Constitution for Movies in Meiling
Updated April 30, 2016
Article I - Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Organization.
Section 1: Name: Movies in Meiling
Section 2: Purpose: Movies in Meiling aims to provide entertainment, relaxation, and alternative education. This goal is accomplished by screening both light-hearted and serious films from various genres that are thought provoking, present complex or controversial issues, and/or provide insight into the human condition. Informal, optional discussions follow the movies and serve the purpose of gaining further insight into the issues presented by encouraging discussion between students and professionals from a broad range of disciplines.
Section 3: Non-Discrimination Policy: This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. All students are welcome and encouraged to join our meetings.
Article II - Membership: Qualifications and categories of membership.
Section 1: Membership is open to all students at the College of Medicine at The Ohio State University. Membership will be automatically renewed for as long as the student member remains a student at OSUCOM.
Section 2: Members of the faculty, alumni, and other related professionals will be considered honorary members should they desire further involvement within the student organization or receive an invitation from student members.
Article III - Organization Leadership: Titles, terms of office, type of selection, and duties of the leaders.
Section 1: The structure of Movies in Meiling shall consist of general members and a Leadership team that includes a president, a treasurer, and committee members.
Section 2: The Leadership team.
Point 1: The Executive Leadership team shall consist of the President and the Treasurer.
Point 2: Executive leadership positions may only be granted to current committee members. For each elected position, eligible candidates must be nominated by themselves or members of the Leadership team. Upon nomination of all candidates, voting shall immediately commence by silent ballot.
Point 3: Roles and duties of the Executive Leadership team.
Sub-point 1: The President is responsible for organizing and running all proceedings of Movies in Meiling, including but not limited to motions, movements, and presentation of new developments to the group. The President will serve as a student liaison to the faculty, other student organizations, and The Ohio State University student body.
Sub-point 2: The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining accurate financial records and overseeing the checking account of the group. He or she shall accept and review all financial requests and distribute funds based on the discretion of the Executive Leadership.
Sub-point 3: The President and Treasurer are jointly responsible for choosing and procuring films, buying snacks, advertising events, and setting up the screenings. They may also delegate these responsibilities to other committee members.
Point 4: All members of the Leadership team shall serve a leadership term of one year extending from April of MED I year to April of the MED II year.
Section 3: The leadership team shall be responsible for all voting and decision making regarding Movies in Meiling.
Article IV – Method of Selecting and Removing Officers and Members
Section 1: Any student of The Ohio State University College of Medicine who expresses the desire to become a member of Movies in Meiling shall become a member upon attending any Movies in Meiling event.
Section 2: Any member of Movies in Meiling shall become a committee member upon expressing the desire to do so and attending at least three events.
Section 3: Any member, including leadership, of Movies in Meiling shall be removed from membership if they fail to comply with the standards of professional conduct outlined by the College of Medicine.
Section 4: Any committee member or member in leadership may be demoted to general member if the majority of committee members, at least one member of leadership, and the Adviser jointly agree that the person in question is not fulfilling their responsibilities as outline in Article III. In the case of Leadership, a replacement shall be nominated from current committee members.
Section 5: No demotion or termination of membership shall be permitted when such an act would be in conflict with the non-discrimination policy Article I Section 3.
Article V – Adviser(s): Qualification Criteria.
Section 1: The appointed Adviser(s) must be a full-time member of the University faculty or Administrative & Professional staff.
Section 2: All advisors shall oversee the proceedings of the group. These duties shall include, but are not limited to, assistance in resolution of conflicts and facilitation of disciplinary action.
Article VI – Meetings of the Organization: Required meetings and their frequency.
Section 1: The Leadership team shall hold a meeting a minimum of one time per academic quarter, excluding summer. Additional meetings can be organized based on need as determined by the Executive Leadership team.
Section 2: The movie screenings shall take place, on average, once per block during the academic year, excluding summer.
Article VII – Method of Amending Constitution: Proposals, notice, and voting requirements.
Section 1: Any member of the Leadership team has the right to propose an amendment to this Constitutional body.
Section 2: Proposed amendments shall be in writing and presented to the Leadership team during a general meeting. There shall be an open discussion by the Leadership team regarding the proposed amendment. This discussion shall be lead by the President.
Section 3: The Leadership team shall hold a subsequent meeting for which voting on the proposed amendment shall occur unless all members in attendance at the initial meeting represent a quorum and agree to vote on the same day. In order for a vote to take place, two-thirds of voting members must be present to meet quorum. In order for the amendment to pass, two-thirds of those present must vote in favor of the change.
Section 4: Upon passing of an amendment, it shall be the duty of the President to make all corrections to the Constitution.
Article VIII – Method of Dissolution of Organization
Section 1: In order for dissolution to occur, there must be a complete consensus of all Leadership team members and the faculty advisor.
Section 2: Shall any organizational assets or debts exist, responsibility shall be transferred to the faculty member holding Advisory role of Movies in Meiling.
Article I - Membership
Section 1: All students of the College of Medicine are eligible for membership in Movies in Meiling, assuming they are in good standing in the College of Medicine in regards to his or her professional and academic standings.
Section 2: There shall be no restrictions in regards to the number of student members in the general body or Leadership committee.
Article II - Election / Appointment of Government Leadership
Section 1: Elections shall follow the guidelines detailed in the Constitution of Movies in Meiling.
Section 2: Elected individuals shall maintain their respective office for their full term and only be revoked of these privileges in cases of un-professionalism, negligence or misuse of duties, or at the discretion of the faculty advisor.
Point 1: In these cases, the faculty advisor shall hold a vote of the remaining Executive Leadership team for removal of the offending party.
Point 2: Majority vote shall control this decision and the offending party shall receive an official written notification of removal by the Executive Leadership.
Section 3: Any student wishing to resign from his or her duties must submit a letter of resignation to the Executive Leadership one month in advance in order to facilitate the timing for a new election.
Point 1: Elections for the replacement shall follow the same guidelines covered in the Constitution.
Article III - Meeting Requirements
Section 1: All Leadership team members are required to attend all regular leadership meetings and all possible specially called meetings of the Leadership team.
Section 2: In cases of personal emergencies or extreme academic need, each member is required to send written notice 48 hours in advance to the President. Failure to comply will result in revocation of the member’s voting rights for the remainder of the year.
Section 3: It is the responsibility of the President to organize and choose meeting dates and times that facilitate the best attendance rate, including working around testing and class schedules, preceptorships, and other academic requirements of the College of Medicine.
Section 4: At least one member of the Leadership team must attend each movie screening.
Section 5: The President shall also be responsible for securing a location for all meetings.
Article IV - Method of Amending By-Laws
Section 1: Any member of the Leadership team has the right to propose an amendment to this body.
Section 2: Proposed amendments shall be in writing and presented to the Leadership team during a general meeting. There shall be an open discussion by the Leadership team regarding the proposed amendment. This discussion shall be led by the President. Voting shall commence immediately following discussion, assuming that quorum is met. In order for the amendment to pass, two-thirds of those present must vote in favor of the change.
Section 3: Upon passing of the amendment, it shall be the duty of the President to make all corrections to the By-Laws.