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Standard Local Union Policies

1. Hiring of Business Agents
That the applications for Business Agent position be submitted to the Executive Board and the selection shall be made in the following manner:
a) When more than two (2) applications are received for one position, the Executive Board shall ballot on the applicants, eliminating at each ballot the one receiving the least vote. No Board Member will be allowed to vote for more than one (l) candidate on each ballot. Balloting shall be by secret ballot and shall continue until one of the applicants receives a fifty-one percent or more majority, at which time balloting will cease. The winner of such a clear cut majority ballot shall be hired as Business Agent.
b) The closing date for applications for Business Agents will be fifteen (15) days prior to the Executive Board Meeting at which the applications are to be considered, and that copies of the applications and resumes be forwarded to all board members as soon as possible.
2. Meals
When Business Agents out of necessity have to meet with Committee members during lunch or supper hour, the Business Agent can pay for meals for those present, obtain a bill and collect from the Local Union when he returns to Prince George.
3. Lost Time
When Business Agents need Committee members present at meetings with the employer during working hours, the Business Agent will arrange to get the individual or individuals off work and the Local Union will pay for the lost time of the individual or individuals, if necessary.
4. Community Participation
Paid Officers and Business Agents are encouraged to accept appointments on Committees and Boards whose aims and objectives will benefit the membership of the Local Union, as Union members and as Citizens. On Committees and Boards where an honorarium is paid for sitting on days the Officer or Business Agent would normally work, he will be expected to refund all money received from this source to the Local Union, but will be entitled to claim per diem and expenses as if he worked for the Local Union.
On Committees and Boards where no pay is involved and meetings are normally or occasionally held during regular working hours, it will be considered as part of the staff members regular work.
5. Meeting Room
When needed, staff are allowed to rent necessary meeting rooms when out on their line and charge it to the Local Union. The Local Union will also pick up the tab for coffee for members present.
6. Election of Local Union Officers (Balloting)
That in the future the certification sheet be made up in the following manner to ensure no misunderstanding as to the count will occur:
The detailed voting sheet will list the following for each operation:
- Ballots issued
- Ballots returned used
- Ballots returned unused
- Number of signatures
- Number of stubs returned
- Number of ballots not returned
- Number of voters not voting for particular positions or issues on dual ballots.
- Number of spoiled ballots
7. Election of Local Union Officers
That the Local Union put out a newsletter with the Union history of each person running for Local Office, and that persons running for Local Office write their own history of union experience in a hundred and fifty words or less.
8. Balloting Policy
When the Local Union and/or the paid Officers poll the Executive Board or vote small sections of the membership by mail, the following procedure will be used:
- The President will set the deadline for ballots to be received by the Local Union Office.
- The President will appoint a Balloting Committee to count ballots and report the results to the Local Executive Board.
- The Financial Secretary will mail to each voter:
1) Explanatory Letter
2) One Ballot
3) One plain envelope marked "Balloting Committee"
4) One self-addressed envelope
- The voter will mark his ballot, seal it in the plain envelope, and mail it in the self-addressed envelope back to the Local Union Office.
9. Lost Time Wages (Meetings)
Members elected or appointed to attend Executive Board Meetings, Delegated Meetings, Seminars and Conferences in Prince George on Saturdays and/or Sundays shall be entitled to lost time pay on the following basis:
a) Meetings starting 11:00 a.m. or earlier - members working afternoon or graveyard shift the day before shall be granted leave of absence for that shift and be paid for the shift by the Local Union
b) Meetings starting after 11:00 a.m.:
1. Members working graveyard shift the night before shall be granted leave of absence for that shift
and be paid for the shift by the Local Union.
2. Members working afternoon shift ending later than midnight the night before shall, if they live more
than 241.5 kilometres from Prince George, be granted leave of absence for that shift and be paid for
the shift by the Local Union.
3. Members who will be delegates to the Local Union, after a Sunday meeting have to report for
graveyard shift Sunday night, shall be granted leave of absence for that shift and shall be paid for the
shift by the Local Union if the member returns home less than eight (8) hours before their shift.
c) Convention Delegates:
1. Delegates travelling to conventions shall, when they have to leave Prince George or the Airport
close to their home before 10:00 a.m. be granted leave of absence if they work afternoon or
graveyard shift and shall be paid for that shift by the Local Union.
2. Delegates travelling to conventions shall, when they have to leave Prince George or the Airport
close to their home after 10:00 a.m., be granted leave of absence for graveyard shift and shall be
paid for the shift by the Local Union.
3. Delegates travelling to conventions shall, when they have to leave Prince George or the Airport
close to their home after 10:00 a.m. and before l:00 p.m. be granted leave of absence for afternoon
shift only if they have to travel more than 241.5 kilometres to the point of departure, or they have
been instructed to come to Prince George the evening before departure in which case they shall be
paid for the shift by the Local Union.
d) Delegates returning home from conventions less than eight (8) hours before their scheduled shift, who have to report on graveyard shift on the day of return shall be granted leave of absence for that shift and shall be paid for the shift by the Local Union.
10. Transportation Expenses
Sub Locals and/or Operations must arrange transportation for delegates attending Annual Meetings and Seminars in Prince George in such a way that at least two delegates travel in each car for which transportation expenses are claimed.
If a delegation from a Sub-Local or Operation claims transportation expenses for more cars than are needed to comply with the above rules, all vouchers will be returned to that particular delegation to decide who should be allowed to claim transportation expenses before any vouchers from that Sub-Local or Operation are paid.
11. Hotel Accommodations
For conferences and conventions out of town, suitable accommodations will be booked by the Financial Secretary. For meetings, conferences, seminars, etc., held in Prince George, the Financial Secretary will include with the Call for the meeting a list of union hotels and motels where the delegates may book rooms and charge the cost of the room to the Local Union. Only accommodations made in a Union house will be reimbursed.
12. Lost Time Wages
Members who are in receipt of Health and Welfare benefits or Workers' Compensation payments when elected to attend Union meetings, conventions, conferences, etc. shall receive lost time wages only to the extent of the difference between money received from the insurance company or the W.C.B. and the regular wages paid by the Local.
Members drawing Unemployment Insurance shall receive full wages in line with Local Union By-Laws when elected to attend Union meetings, conventions, conferences, etc.
13. Executive Board Meetings
All Executive Board Meetings be one day meetings and be held on Sundays starting at 9:30 a.m.
14. Meetings
Board Members and meeting delegates living over 161 kilometres from Prince George will be permitted to come in the day before and the Local Union will pay for the hotel room and $16.67 per diem to those living more than 161 kilometres and less than 483 kilometres from Prince George and $33.34 per diem for those living more than 483 kilometres from Prince George.
The above rules shall apply for all members requested to attend meetings starting at 11:00 a.m. or earlier. Members attending meetings starting after 11:00 a.m. will be expected to travel to Prince George the day of the meeting, except where special arrangements have been authorized by the Local Union Officers. Members or delegates attending meetings of two (2) or more days away from home shall be provided overnight accommodation if the members or delegates are required to travel 80 kilometres or more from their home.
15. Telephone Calls
Members away from home on union business for three days or more will be given a $15.00 telephone allowance.
16. Purchase of Wreaths
That the Local Officers be authorized to delegate authority to Plant Chairmen, Sub- Local Chairmen or Secretaries to purchase a wreath or make a donation in lieu of a wreath for deceased members up to $125.00 and to sign all bills and present them to the Officers for payment.
17. Radio Broadcasts
Officers be authorized to use the media of radio and television for special publicity.
18. Sub-Local Announcements
Sub-Local Chairmen and/or Secretaries shall be authorized to advertise Sub-Local Meetings on the local radio station (two spot announcements).
19. Exoneration and Retirement Cards
The Financial Secretary shall accept applications for exoneration and/or retirement cards from members up to and including the last day of the month for which the member is applying for exoneration and/or retirement card.
20. Local Elections
That we donate $250.00 to each candidate running in a Municipal, Regional District, School Board or First Nations election, that is a member in good standing of Local 1-424 and believes in trade union principles and whose objectives will benefit the members of the Local Union. This money is to be paid when nominations have closed. It will not be paid if a candidate is elected by acclamation. This money must be used for election material (media, mail outs, flyers). The Local Union will also assist candidates by providing printed material. The donation is to be charged to the general fund.
21. High School Annuals
That the Local Union establish a policy that we allocate $30.00 to advertise in High School Annuals when requested to do so.
22. Election of Convention Delegates
When Convention and Conference Delegates are to be elected, the nominator shall introduce the individual to the Meeting, giving place of employment and the position the individual holds in the Union.
23. Sub-Local Financing
That the Local Union shall not make any cash grants to Sub-Locals. Sub-Locals desiring to have finances of their own should elect a Committee to start a fund raising campaign by putting on dances, selling raffle tickets, etc. The Local Union will, upon request, give the Sub-Locals assistance in arranging fund raising events. Proceeds from Sub-Local fund raising campaigns shall be kept in a separate Sub-Local Account. The Sub-Local Executive shall appoint two signing officers to be responsible for all Sub-Local finances.
In the event that a Sub-Local is dissolved at a later date, all monies in the Sub-Local account shall be transferred to the Local Union Social Fund.
24. Sergeant-At-Arms Committee
The Chairman shall appoint a Sergeant-At-Arms Committee to assist the Warden with credentials, ballots, vouchers, etc. for Annual Meetings and Wage and Contract Conferences.
25. Emergency Resolutions
Resolutions of an emergency nature may be introduced from the floor at the Annual Meeting or Wage and Contract Conference provided such resolutions have the majority approval of three Sub-Locals and/or operations. With the approval of the meeting, these resolutions will be referred to the Resolution Committee for a recommendation to the meeting.
26. Union Supplies
That a list of all Union supplies, including prices, be printed in the Cariboo Logger and be distributed for bulletin boards and lunch rooms of all Union Plants in the Local, and that Business Agents will carry supply lists and take orders from members in the Plant.
27. Wage & Contract Resolution Book
That the Wage and Contract Resolution Books be delivered to the delegates at least three (3) days prior to the Conference.
28. Education
That the Local Union make available to the general membership, by way of postings in the lunchrooms, a list of the courses available to the members in the field of labour studies, and the means by which a member can enrol in these courses and that the Local Union, upon being furnished proof that a member has completed one of the above mentioned courses and has passed this course, may reimburse the member for the tuition fees of this course.
29. Publicity & Communications
That the Local continue its efforts to publish both newsletters and newspaper, and that the membership be encouraged to use the Cariboo Logger as their medium and the newsletters be continued by the Officers.
30. C.L.C. Winter School
That this Local Union continue to educate our members and support the week long CLC school to the best of our financial ability, and that any member in good standing, who is actively involved with the Union, may submit his/her application to attend Harrison directly to the Executive Board.
The Executive Board will select these delegates on a one delegate per line basis, then one from staff, then as many as finances permit with recommendations from the Officers, Executive Board Members and Business Agents.
Applicants must acknowledge their intentions of attending or declining within a reasonable time.
31. Education
That the Local Union make an effort to get instructors to make a tour of the Local with the Business Agent, putting on Job Steward Seminars at the Plant.
32. Training For Business Agents
That newly hired Business Agents spend an appropriate period of time with a seasoned Business Agent, and that any newly hired Business Agent be automatically sent for further training at the next C.L.C. Winter School.
33. Educational Seminars
That we develop a video training series format that is uniform and deals with our industry and that this program deal with Grievance Procedure, Contract Analysis, Employment Standards and Organizing.
34. Contract Meetings
It shall be the policy of Local 1-424 to hold membership meetings for operations immediately prior to balloting of the operations on a contract offer and that the purpose of these meetings would be to provide information from the negotiating committee and to provide a forum for the membership of the affected operations for discussion of the contract offer.
35. Plant Committee Participation
The Plant Committee will have an equal say in the negotiation of any Letter of Understanding between the Local and the Company negotiated during the term of the Agreement.
36. Recording of Votes of Executive Board Members
That all votes be recorded when dealing with issues pertaining to elections, ratification of appointments, changes to Local Union policy and major expenditures in excess of one thousand dollars, excluding overhead.
37. Resolutions Committee
That there be an election held at each Annual Meeting of this Local Union to elect five members to the Resolutions Committee for the next Annual Meeting of this Local Union and this committee be a standing committee for a year.
38. Instructions for Recording Secretaries
That instruction for recording secretaries be included with the regular Plant Committee Seminars.
39. Preview Package to Delegates
That the package to the Annual Meeting include minutes of the previous Annual Meeting and the current financial statements.
40. Union Supplies
That upon request to Local Union Executive a proper filing system be made available to Plant Secretaries.
41. Annual Banquet
This 40th Annual Meeting of Local 1-424, I.W.A. Canada instruct the officers to reinstate the practice of having a banquet and dance during the weekend of the Annual Meeting.
42. Cars
That the Local Union Officers be instructed to ensure that whenever possible all work carried out on Local Union Staff cars be done in Union Shops with the first priority being I.W.A. Canada operations and that the purchase, major modifications and repairs to Local Union staff cars be reported to the Local Union Executive Board.
43. Duties For the 2nd and 3rd Vice Presidents
That the 2nd and 3rd vice presidents shall be included at regularly scheduled staff meetings that are called to make decisions within this Local.
44. Re-Organize the Organized
That we embark on a new strategy of organizing which would re-educate, re-vitalize and re-organize our members, whether they be freshmen or seniors, and that these duties could be shared by the education director and/ or the second and/or third vice presidents.
45. Area Meetings
That "area meetings" be called at least once each calendar year for the various areas so that members can meet with some of the Officers, Business Agents and the Executive Board Representative from their area for an information exchange.
46. Plant Committee Recognition
That the Executive Board of Local 1-424 set up a suitable form of recognition to be awarded to Plant Committee members as a way of expressing the members appreciation to those who voluntarily serve the Union in these capacities.
47. Performance Evaluation
That there be an annual evaluation and a standard system for conducting these evaluations developed, and interview staff members prior to their anniversary date by the Officers of this Local for the purpose of maintaining the quality and standard of service to our members.
48. Resolutions Outcome
After any assembly of the Local at which resolutions are presented and passed, a copy of all passed resolutions be sent to all Plant Committees.
49. Voting Procedures
No candidates are permitted in the area of the Ballot boxes where members are voting.
50. Municipal Election
I.W.A. members should involve themselves in municipal elections in order to ensure the election of more labour representatives from organized labour.
51. Information Package to New Members
An information package be sent to new members on completion of their probationary period with information about the Local Union and their rights as union members.
52. C.L.C. Job Steward Handbook
The Canadian Labour Congress Job Steward Handbook be made available to all job stewards and plant committees upon written request.
53. Picket Lines
I.W.A. Canada members on volunteer fire departments be allowed to cross picket lines to perform their duties without fear of discipline or retribution.
54. Computer Literacy Training
I.W.A. Canada, Local 1-424, provide fully funded, appropriate computer literacy training to its staff as funding becomes available.
55. Babysitting
The Local Union shall provide care services for members attending the Local Union Annual Meeting and the Annual Banquet. As well, childcare services will be provided for the Plant Committee and Safety Committee Seminars.
The Child Care services shall cover the hours of the meetings and be provided in Prince George.
The Local Union shall reimburse up to two people from a Plant Committee for the cost of childcare while attending third step grievance meetings, to be claimed on the form provided.
The Local Union will pay $5.00 per hour in lieu of or towards actual childcare expenses up to $15.00 on one day and a maximum of $300.00 per year.
There shall be no duplication of payment between unions. Members who are both covered through their respective Unions shall only make one claim. The Members who’s birth date falls first in the year shall make the Child Care claim.
56. Union Pride
That all Plant Committee members, Job Stewards and Safety Committee members receive an I.W.A. T-shirt per term, as funds are available.
57. Local Union Elections
That the Officers implement a system of having the Local Union’s color and numerical company codes on the ballots for different operations in future elections of Local Union Officers.
58. Review of Collective Agreements
That the Officers strike a committee to review all the Collective Agreements in the Local and that this Committee be instructed to pin point the redundant areas of the agreements and have them removed in the next set of negotiations.
59. I.W.A. Canada Women’s Conference
That all delegates to the I.W.A. Canada Women’s Conference from our Local be elected at the Annual Convention.
60. Harrison Winter School
That this Local Union sends more of our members to Harrison Winter School enrolled in Union Counseling courses and Critical Incident Debriefing.