Year Group: 3Topic Map
Term: Summer 1Core Text: / The year 3 core text for this half term will be The Village that Vanished. This is the inspirational story of a young girl called Abikanile who lives with her mother in a village called Yao. Their peaceful life is left in tatters when they hear that a group of slavers want to come and take many of the village inhabitants. Should the villagers fight back, or should they run? Abikanile’s Grandmother believes there might be a better way. This book explores the topic of slavery and allows the children some insight into how people have been effected by slavery throughout history.
The Big Ideas: Why do we have Human Rights? / Memorable Experiences:
This term we will be basing our topic on the text The Village that Vanished. We will be writing Persuasive letters and explanation texts. The key writing skills we will be teaching the children are:
- Logical conjunctions
- Connective adverbs
- Rhetorical questions
- Exaggeration
- Emotive Language
- To listen to and discuss a wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction and reference books or textbooks.
- To use dictionaries to check the meaning of words that they have read.
- To increase their familiarity with a wide range of books, and retell some of these orally.
This half term children will be focussing on the following topics:
- Measuring, adding and subtracting mass and volume
- Measuring and identifying different angles, including right, obtuse and acute angles.
- Interpreting and presenting data in the form of bar charts, pictograms and tables.
Our science topic this half term is Plants. We will be learning about the different parts of a plant, the lifecycle of a plant and investigating how stems help to provide plants with the nutrients it needs.
Our topic this half term is all about slavery with a specific focus on Ancient Egypt. We will be thinking about the effects of slavery throughout history and the importance of human rights that seek to put an end to such practices.
The Arts
Children will be working on an art project linked to our text in literacy, focusing on the Village of Yao.
Children will be working with a range of materials to design, create and evaluatemodels of African huts.
This half term children will be learning how to communicate using computers. This unit allows the children to learn about a number of e-safety matters in a positive way. They will workwith a partner in another class, learning how to use email and video conferencing safely.
Learning to Live Together
As part of our commitment to be a Rights Respecting School, children will be learning about the rights and responsibilities they possess and those of others on a global scale.
The Big Idea that we will be focussing on this half term is Why do we have Human Rights?
In PE children will be learning a range of track and field sports in preparation for Sports Day nearer the end of term. Children will learn to:
- Throw using a range of techniques, e.g. Javelin and Shot put.
- Jump safely, including long jump and hurdling.
- Run for different purposes e.g. sprinting for short distance and jogging for long distance