Transition Activity Year 11-12: Physics
Topics covered in year 12: /
  1. Measurements and their errors, including use of SI units and their prefixes, limitations of physical measurement, estimation of physical quantities
  2. Particles and radiation, including constituents of the atom, particle interactions, collisions of electrons with atoms
  3. Waves, including progressive waves, interference, diffraction
  4. Mechanics and energy, including projectile motion, Newton’s laws of motion
  5. Electricity, including current/voltage characteristics, circuits, electromotive force and internal resistance

What types of activities are typical in this subject: / A-level Physics goes into much more detail than GCSE. It attempts to
Explain how the forces that affect the universe are linked and how they interact. We go from looking at how sub-atomic particles interact to how gravitation affects the movement of stellar objects. Physics at this level also considers the contradictions (e.g. why does light have a dual nature, what is absolute zero and how can we prove its existence etc.).
From a practical perspective we determine
  • “g” (acceleration due to gravity)
  • The wavelength of light
  • The refractive index of glass, plastic etc.
And we use our findings to explain how various devices work (from X-ray machines to satellite’s in orbit), the opportunities that physics provides are endless.
How this subject is assessed: / There is no coursework on this course. However, your performance during practicals will be assessed if you take the A level. If successful a comment on your results certificate will testify to this.
There are three exams at the end of the two years for A-level, all of which are two hours long. At least 15% of the marks for A-level Physics are based on what you learned in your practicals.
The AS has two exams at the end of the year.
Both are 1 hour 30 minutes long.
Awarding body & Specification: / AQA Physics (AS) 7407 (A-Level) 7408
Useful websites for this subject: /
Useful books for this subject: /
Transition task to be completed over summer and handed in 1st week back: / All the work needed is in this folder on Pupil Common T:\A LEVEL PHYSICS TRANSITION MATERIALS
Pupils are to review the power points and present a report on the development of our understanding on the structure of the atom.
Guidance notes are included.
What else you can do to prepare for this subject: / Keep us to date with
For example, they recently published this:

Join the Institute of Physics and look at all their resources on the same page.
Teacher(s) responsible for this subject: / Mr. D Wilde