Resources for Families in Transition

TheMcKinney-VentoActaddresseseducationalbarriersandchallengescreatedbyhomelessnessbyguaranteeingstudentsexperiencinghomelessnesstherighttoenrollinandattendschool, andprovidingsupportsneededforschoolsuccess.


  • Receiveafree, appropriatepubliceducation
  • Enrollinschoolimmediately, evenif missing documentsrequiredforenrollment orhavingmissedapplicationorenrollmentdeadlinesduringanyperiodofhomelessness
  • Enrollinschoolandattendclasseswhiletheschoolgathersneededdocuments
  • Continueattendingtheschooloforiginorenrollinthelocalattendanceareaschoolifattendingtheschooloforiginisnotinthebestinterestofthestudentoriscontrarytotherequestoftheparent, guardian, orunaccompaniedyouth
  • Receivetransportationtoandfromtheschooloforiginifrequestedbytheparentorguardianorbythelocalliaisononbehalfofanunaccompaniedyouth; and
  • Receiveeducationalservicescomparabletothoseprovidedtootherstudents, accordingtoeachstudent’sneed.

Student’s School:______

Student’s Counselor Name:______

Counselor’s Phone Number:______

Important Phone Numbers and Notes: ______









Emergency Shelters

Pierce County

Associated Ministries of Tacoma-Pierce County: 253-383-3056

901 S. 13th Street Tacoma, WA 98405

Associated Ministries’ services address broad affordable housing needs in our community. Programs include: Youth Advancement and Housing, Family Permanent Housing (rapid rehousing) and Foreclosure Housing Counseling.

Access Point 4 Housing – (253) 682-3401- Referrals for shelter, rental or utility assistance, and more.

CYS Pierce County - Youth and Young Adult Shelter and Drop-in Center

Please call 253-256-3087 for more information on both the Drop-in Center & Overnight Shelter.
Pierce County Outreach Line:253-888-3168

Overnight Shelter: The overnight shelter has 50 beds and serves young people ages 18-24 who are experiencing homelessness.
Open daily 9:00 pm – 6:30 am. Doors Close at 10 pm.
Located at:Beacon Senior Center
415 South 13th Street (at the corner of 13th& Fawcett)
Tacoma, WA 98402

The Drop-in Center: The drop-in center serves young people ages 12-24.
Open: Monday – Saturday from 1:00 – 8:30 pm
Located at: The Wellness Center Building
1424 Tacoma Avenue South
Tacoma, WA 98402

Tacoma Rescue Mission Family Shelter
Adams St Family Campus: 253-383-4493
2909 S Adams St. Tacoma, WA 98409
Families and Single Women
United Way Helpline - Dial 211 - Referrals for shelter, food, & social services.Download the WIN211 App oniTunes or Google Play.
Domestic Violence Shelters
Family Renewal Shelter: 253-475-9010
Toll Free 1-888-550-3915
Domestic Violence only—single women and women with
children & pets on a case-by-case basis. Stay up to six weeks.
Serves high-risk population. 24-hour hotline. Must call to
schedule an appointment.

Korean Women’s Association: 253-359-0470

Family Home Shelter

KWA serves women with children who are in domestic violence

situations. Length of stay depends on the situation.

YWCA: 253-383-2593

Call the 24-Hour Hotline253-383-2593 to speak with an advocate regarding shelter services, safety planning or referrals to community resources. All survivors are welcome regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression, religion or sexual orientation. All types of family pets are invited to join their owners in the comfort of this safe shelter.

Email their Crisis Line .

Domestic Violence Resources

Crystal Judson Family Justice Center: HelpLine: 253-798-4166

718 Court E, Tacoma, WA 98402

Hours: 8:30 am-4:30 pm. Walk-In Hours: 8:30 am-3:30 pm

The Justice Center serves the needs of domestic violence victims and their children by providing comprehensive victim services in one central and safe location in downtown Tacoma. Services provided include but are not limited to: Civil legal support, protection orders, counseling and support groups, safety planning, Division of Child Support assistance, DSHS assistance, spiritual support, housing transportation, victim support in criminal cases, and other emergency assistance. Interpretation services are available to non-English speaking clients.

Tacoma Community House Client Advocacy Services,Tacoma, WA.

Office: (253) 383-3951

Provides life-saving and comprehensive services for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child and elder abuse, human trafficking, and more.Team members speak Spanish, Laotian, Thai, Vietnamese, and Cambodian.

Housing/Housing Programs

Shared Housing Services ...... 253-272-1532

Shared Housing Services offers low-income individuals and families innovative and affordable solutions to prevent homelessness and foster independence through home sharing and transitional housing programs that include case management services and connections to vital community resources.Applications are available on their website or by calling 253-272-1532. The Youth Host Home program has home providers throughout all of Pierce County. The Adult Home sharing program covers all of Pierce County, South King County, and North Thurston County. Their Transitional Family Housing units are located in the City of Tacoma.For referral to the Youth Host Home program, youth home seekers must contact Access Point 4 Housing (AP4H: (253) 682-3401.

Mercy Housing: One of the nation’s largest affordable housing organizations. Mercy Housing participates in the development, preservation, management and/or financing of affordable, program-enriched housing across the country. Each property has its own application process. If you would like to rent an apartment, please call the property directly. When you call, the property staff can answer questions regarding availability, waiting lists and application requirements.

Tacoma Pierce County Habitat for Humanity:253-627-5626

4824 S Tacoma WayTacoma, WA 98409Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage. With their help, Habitat homeowners achieve the strength, stability and self-reliance they need to build a better life for themselves and their families.

Housing Websites:

Affordable Housing Consortium Resource Guide: a non-profit website formed to connect low income households with affordable apartment communities throughout Washington State.

Housing Search Northwest – Free rental search engine -

Food Banks, Community Meals& Food Assistance

Bischoff Food Bank

1916 Key Peninsula Hwy NLakebay, Washington 98349

(425) 444-2374

Gig Harbor United Methodist Church Open Table

Gig Harbor United Methodist Church7400 Pioneer WayGig Harbor WA 98335

253-851-2625Open Table is a Gig Harbor UMC program that provides FREE, HOT mealsto the community and brings people together for fellowship.Dinner served on the 3rd Monday of each month at 5:30pmLunch is served on the 4th Thursday of each month at 12:00pm

Gig Harbor Peninsula FISH Food Bank & Community services

4425 Burnham Drive

Gig Harbor, WA

Phone: 253-858-6178

Financial Aid:253-851-8800

Key Peninsula Community Services:253-884-4440

Food Basket Hours:

Tuesday - 10AM - 11:45AM & 12:45PM - 3PM

Wednesday -10AM - 11:45AM & 12:45PM - 5:30PM

Thursday -10AM - 11:45AM & 12:45PM - 3PM

Friday- 10AM - 11:45AM & 12:45PM - 3PM

Bread Closet Hours:

Tuesday - 10AM - Noon & 12:45PM - 4PM

Wednesday -10AM - Noon & 12:45PM - 6PM

Thursday -10AM - Noon & 12:45PM - 4PM

Friday- 10AM - Noon & 12:45PM - 4PM

The Food Bank is always CLOSED for lunch.

They serve residents of the Key Peninsula. Your Zip Code must be one of the following:

98329, 98349, 98351, 98394 or 98395.


Requested Documents:

Picture ID for person registering

1 piece of CURRENT mail (within 30 days) with the physical address and registering client's name on it.

Information Needed:

Names and Birthdates of ALL Household Members claimed

Income amounts for ALL Household Members claimed over the age of 18

King of Glory Lutheran Church

6411 - 154th St NW

Gig Harbor WA 98332

(253) 857-4574

Matthew’s Meals is a free-to-anyone hot meal served the 2nd Monday of each month.

Serving hours are 6:00-7:00pm.

Nourish Pierce County:

Nourish Mobile Food Bank: Open Fridays 1:00-3:00 PM

Purdy Cost Less Pharmacy

14218 92nd Ave NW

Gig Harbor WA 98329

Nourish Mobile Food Bank: Open Fridays 4:30-6:30 PM

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

12521 134th Ave KPN

Gig Harbor WA 98329

Saint Vincent De Paul: 253-851-0554

Tacoma & Pierce County Food BanksNote: Food banks often change their hours and days of operation. Call first to confirm this information. Many food banks require an appointment as well as proof of ID, residency, social security, etc. Some may limit number of visits per year.

Washington Basic Food Program, SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) (aka Food Stamps) –

WIC – Nutrition for Women, Infants and Children (under age 5) –

Family assistance & checks for food for Pregnant and Nursing Women, Babies and Children under 5.

Key Peninsula Civic Center17010 S. Vaughn RoadVaughn, WA 98394253-884-3835Open two Thursdays per month: 8am to 3:30pm

Gig Harbor7700 Skansie Ave.Enter Doors G or HGig Harbor, WA 98335PH:253-530-3126Mondays & Tuesdays: 8am to 3pm


Northwest Furniture Bank – (253) 341-7553 -

2650 E Bay ST, Tacoma

For families who move from homelessness into housing with no furniture. Referrals ONLY from approved agencies. Michelle Harrison PSD Social Worker 253-530-1097 can make a referral for PSD families.



Key Free Clinic

8903 Key Peninsula HWY, KPN

Vaughn, WA 98394


Open Every Thursday from 5:30pm - 8:00pm

The Key Free Clinic’s focus is on non-emergency medical issues. They will also help with referrals for patients needing ongoing, long term medical care. They are able to write orders for diagnostic testing, x-rays as well as prescription medication.The clinic is staffed by dedicated volunteers including physicians, nursing staff and administrative staff.

Lindquist Dental Clinic for Children

Gig Harbor Clinic

8502 Skansie Ave, Gig Harbor, WA 98335

253-539-7445 or 360-377-0559 Ext: 4
Lindquist Dental is dedicated to providing accessible, compassionate and effective dental care to Puget Sound children in need. They provide quality dental service to children and youth (ages 0 thru 20) around the Puget Sound, regardless of their family’s ability to pay.


Navigating DSHS: How Can We Help?

A guide to programs and services offered by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services is operated by the statewide non-profitWithinReach, and helps Washington State families find services in their communities and assists in applying for health insurance, food assistance programs and more. The website also provides important health information for pregnant women, children and families.

Washington Connectionoffers a fast and easy way for families and individuals to apply for a variety of services such as Food, Cash, Child Care, Long-Term Care, and Medicare Savings Programs. Individuals that are age 65 or older, blind or disabled may also apply for medical assistance. Click “See If I Qualify” to get started.

Washington Healthplanfinderoffers healthcare coverage for children, parents/caretakers with children, pregnant women, or adults age 18 to 64 years old. For information regarding available services or to apply for benefits, visit


Child Care Aware of Washingtonis a statewide, nonprofit organization that helps families in Washington to access to high-quality child care and early learning choices for their children. You can search for child care, find ways to pay for child care and look for additional resources by calling

253-383-1735 or online at


DSHS Kinship Care

Are you a grandparent or other family member raising a relative’s child? You are not alone. Over 43,000 people in Washington State are caring for a relative’s child. The financial, legal, and emotional issues of raising a relative’s child can be challenging. Services and support when raising a relative’s child can be a lifesaver. We hope the links below will be helpful:

Relatives Raising Children Support Group


253-565-4484 ext. 112


GOODWILLoffers a vast array of training programs for youth, seniors, adults and veterans.

Goodwill’s Milgard Work Opportunity Center,714 South 27th Street, Tacoma

TACOMA:(253) 573-6500

Pierce County Librarylists websites to help toexpand your skills and knowledge.Several programs listed on their site are free or low-cost.Semester-length classes may cost more. Check with each school or organization for complete information.

WorkSource is a statewide partnership of state, local and nonprofit agencies that provides an array of employment and training services to job seekers and employers in Washington. One can search job boards, training programs, hiring events and find numerous resources by calling 888-316-5627or online:


1-866-TEENLINK | 866-833-6546

Teen Link offers a confidential, anonymous, and non-judgmental help line for youth ages 13-20, every evening between 6-10 p.m. Teen volunteers are trained to listen to your concerns and talk with you about whatever’s on your mind. No issue is too big or too small!

Community Youth Services 253-256-3087

Services: - Overnight Shelter Beacon Senior Center 415 S 13th St. (location scheduled to change by 2018) Ages 18-24, Open from 9:00pm-6:30am.

- Drop in center The Wellness Center 1424 Tacoma Ave. S Ages 12-24, Open 1:00pm-8:30pm Counseling, case management, and laundry facilities.

- New Directions Center Call for location 360-485-2721 Ages 12-17, Overnight shelter

Crisis Text Line– The Crisis Text Line offers 24/7 emotional support and information support to teens in any type of crisis, including suicide, by trained volunteers via texting. You can text with a trained specialist 24 hour a day.Text 741741 from anywhere in the USA to text with a trained Crisis Counselor.

ImHurting Crisis Chat– ImHurting Crisis Chat is a service offered through Volunteers of America Western Washington in the North Puget Sound region.You can call their crisis line 800-273-TALK(8255) or chat online 24/7.

It Gets Better Project– This project wants to let lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth know that life will get better. The project also inspires youth to make needed changes in order to feel better. It offers a resource center, tweets, and inspirational videos from members. Youth can record their own story on a camera and share it with other members.

My3– MY3 aims to keep you connected to your core network, asking you to choose three close contacts, such as friends, family, loved ones or your therapist, that you feel comfortable reaching out to whenever you feel down. In addition, MY3 helps you build your own Safety Plan, asking you to think through and list your own warning signs, coping strategies and support network, so that you can easily act when you recognize your warning signs. It includes a wealth of suicide prevention resources and contact information for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Oasis Youth Center 2215 Pacific Ave. 253-671-2838 Services: - Drop-in hours for LGBTQ youth 14-24 with trained adult staff and volunteers. - Leadership training, 24/ 7 crisis line, navigation of legal and medical systems, referrals, skills building, connection to a group of peers and mentors, rapid HIV testing (results in 20 minutes), crisis intervention and advocacy services for LGBTQ youth victims of crime, support around issues of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Rainbow Center 2215 Pacific Ave. 253-383-2318 Services: - Through education, advocacy, and celebration, the Rainbow Center expands resources and provides a safe space for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and allied (LGBTQA) community.

REACH: Resources for Education And Career Help (Youth 16-24) – (253) 573-6590 – 714 S. 27th ST, Tacoma, WA 98409 – Housing assistance, job skills, case management, etc

WashingTeenHelp.orgwas designed to connect pregnant and parenting teens to health information, state benefit programs, and community-specific support resources. This website offers valuable information and resources for all teens including topics such as relationships, dating violence, general and sexual health, pregnancy, parenting, legal resources, and planning for the future.

Teens Against Bullying– This website tells bullied youth that they are not alone. It offers stories, videos, poetry, and artwork from bullied teens, encourages teens to reach out and to tell an adult, informs them of their rights, and helps them develop an action plan.

Teen Line– The teen line offers peer support by teens for teens through a hotline,

(310) 855-HOPE or (800) TLC-TEEN from 6pm to 10pm PST, a text-line (5:30–9:30 p.m.)Text "TEEN" to 839863 between 6:00pm-9:00pm PST to speak with one of their teens

The GLBT National Help Center Hotline

1-888-THE-GLNH (888-843-4564)

Youth Talkline:
1-800-246-PRIDE (800-246-7743)

The Trevor Projectis a national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24.

866-488-7386, Text “Trevor” to 1-202-304-1200

We R Native– Although We R Native is for native youth, by native youth, resources can be helpful to anyone who identifies as native. You can also post anonymous questions on the “Ask Auntie” message board.

When a Friend Dies: Guidelines for Students– This document provides suggestions to youth as to how to deal with a friend’s suicide and how to help one’s friends. The suggestions come from youth and from experts.

You Are Not Alone Network– This website offers a Native Youth Crisis Hotline. The site also includes videos, information on state and national resources, elder’s wisdom, an illustrated story, and videos. If you are in crisis call the Native Youth Crisis Hotline at 1-877-209-1266.

Mental Health Services and Support

BRIDGES: A Program for Grieving Children

Mary Bridge Children's Health Center

311 S. L St.
Tacoma, WA 98405

BRIDGES supports the special needs of children in our community struggling to reconcile the serious illness or death of a family member.

Care Net Pregnancy and Family: Services 2727 Hollycroft St #130, Gig Harbor, WA 98335

Phone:(253) 858-5585

Services: - Confidential, no cost, and no insurance needed. Medical services are provided by medical professionals. Ultrasounds, pregnancy testing, STI/STD testing, parenting support, sex health education, abortion recovery, childbirth education, medical consultations, options counseling, and prenatal hospice.

Comprehensive Life Resources 1201 S. Proctor St. 253-369-5800 Services: - Individual, group, and family therapy. - Psychiatric assessment and medication management. - Family advocates/peer support.

Consejo Counseling and Referral Services 5915 Orchard St. W. 253-414-7461 Services: - Co-occurring disorder treatment, case management, home visits, family intervention services, outpatient substance use disorder treatment and recovery services for high-risk youth. - Encourages family involvement and provide support services for the families of affected youth.

Crisis Clinic: The 24-Hour Crisis Line provides immediate help to individuals, families and friends of people in emotional crisis. They can help you determine if you or your loved one needs professional consultation and can link you to the appropriate services. They are a primary source for linking Seattle-King County residents to emergency mental health services but are also a resource for Pierce County residents. Call 866-4CRISIS (427-4747)

Korean Women’s Association– (253) 535-4202–

Low income housing, food assistance, interpretation, translation, ESL classes, health care outreach, job referral, youth program, and more.