Presidential Advisory Council on Disability and Accessibility Planning

Meeting MinutesOctober 20, 2011


The meeting of the Presidential Advisory Council on Disability and Accessibility Planning was called to order at 3:40 p.m. on Thursday, October 20, 2011, in Baker University Center 229 by Laura Myers, Co-chair. Inya Baiye, the new Assistant Director for Civil Rights Compliance in the Office for Institutional Equity was introduced to the Council.


Carey Busch, Jim Fonseca, Jenny Hall-Jones, Sebastian Hurtado Torres, Carolyn Lewis, Leisha Lininger, Linda Lonsinger, Laura Myers, Dick Planisek, and JW Smith.


John McCarthy and Harry Wyatt.


Copies of the agenda, the September meeting minutes, Sub-Council Draft Plan Work Product Due email, and the Accessibility Plan Draft Schedule – FY 2012 were distributed to the Council members.

1. Review of Minutes

The minutes from the September 15 and 23, 2011, meeting were approved following a motion by JW Smith and seconded by Carolyn Lewis.

II. Public Forum Discussion

A. Sub-council chairs and co-chairs are to communicate with sub-council about who will be attending the forum.

1. Ask for volunteers to scribe, read or be a note taker.

B. Role of facilitators - possible ways to promote discussion about Academic Access, Architectural Access, Campus Climate and Program and Web Access.

1. Ask group participants to write concerns before having discussion;

2. Start discussion with good experiences that have occurred with faculty, staff, etc.

3. Start with positive questions;

4. Different questions for different groups;

5. Sub-council chairs and co-chairs create questions for their group;

a. Have core questions with customized questions for each group.

6. Facilitator to lead discussion

a. Identify note taker for the group;

b. Capture discussion on white board and take picture of it with phone before erasing; send to Ruth Blickle the next day for transcribing;

7. Ruth Blickle will email possible questions to PACDAP members so they will have them for the forum.

C. Possible questions:

1.  What is Ohio University doing well for people with disabilities?

2.  What is the one thing Ohio University can do to improve access?

3.  What is the greatest need at Ohio University?

4.  What programs and services will help?

5.  How does Ohio University better educate and inform faculty, staff, and students?

6.  How do we get maximum involvement from people around campus – how do we get people to “buy” into this?

7.  What are your expectations?

8.  What do you see as OU’s greatest need in this area?

9.  What obstacles and barriers (structural or otherwise) exist that prevent OU from being accessible?

10. What is the climate on campus for underrepresented groups?

D. Scribes

1. Have scribes at each table;

2. Carey Busch, JW Smith, and Linda Lonsinger offered to find students/employees to scribe.

E. Promote Public Forum

1. Carolyn Lewis informed the Athens City Commission on Disabilities, Athens City Council and city officials about the forum;

2. Carolyn Lewis to contact Fred Kight about an interview with Laura Myers on WOUB;

3. Contact ACTV23 about possible coverage of the event;

4. Send information to Tier I instructors for announcement to classes;

5. Send information to UC 115 instructors for announcement to classes;

6. Invite Hearing and Speech, Counseling and Higher Education, Special Education, and Physical Therapy classes;

7. Sebastian Hurtado Torres presented the information to Graduate Student Senate and they are willing to promote the event.

F. Miscellaneous Information and Suggestions

1. Evaluation sheets to be filled out before participants leave groups;

a. Have scribes available for evaluation sheets;

b. Give participants option to take evaluation sheets home and return at a later date;

2. Can the public forum be replicated on the regional campuses?

a. Population may be different on regional campuses;

b. Form small focus groups that could identify a designated person on each campus for feedback (possibly the Disability Services representative);

c. Regional campuses have access issues because of the older buildings. Parking is also an issue;

d. Possibly connect the regional campuses by video system for future forums;

e. Laura Myers and Jim Fonseca to meet to discuss options for regional campuses.

III. Discussion of Sub-council Draft Plan Work Product Due

A. Select practical and visionary goal statements – how your group decides strategies;

B. Benchmarking – seeing what works and what doesn’t;

C. Think long term plan not just short term.

IV. Progress Updates

A. Architectural Access – Dick Planisek

1. ADA map passed out to council.

a. There are inaccuracies and he needs input for accurate map;

b. Dick Planisek will bring copies of the map to the Public Forum for participants to take with them;

c. There was a suggestion that a narrative list with accessibility information be created (i.e., Clippinger Lab – state issues) so that the information can be brailled.

1. There are companies that can create braille maps;

2. JW Smith expressed interest in the walking sessions. He would like to point out sight impairment issues;

3. Dick Planisek shared information about an upcoming PBS show on Thursday, 10/27, at 10:00 pm., on the History of the Disability Movement;

4. “Putting Our Difference to Work,” by Debbie Kennedy (2008) which talks about how the paradigm shift needs to lean more to inclusion was suggested reading by Laura Myers.

B. Academic Access – Carey Busch and Jenny Hall-Jones

1. Three objectives have been identified:

a. Program Services and Support - Accommodation and specialized services

b. Auxiliary - Academic advising and support

c. Universal Design - Designing for largest scope of population according to age, cultural backgrounds, etc.

1. No institution has been found that has an overall commitment to universal design

2. Benchmarking and metrics under each area (Disability support services, academic advising, library, etc.)

Please Note:

Future meetings will be:

November 21, 8:30-10:00, HRTC, Room 154

December 21, 1:30-3:00 p.m., Baker Center 226

Minutes submitted by: Ruth Blickle

Approved by: Laura Myers and Harry Wyatt

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