DIRECTIVE NO. 706B DATE: October 1998
SUBJECT: Fire Alarm Systems
REFERENCES: Applicable Codes and Standards:
- Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Standard 864
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 72,current edition.
- Virginia Uniform Statewide Fire Prevention Code (VUSFPC),current edition.
PURPOSE:To establish a policy and procedures for Facilities Management personnel relating to fire alarm systems.
CANCELLATION:Supersedes and cancels Directive 706A dated February 20, 1996.
BACKGROUND:Facilities Management provides monitoring, maintenance and periodic testing services for most University fire alarm systems. Some University divisions such as Athletics, Housing, and Newcomb Hall perform routine maintenance services for their respective systems with Facilities Management providing additional support as needed. Facilities Management also initiates emergency response and responds to fire alarms. Maintenance, testing and effective communication are critical to maximizing safety and minimizing potential loss from fire.
POLICY: Facilities Management personnel shall work with others both within and outside the University to minimize the threat to life and property from fire. Furthermore, Facilities Management shall seek to minimize the occurrence of false alarms and their affect on community resources.
DIRECTIVE NO. 706B DATE: October 1998
Page 2
Attachment 1, “FACILITIES MANAGEMENTFIRE ALARM SYSTEM PROCEDURES”, contains general Facilities Management procedures and responsibilities relative to University fire alarm systems. Additional specialized procedures may be developed on a facility by facility basis to further enhance these basic procedures. Such specialized procedures shall be attached to this directive and distributed “on line” as they are developed.
Attachment 2, ”UNIVERSITY TELEPHONE OPERATOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PROCEDURES”, contains general information concerning the fire alarm response provided by the operators on duty at the University Telephone Operators’ station in McKim Hall. This attachment is provided for information only.
Robert P. Dillman
Chief Facilities Officer
Response to Fire Alarms------3
Response to Fire System Trouble Status Alarms------7
Off-Line Fire Alarm Systems------8
False Alarms------10
Fire Alarm Data Collections and Dissemination------11
Testing, Inspection and Repair of Fire Alarm Systems------11
Personnel Lists------12
Response to Fire Alarms------13
A.Fire Alarm System: Any electronic and/or electro-mechanical system or subset that provides local and/or remote warning of a fire or possible threat of fire.
B.SystemControlCenter Operator: The person(s) on duty in the SystemsControlCenter who monitors University building automation and fire alarm systems.
- University Telephone Operator: The person(s) on duty at the University Telephone Operators’ station in McKim Hall.
- University Fire Safety Officer: Facilitator between University and City of Charlottesville fire rescue teams at incident sites. This individual also maintains the University’s fire alarm incident database and makes recommendations to improve fire alarm response. This individual works in the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS).
- Fire Systems Maintenance Supervisor: Facilities Management supervisor responsible for maintaining and scheduling testing of Facilities Management maintained fire alarm systems.
- Authorized Persons List: List of maintenance staff and administrators having the authority to take fire alarm systems off-line. Authorized persons shall be selected by their respective department head, chair, or dean, and be approved by the appropriate University Division or Hospital Fire Safety Officer.
- Facility Coordinator: Appointed representative who is the contact between Facilities Management and the faculty, staff and students at a particular University facility(ies).
- Callback List: A list maintained by the supervisor of the SystemsControlCenter of persons who are to be contacted to provide both emergency and non-emergency response. The callback list contains information such as home and work telephone numbers and any radio, pager or cellular phone numbers of persons on the list. Typically, the list contains names and numbers of maintenance staff.
- Maintenance: Defined in accordance with Section 71 and 72 of NFPA Fire Code Series as “Repair service, including periodically recurrent inspections and tests, required to keep the fire alarm system and its component parts in an operative condition at all times, together with replacement of the system or its components, when for any reason they become undependable or inoperable.” Typically, maintenance staff consists of electricians and/or control technicians.
- Off-Line: The status of a fire alarm system whose local or remote alarm annunciation is to be disregarded during testing or servicing, or when construction is in progress in the area. Off-line fire alarm systems may or may not have their local or remote alarm annunciators disabled.
- Off-Line List: Either of two lists independently maintained by both the Systems Control Center Operator and the University Telephone Operator that identifies which University fire alarm systems are currently off-line. The “Daily Off-Line List” lists systems which are to be taken off-line for less than 24 hours. The “Extended Off-Line List” lists systems which are to be off-line for more than 24 hours. Areas affected by construction or renovation would typically be on the extended off-line list.
- Trouble Status: The status of a fire alarm system that is malfunctioning or experiencing an abnormal condition. Such systems may continue to sense fires and activate alarms normally. However, such systems are considered unreliable as there is typically no way of remotely determining the fire safety status of the area(s). Trouble status is often indicated when fire alarm systems are being tested.
- Group 2 Page: Simultaneous paging, through a dedicated paging and intercom system at the UniversityHealthSciencesCenter, of multiple individuals with established departmental responsibilities for responding to selected emergency situations including a fire alarm activation.
- Overhead Page: Widespread broadcast through the UniversityHealthSciencesCenter paging and intercom system intended to disseminate information of general interest.
- TIE Line: Dedicated communications line between two phones. Whenever the handset is picked up from one phone, the “TIED” phone rings immediately without the need for dialing. For example, tie lines exist between the SystemsControlCenter and the University Telephone Operators station, and between the SystemsControlCenter and University elevator telephones.
- Fire Alarm Incident Report: A report completed by SystemsControlCenter operators detailing events related to fire alarms. Reports are kept on file at the SystemsControlCenter for a period of one year. Copies of the report are provided to the University Fire Safety Officer, University Police, and the Fire Systems Maintenance Supervisor. The directors of Housing and Medical Center Physical Plant also receive copies of the report for alarms in their areas of responsibility.
1.Every Facilities Management employee is responsible for reducing the threat of fire and the occurrence of false alarms. Any situation which may result in a false report of fire or any questions or comments about unclear situations should be brought to the attention of the UVA Fire Safety Officer or the SystemsControlCenter supervisor.
2.As with any University emergency, fire related emergencies require a multi-disciplined response to minimize threat to life and property. Fire related emergencies may involve the following University personnel:
a. University Police Department Staff
b. University Telephone Operators
c. SystemsControlCenter Operators
d. Maintenance Staff
e. Environmental Health and Safety Staff
f . Administrators, Faculty, or Facility Coordinators
Additionally, any threat of fire will involve the City of Charlottesville’s Fire Department.
Other city, county, state, and federal departments may be involved depending on the nature and scope of the threat.
3.SystemsControlCenter operators and Facilities Management maintenance personnel shall respond to requests for information from authorized persons only such as the University Telephone Operators, Police Department, Fire Department, Environmental Health and Safety personnel, and other appropriate Facilities Management personnel.
The following procedures define the actions to be taken by Facilities Management when responding to a real or perceived threat of fire to University facilities:
- SystemsControlCenter Response
- Fire Alarm System Is Listed On The Off-Line List
- If the system is off-line for testing, disregard the alarm or report. Inform any caller(s) that the system is being tested and to disregard the alarm, but to remain vigilant for other signs of fire.
- For systems off-line for any reason other than testing, proceed to Procedures 1.c., “All Alarms”.
Note: The University Telephone Operator makes a simultaneous and independent verification of the off-line status for any alarms received through the monitoring system.
- Fire Alarm System Is Not Listed On The Off-Line List
- Alarm Annunciation at SCC
- Receive call from the University Telephone Operator via the TIE line to verify alarm reception.
- Initiate the TIE line call if none is received from the University Telephone Operator within one minute of the alarm annunciation.
- Acknowledge alarm in monitoring system.
- Proceed to 1.c., “All Alarms”.
- Alarm Received By Telephone Or Verbally
- Obtain specific information on location and type of fire and name and telephone number of person reporting fire.
- Instruct caller to follow the designated evacuation plan and wait for the fire department.
- Report the fire to the University Telephone Operator by the TIE Line or 924-2012, the direct dial equivalent phone number.
- Proceed to 1.c., “All Alarms”.
Note: A report of a burning smell or a smoke odor shall be responded to as if there were a direct report of fire regardless of any off-line conditions.
c.All Alarms
- Notify appropriate maintenance staff, as defined by the current callback list for the involved facility, and instruct them to investigate and respond to the alarm.
- Notify others, as needed, based on specific type of threat such as the Office of Environmental Health and Safety for chemical fires.
- Take other actions as requested by persons identified on the authorized persons list.
- Follow any other specialized procedures as required by the specific event.
- Complete a detailed “Fire Alarm Incident Report” for each fire alarm occurrence except if the system is off-line and an alarm is expected.
d.Silencing Of Alarm Devices
Silence alarm(s) on remotely controlled systems only when requested to do so by authorized persons.
Note: Some fire alarm systems cannot be silenced remotely from the SystemsControlCenter.
e.Resetting Of Alarm Devices and Doors
Reset alarm(s) on remotely controlled devices and doors only when requested to do so by authorized persons.
f.Notification In Case Of Confirmed Fires
Once a fire has been confirmed to have occurred, notify the following people as soon as possible:
Office of the Chief Facilities Officer, Facilities Management
Director, Facilities Management Utilities Department University Fire Safety Officer
In addition, for:
Director, Facilities Operations
Director, MedicalCenter Physical Plant
Maintenance Supervisor, Housing Division
Names and contact information of persons requiring notification shall be stored in the Systems Control Center Emergency Response database on a facility by facility basis.
2. Maintenance Personnel Response
a. Report of Threat of Fire
(1) Upon being notified of an apparent threat of fire, proceed to site and establish communication with Fire Department personnel.
(2) At all times, comply fully with any requests for action from the Charlottesville Fire Department or the University Police Department who are the authorities in charge at the scene of any fire-related response.
(3) Assist Fire Department personnel in locating any building fire alarm panel, smoke or fire detector, or other device which may have been activated.
(4) The Fire Department will determine if there is an actual fire. Once this has been established, immediately notify the Systems Control Center Operator and inform him/her of the situation. Provide detailed information about the fire or false alarm.
(5) For an actual fire, follow all instructions given by Fire and Police Department personnel. If no fire exists, follow instructions below as appropriate.
b. Silencing of Alarm Devices
(1) If the Fire Department has determined that there is no fire, silence the alarm or instruct Systems Control Center Operator to do the same.
(2) If the Fire Department has established that there is no fire and the alarm-indicating detector cannot immediately be located, silence the main fire alarm panel, but do not issue a reset signal. Investigate further to determine cause of activation before resetting panel.
c. Resetting of Alarm Devices and Doors
If the Fire Department has determined that there is no fire and the source of alarm activation has abated or appropriate action has been taken (such as the fire alarm system being taken off-line for further investigations or repair), reset alarm devices and doors or instruct Systems Control Center Operator to do same. .
d. All Alarms:
(1) If it becomes apparent through testing, maintenance, or alarm response that repairs are necessary, initiate repair action.
(2) Notify Facility Coordinators, SystemsControlCenter personnel and others as appropriate to ensure appropriate response and to provide information for accurate completion of all applicable reports.
A.If at any time a zone or system panel goes into trouble status, the Systems Control Center Operator will immediately notify the service desk of Facilities Management, the Medical Center Physical Plant, or Housing, as appropriate, during normal working hours, or a shift worker or callback personnel on nights and weekends. The only exception to this procedure is if the zone or panel has been taken off-line for testing or maintenance or to prevent false alarms during construction or renovation.
B.In cases where a zone, panel or system goes into trouble status when it is actively being monitored, the Systems Control Center Operator will establish an emergency work order to restore the system to normal status. This action will ensure that all parties understand that a maximum 24-hour turn-around is required for repair and resolution of the situation.
C. The SystemsControlCenter will send a monthly listing of fire detection systems that are off-line or that indicate trouble status to the Medical Center Physical Plant service desk and to the Fire Systems Maintenance Supervisor. Should any Housing facilities have systems that are off-line or in trouble, a copy of this list will be sent to the Housing maintenance superintendent. MedicalCenter Physical Plant zone maintenance superintendents, the Fire Systems Maintenance Supervisor and Housing maintenance supervisor will verify the list against scheduled outages. Any system that is not on the scheduled outage list will immediately be investigated and corrective action taken in accordance with A. and B. above.
D.MedicalCenter Physical Plant, the Facilities Operations Fire Systems Inspector or Housing Maintenance Department, as appropriate, will notify the SystemControlCenter upon completion of repairs.
Some testing, maintenance, and construction activities can potentially cause a false fire alarm. In such cases, it may be appropriate to take such systems off-line, provided that such action is in accordance with established State and University procedures. As a result, zones, panels or systems may be disabled or SystemsControlCenter personnel may be instructed to ignore alarms and trouble signals. The following procedures and responsibilities shall apply when a system is to be taken off-line.
1.Only those on the AUTHORIZED PERSONS LIST may issue directives to take fire alarm systems off-line or bring them on line. Steps shall be taken to minimize the extent of the area and systems being taken off-line. For example, an entire building should not be taken off-line if construction is occurring in only one of many zones.
2.Authorized Persons shall use the following procedure when taking systems off-line:
a.Instruct the requesting party not to commence any type of work until authorized. Develop a schedule and procedure with the requesting party to minimize the extent and duration of the off-line condition. Obtain a phone number(s) that can be used to contact the requesting party at all times.
b.If it is determined that the fire alarm system should be taken off-line, follow steps c - f; otherwise, call the requesting party and inform him/her of the decision and coordinate further as necessary.
c.Call the SystemsControlCenter to request that the system(s) be taken off-line and provide detailed information to include zones affected, start time, and scheduled return-to-service time and date.
d.Disconnect any impacted fire systems such as sprinkler flow switches or smoke detectors to prevent audible alarms unless the audible alarms are specifically being tested.
e.Notify building occupants and/or facility coordinators as appropriate, especially if testing of any audible alarms is involved. Testing schedules should be provided to facility coordinators at least 24 hours in advance for proper occupant notification.
f.Notify the University Fire Safety Officer or the Medical Center Fire Safety Officer as appropriate, or his designate, by electronic mail of any systems which are to be taken off-line for more than 4 hours, or when an entire system is to be taken off-line for any amount of time.
g.After verifying that the appropriate devices have been disconnected, provide authorization to the requesting party to commence work. Instruct the requesting party to contact maintenance and the SystemsControlCenter when the work is finished. If the work overlaps shifts, inform the incoming shift about the area and status of the work to ensure that the next shift rearms the system.