Anthony Del Sordi’s Retirement
By John F. Donahue
I had the privilege of attending a retirement dinner this month for Anthony DelSordi, the School Business Administrator for Scotch-Plains Fanwood Board of Education and Past President of NJASBO. There are retirement dinners and then there are retirement dinners—this one was special! It wasn’t any different from your typical retirement sendoff, it was just special; and it was because of who we were celebrating that evening.
Anthony has had a profound influence on the many people he has worked with and befriended during his professional career. That was clearly in evidence by the many business officials who attended this celebration. I attend a number of retirement dinners each year, and I have never witnessed as many of our colleagues from around the state take the time to honor one of their own. I saw people I see only once or twice a year at state conventions. I didn’t take an exact count, but it seemed more like an NJASBO conference, than a retirement dinner with at least 10 past presidents of NJASBO in attendance.
It was really a fun evening. What was most memorable to me, as I talked with everyone, were the comments I heard from Anthony’s colleagues about how he influenced, in one way or another, their personal lives and professional careers. It was truly inspiring and could not have been more deserving.
The more I think about it, it’s clear to me that Anthony symbolizes who we are as business officials. I don’t believe any other profession comes together to support and help each other like we do. Maybe we are the only folks that truly understand what we do for a living, and that’s why our relationships with each other are as strong, meaningful, and sincere as they are. Whatever the case, I’m proud to be a member of this profession.
Best of Luck Anthony,