Work Instruction
Functional Area: Project Systems / Create WBS Element Group
Use this procedure to create WBS element groups.
Perform this procedure when there is a need to group similar WBS elements together.
Menu Path
Use the following menu path to begin this transaction:
· Select AccountingProject SystemProjectSpecial Maintenance FunctionsWork Breakdown Structure (WBS)WBS Element GroupGenerate to go to the Generate WBS Element Group screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
· The University will use the WBS Element Group functionality to group similar or related projects. This grouping will allow for ease of reporting (i.e. WBS elements grouped by Project Manager). WBS Element Groups are comprised of WBS elements. WBS elements may belong to more than one WBS Element Group. The university may use any criteria that they deem useful to create these groups (i.e. Project Manager, Campus branch, etc.).
· It is recommended to first run creating a WBS Element Group in test mode. This allows the user to see the group and make any changes before saving it.
· In addition to creating a WBS Element Group with transaction CJSG, an existing WBS Element Group can be expanded or overwritten with this transaction. Indicators on the initial screen must be selected before an existing group can be changed. WBS elements are structured by a hierarchy; therefore, WBS elements on level 2 will be included with the corresponding WBS element on level 1.
· The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
· On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
Work Instruction
Functional Area: Project Systems / Create WBS Element Group
1. / Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
2. / Perform one of the following:
If the Set Controlling Area window / Go To
Appears / Step 3
Does not appear / Step 5
Set Controlling Area
3. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
/ Field / R/O/C / Description /
Controlling Area / Required / Self-contained organizational unit for cost accounting
4. / Click .
5. / Perform one of the following:
If the Enter profile window / Go To
Appears / Step 6
Does not appear / Step 8
Enter profile
6. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
/ Field / R/O/C / Description /
Database prof. / Required / Key identifying a profile for selecting data from the database; This is the Project information system profile.
7. / Click .
Generate WBS Element Group
8. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
/ Field / R/O/C / Description /
WBS element group / Required / A WBS element group is a combination of a number of WBS elements which may originate from different projects; WBS groups do not contain hierarchy information
Enter a name for the WBS element group.
Data should be entered in this field first. To change an existing WBS element group, use the drop-down list to select a group.
Short text / Required / Text description of an object limited to 40 characters
Bamberger’s Projects
A brief description of the WBS Element Group (i.e. the common characteristic between the WBS Elements).
Project / Conditional / A business undertaking involving a predetermined goal to achieve with prescribed funds and operating resources, to an agreed level of quality, and by a particular date
Enter data in this field if you are not entering a WBS element. This is the “Project from” field. Enter the project definition or range of project definitions that you wish to group or choose them from the drop-down box. This field can be used to choose all the WBS elements associated with the project definition. The project definition itself does not become part of the WBS Element Group.
Unlabeled field (to the right of the Project field) / Optional / This is the project to field
Use this field to enter a range of project definitions.
WBS Element / Conditional / Work Breakdown Structure Element
Enter data in this field if you did not enter a project. Enter the WBS elements or range of WBS elements that you wish to group or choose them from the drop-down box.
Unlabeled field (to the right of the WBS Element field) / Optional / This is the WBS Element to field
Use this field to enter a range of WBS elements.
9. / Select to the right of Create new group.
10. / Select to the left of Test run.
/ When selected, the results of the transaction will be displayed, but not posted. This allows the user to see the group and make any changes to the group before saving it.
11. / Perform one of the following:
/ If / Then / Go To /
You want to select or exclude WBS elements / Click .
The multiple selection icon is used to select or exclude WBS Elements and/or ranges of WBS Elements in generating a WBS Element Group. This function is utilized by clicking on the multiple selection icon next to the WBS element field (Note: Same functionality is available with the Project Definition). / Step 12
You do not want to select or exclude WBS elements / --- / Step 23
Multiple Selection for WBS Element
12. / Review the displayed information.
/ The system displays four tabbed sections. The first tab is the single value tab and is designated with a green light. This tab is for selecting one or more single value WBS elements. The second tab is the range tab and is also designated with a green light. This tab is for selecting one or more ranges of WBS elements. The third tab (Single Value), designated with the red light, is used to exclude one or more single value WBS elements. The fourth tab, designated with a red light, is used to exclude one or more ranges of WBS elements.
13. / Click .
Restrict Value Range (1)
14. / Review the displayed information.
/ This document provides directions on how to create a group for all WBS elements related to a specific responsible person.
15. / Click to move between tabs or click for a drop-down list of available tabs to go to desired tab (WBS element: persons responsible).
16. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
/ Field / R/O/C / Description /
Person Responsible / Required / Name of the primary person responsible for the project
This example will generate a WBS Element Group for all the WBS elements for a specific Project Manager, who is the person responsible for the project.
17. / Click .
Restrict Value Range (1) XX Entries Found
18. / Select to the left of each individual WBS element or click to select all WBS elements.
19. / Click .
Multiple Selection for WBS Element (2)
20. / Review the displayed information.
/ The system displays the message, “Selection screen values taken over.”
21. / Click .
Generate WBS Element Group (2)
22. / Review the displayed information.
/ The icon indicates multiple selection criteria is active.
/ When Test run is selected, the results of the transaction will be displayed, but not posted. This allows the user to see the group and make any additional changes before saving it.
23. / Click to execute a test run.
Generate WBS Element Group (3)
24. / Review the displayed information.
25. / Perform one of the following:
If / Then
The group needs to be changed / Make changes.
The group is satisfactory / ---
26. / Click .
Generate WBS Element Group (4)
27. / Deselect to the left of Test run.
28. / Click .
Generate WBS Element Group (5)
29. / Review the displayed information.
30. / Click until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
31. / You have completed this transaction.
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Work Instruction
Functional Area: Project Systems / Create WBS Element Group
You have successfully generated a WBS Element Group for all WBS elements related to a specific responsible person in this example.
The University may now utilize the WBS Element Group to aid in reporting.
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Create WBS Element Group