Application to NRP Science Links Seed Sub-Group for NRP Science Links Seed Corn funding

If you wish to apply for funding, please complete sections A-D of this form. Forms should besubmittedas a Word document to Matthew Hills () by 17.00 on Friday 29th September 2017.

On completion of the project, please complete section E and return to Matthew Hillsfor discussion at the NRP Science Seed Links sub-group meeting.

Title of project
Principal Investigator / Ref.
Lead Organisation
NRP Collaborators and Affiliation
NRP Science / ELSA
Section A Scientific case

Please provide a brief scientific case for funding and support this with attachments where appropriate.

Please note: Typically, awards will fall into the order of £10k-£15k and will be awarded for a period of not exceeding a year. In exceptional circumstances awards >£15k and for longer projects will be considered; however no open ended commitments will be made.
The scientific case should be no more than 900 words using Arial 11 point. Details of references cited may lie outside the limit.
Section B Anticipated Outcomes

Please provide details anticipated outcomes (e.g. grant applications), and support this with attachments where appropriate.(Max. 300 words, Arial 11 point)

Section C Funding requirements by financial year (£k)








Technology Platforms



Other costs

Less: Contributions from other sources


Please liaise with your local Finance / Contracts office to prepare estimates of costs.

Section D Justification for items of expenditure requiring Science Links Seed funding

Please detail each distinct item requiring funding. Staff costs (inc. studentship costs) should be identified by individual (or by post if the individual is not yet known), with start/end dates. The SLSF will not fund Investigator time or overheads(Max. 300 words, Arial 11 point)

Section E Report on outcomes

Please provide a description of eventual outcomes and support this with attachments where appropriate. This should include half a page on scientific progress and half a page on outcomes (i.e. publications, grant applications and other impacts).

The final report must be submitted to the NRP Science Links Seed sub-group at the end of the project, followed by a second report at twelve months after the project’s closure to report on outputs. A reminder will be automatically sent to you when the project ends.

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