lobal History and Geography, 2017-18

Mr. George, Room 205


Grade 9 social studies begins with the Paleolithic Era and the development the first civilizations, continues with an examination of classical societies, and traces the expansion of trade networks and their global impact. The course emphasizes the key themes of interactions over time, shifts in political power, and the role of belief systems. The class studies world history until 1780.

General Classroom Rules

1. Be in the room when the bell rings.

2. Come to class prepared everyday

3. Foul or inappropriate speech toward others is NOT TOLERATED.

Parent/Teacher communication

Teacher will communicate to parents via:

(1) email: ,

(2) phone: (716) 926-2288,

(3) Remind:

Joining Teacher Remind Account


Updates via text: Text the message @gh17-18p to 81010

Updates via email: send an email to


Updates via text: Text the message @gh17-18 to 81010

Updates via email: send an email to

(4) Website:

Mr. George’s site: http://www.lakeshorecsd.org/Domain/313

Global History 9 site: http://www.lakeshorecsd.org/Domain/617

Tests and Quizzes

Tests quizzes will be given marking periods. Quizzes can be “pop” but tests will be announced. .

Homework and Projects

1. All homework, classwork & projects have due dates. If a student does not have an assignment completed they may stay after school THAT DAY to complete the assignment. Full credit will then be given. If a student does not stay after school that day, no credit will be given.

2. Projects will be assigned. Due dates will be given in advance and will be due on the assigned date.


Your quarterly grade will be determined as follows:

Tests and quizzes: 60%

Homework: 20%

Classwork and projects: 20%


1. It is important to realize that the Lake Shore Senior High School has an attendance policy and this policy is outlined in the Student Handbook (pages 19-20). If a student wishes to make-up one absence, he/she may do so by staying after school from 2:39 to 3:10.

2. Attendance is taken daily and it is the student’s responsibility to see the teacher with their “Assignment-Make-Up Signature Card” to get materials and/or homework missed. When absent, students are expected to see the teacher the day he/she returns to school to get information or papers needed. If a student is absent on the day of a test or quiz, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements during study hall or after school to re-take the test or quiz.

Help Class

I am available for after school help class for any student who may need extra help. Review classes will be held in order to prepare for the final exam.

Required Materials

1.  A three-ring binder (2-inch clip)

2.  Loose-leaf paper

3.  Colored pencils

4.  Pens, Pencils & Hi-liters

I am looking forward to an exciting and successful year of Global History and Geography!


Anthony George

Secondary Social Studies

______Please detach and return______

Dear parent/guardian,

Please review with your child and complete below. Thank you and I looking forward to meeting you at Open House on Wednesday, September 20th at 6:30 pm!


Mr. Anthony George


Parent/Guardian signature Student signature