The Safari chair is back

WhichchairbestcomplimentsEilersen'svastcollection of sofas? That is a questionthat has oftenbeendebated by the Eilersen family. Now the answer has beenfound, and the selectedchair is the Safari chair by the Danish furniture designer Erik Woertz (1916-1997), whichwillberelaunched in fivecombinations at thisyear's design fair in Stockholm .

The reason is as simple as the chair'sstyling: The Safari chair'sslender lines afford the optimum contrast to a large sofa. As important as it is for Eilersen'scustomers to thinkcreatively and personallywhenselecting the modules and fabrics for their new sofa, it is equallyimportant to thinkclassicallywhentheychoosetheir Safari Chair.

Genuine combinations of oak with canvas and leather in colours from nature'sownpalette is the ideabehind the fivecombinations. To a solid frame of oiled, soap-treated or black-lacqueredoak is fastened a seat, back and armrests of eithernatural or blackcanvas or leather in shades of dark brown and black.

A Danish oak on the Savannah

From the 1930s untiltoday, many design firms have come up with their definitive offering for trendsettingfurniture design, and in 1960 Eilersen'sarchitect Erik Woertzwasasked to come up with itsown version. With itsslenderappearance and simple design, the Safari chair is today an icon in the modernhistory of style. And afterseveralyears out in the cold, Eilersen is onceagainready to have a Safari Chair in itscollection. No changes have been made to Woertz' original drawings, but it has beenupdated with moderncolours and textures.

The Safari chair is intended to be a luxury, self-assembly kit, as each part has a function. The frame consists of eight parts thatarescrewedtogether with eightUnbrakoscrewswhile the back, seat and armrests aremounted.

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For more information, loans and picturematerial for editorialuse, pleasecontact: Jakob Hundborg, Réplique, +45 40545496,

Background information

N. Eilersen A/S

Founded in 1895, the company has given name and life to manyclassics. Founder Niels Eilersen was the first in Denmark to usesteam to shapewood, and innovation and tradition are still hallmarks of the company. Since the 1930s, N. Eilersen A/S has producedfurniture with a focus on top qualitymaterials, comfort and durability. This strategy has made Eilersen a well-known and recognized brand bothnationally and internationally, and several of their sofa models carry the designation “state of the art”. N. Eilersen A/S is a family business, currentlyoperated by the fourth generation.

The factthat a piece of furniturebears the Eilersen name is a guarantee of excellent quality, comfort and uniquedurability.