FitzroyFalls Aged Care Services

Risk Assessment Matrix

This matrix can be used as a tool to assess the levels of risk by assessing the probability of harm as well as the likely severity of the injury and or property damage.


Q1. How often does this hazard cause harm or how often is it likely to happen? (Please tick one of 1-5)

Probability/Likelihood / Description / Please tick one
1. Highly likely/frequent / Occurs repeatedly, (daily) can be expected to occur again within a few days
2. Probable / Not surprising in the circumstances.
Happens every few weeks
3. Possible / Happens once in a few months. Could occur sometime
4. Remote / Unlikely to happen, though conceivably it could happen
5. Improbable / So unlikely that it is improbable

Q2. What is the worst possible injury or damage that could occur if this hazard or risk continues (please tick one of the following)?

Nature of injury/outcome/damage cost / Degree of severity / Please tick one
Fatal/extreme trauma / 1
Major Injury/permanent disability/significant trauma / 2
Minor Injury/ trauma / 3
No injury / 4

When you have compared the probability with the severity or consequences then use the following matrix to work out the risk rating.



/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5


1 / A / B / B / C / *
2 / B / B / C / D / *
3 / C / C / D / E / *
4 / D / D / E / * / *

“A” grade risks are dealt with before “B”grade risks and an asterisk * in the matrix indicates an acceptable risk.

To estimate workplace exposure, note the number of people exposed to the risk over a normal 24-hour period against the rating. E.g. 16 people exposed to a “B” grade risk will result in a rating of B16.

In this way risks with a similar rating can be prioritised, e.g. B20 receives priority over B16

Priority Ranking for Action to be taken

AVery High-Some action should be taken within 24 hours.

BHigh-Some action should be taken within a week.

CMedium-Some action should be taken within a month.

DLow-Some action should be taken within 3 months.

EVery low-Some action should be taken within 6 months


This risk assessment tool is to be used only as a rough guide to evaluate priorities and responses. For instance, some circumstances will be observed which will demand immediate action, eg a non-electrician attempting to repair an energised electrical appliance or a carer lifting a resident off the floor in a situation not regarded as life threatening. These more obvious and imminently dangerous situations should be viewed outside the scope of this risk assessment tool.

As a rule, where resources permit, all risk reduction measures should be instituted sooner rather than later. If the request indicates priority action is required, then some form of remedial action should occur to reduce the risk whilst the request is processed.

What action would you take as a result of completing this matrix?

Document Name: / Forms – Risk Assessment Matrix / Created Date:
Document No: / Version No: / V1 / Last Modified Date:
© J.N.Bailey Pty Ltd 2009 / Page Sequence: