Clenchwarton Parish Council

Minutes of meeting 6th July 2017

Present Chairman Cllrs James, Cllrs Swietonowski, Winter, Smith, Pell andImpey

There were 16 members of the public present

  1. To receive apologies for absence, Cllrs Tordoff, Gipp, Howlett and Mallett
  2. To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda and any application for dispensation. Cllr Winter expressed an interest in item 7, wages
  3. To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held 1st June 2017. The minutes were approved and signed as a true record
  4. Presentation by Mr Stollery on the proposed Anaerobic Digester on a site close to Dow Chemical. Mr Stollery explained his application and took questions from the public and Councillors. Concerns were raised regarding HGV movements, height of the building, working hours, flooding and odours. Mr Stollery stated the building would be low level and not seen above the bank, there would be no odours from the plant or transportation of the fuel, although a sweet smell may be emitted from the storage of crops. Working hours would be from 8am until 5pm Mon-Friday and 8am-1pm on Saturdays with no Bank Holiday or Sunday working. He stated that no Environmental Impact Statement was required and that Natural England and Environment Agency had no objections. The Chairman thanked Mr Stollery for attending.
  5. Reports from County and Borough Councillors. Cllr Whitby commented on the proposed regeneration scheme around the South Gates and the proposed opening of the bus lane to all traffic which had caused concerns. The idea was to relieve congestion and reduce pollution on London Road.Cllr Swietonowski felt it would be a retrograde step and Cllr James had concerns regarding wildlife on Harding’s Way. Cllr Pell asked if it would be a possibility to open it as a one-way or just during the rush hour periods. Cllr Whitby also reported on the rise in homelessness and that funding was being sought to pay for an outreach group. He had presented the Lavender Hill charity, which was the charity he had chosen while being Mayor, with a cheque for £10915. Cllr Kemp reported on her concerns that the Willows site might be sold off, she felt it should be retained and used for small businesses and park and ride. She reported that Whitefriars School had been assured that Harding’s Way would only be used as a bus route. CPRE had stated that Tourism in Kings Lynn was worth 6millon.Cllr Kemp was concerned that houses would be built there and people do not visit that area to see new houses.
  6. Open Forum: 15 minutes during which time residents may speak. A resident stated that he had heard that planning permission for10 houses plus the land behind on the corner of Hall Road and Wildfields Road had been granted for residential development. County Councillor Kemp reported that 10 had been granted permission on the condition that the drainage issues could be resolved.The clerk would investigate to see if an application for the land at the rear had been submitted. A resident reported that a sweeper had been around the village but weeds had been left in the gutters.
  7. Finance: to approve the monthly payments. Finance report and invoices were circulated by the RFO. Total payments of £2,542.43 were agreed. The RFO reported that the fun day had raised a profit of £1285.70. Cllr Pell stated that there was still money in the old Youth Club


account. It was proposed by Cllr Swietonowski that the money should be transferred into the

newCommunity Centre Account, all agreed. RFO would report back on the amount left in

theaccount at the next meeting.

  1. To resolve on the co option of individual to the Parish Council. It was unanimously agreed to co-opt Mr Neal Hunter, clerk would advise him of his co option.
  2. Clerks report. A resident had requested a street light and litter bin for Jubilee Bank Road. It would not be possible for the P/C to place cameras to catch fly tippers or dog fouling on land they did not own. She had filled in a grant form from Recycling Awards on behalf of the CC Committee. Cllrs observations have been forwarded to the Rangers for works needed within the Parish, sweeping, pothole north end Station Road, footpath Clapper Lane, weeds in gutters. Allotment no 4 had been re let free for 18 months to allow the new tenant to clean it up.She asked if the Councillors had any comments regarding the electoral review which had been circulated, there were no comments. A good ROSPA report had been received and circulated it was agreed to ask CllrTordoff to arrange for any work to be undertaken. Mr Walsh, on behalf of Fosters development, requested to know if the P/C felt there should be street lighting on the new Fosters site, Highway were not asking for any. It was agreed there should be lighting, however Parish Council would not take on responsibility for them,clerk would contact Mr Walsh. The Clerk wished her thanks to be recorded to Cllr Howlett for the repair he had done to the office roof, all agreed.
  3. To report on the outcome of a complaint to the Monitoring officer re streetlight and resolve appropriately. It was unanimously agreed that the issue of the street light in ClapperLane/Linford Estate would not be discussed again.
  4. Village sign: Cllr Smith. To consider refurbishment of the sign by the pond. It had been refurbished three years ago. It was agreed to agenda for the August meeting and to speak with Cllr Tordoff to see if he knew of anyone locally who would look at it and give a quote.
  5. To resolve on weekly collection of dog fouling bins. The clerk had not received a quote as yet, agenda for August.
  6. To resolve on the purchase of new dog and rubbish bins. It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr Winter would have a look to see where the rubbish bins were most needed and two would be ordered.
  7. To consider and resolve on the erection of signs on the playing fields regarding dog laws and golf games. No decision was made. It was reported that people were accessing the playing fields from properties in Hall Road, some of which had cut gateways from their own properties onto the field. It was resolved the clerk should write to all residents on that part of Hall Road by recorded delivery, requesting, if it applies to them, that they block up the openings and use the official entrances as they have no permission to access the field from their own land.
  8. Correspondence: to consider correspondence received and circulated. Cllr Swietonowski had received an email from a resident suggesting ways in which the pond could be improved to attract wildlife. Email from resident in Linford Estate regarding the streetlight, this was dealt with earlier in the meeting (agenda item 10) Email from resident in Station Road re speeding vehicles. Council are trying to assist with the problem by siting a post for the new SAM 2 sign in Station Road.


  1. To report on meeting with Roy Payne and Andrew Wallace re the siting of the SAM2 signs. Cllr Pell reported on the meeting, Mr Wallace is checking to see if there are any services in Station Road in the vicinity of the proposed new post. The sites for thesigns are 1) on the main road at the top of Ferry Road 2) opposite the Victory PH and 3) Station Road, south end. Cllr Pell and Mr Duhig offered to move them around the parish. Cllr Swietonowski offered to look at the data monitoring device.
  1. Planning: to consider and comment on planning applications,circulated. It was agreed to make comment on the proposed Anaerobic Digester planned for a site close to Dow Chemical in Kings Lynn. Observations to include working hours, support of cycleway along the ROW (BOAT)concerns regarding odours and lack of an EIA. 17/01155/RM reserved matters, granted. 17/00743/F Internal alteration and single story extension, 48 Robin Kerkham Way, no observations. 17/01062/F retrospective application to erect an outbuilding close to boundary line, 8 Rookery Close, no observations. 16/01652/F Tea Room, retrospective application has been granted. 15/01446/O Margaretta House 100 Main Road, Outline for new residential housing development app/v2635/w/16/3166311 gone to appeal. Cllrs felt that the use of Harding’s way in Kings Lynn as a route for all traffic would be a retrograde step.
  2. To receive update from committees, Community Centre Committee working party. Cllr Pell reported on the progress with the plans, which had been circulated. The committee were considering holding bingo’s and a Halloween party to raise funds.
  3. To receive update from outside bodies: Memorial Hall, Cllr Swietonowski stated there had not been a meeting and Cllr James reported that the new kitchen had now been fitted.
  4. To receive items for the next agenda 3rd August 2017. Cllr Pell requested cheque signatories be placed on the agenda.
  5. To resolve on whether the council should go into closed session for discussion of the following agenda items on the grounds of confidentiality (details of discussion not for publication by virtue of section 100 (a) para 4 of the Local Government Act 1972) Agreed
  6. To consider legal matters regarding the playing field in Hall Road
  7. Staffing matters

This part of the meeting closed at 9.15