.
Further information on the Privacy Act and the ACMA’s Privacy Policy is available at The Privacy Policy contains details about how you may access personal information about you that is held by the ACMA, and seek the correction of such information. It also explains how you may complain about a breach of the Privacy Act and how we will deal with such a complaint.
Should you have any questions in this regard please contact the ACMA’s privacy contact officer by telephone on 1800 226 667 or by email at