Some good websites for savings and managing the household budget.
Living a Better Life®
(featured column... from the editor's desk)
It’s Never Too Little or Too Late
byMichelle Jones
Okay, so what if you’re up to your eyeballs in debt, you’re barely making it each month and you’re sitting at your computer right now, saying to yourself "What’s the use of trying to budget better when we just don’t have enough money? There’s just no point in even trying! I’ll just spend whatever I need to this month and hope for the best!"More...
Stop right there - don’t touch that mouse!
Here are 7 simple things you can do that will make a big difference in your life… after all, that’s what we’re here for!
#1 - Subscribe to our newsletter! Let us encourage you each month with our money-saving tips and within a few months (maybe even a few weeks or days), you’ll see that anything you do to improve your family budget is never too little or too late. Every penny really does count!
#2 – Print out our Basic Budgeting Worksheets, if you haven’t already, and get a good understanding of how you’re really doing. It’s even possible that you might have more money than you thought. But regardless of how good or bad the news is, you need to at least know where you’re at before you can move forward.
#3 – Take responsibility for your own situation and equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to keep a balanced budget and save money (i.e. spend less money) each month. Just do the best you can. We feature at least 12 full articles in each issue to help you save money and enjoy life more; surely you will find a few tips within those articles each month that you hadn’t thought of before. If you ever have a particular area of budgeting or expense cutting that you need help with, please feel free to contact us anytime.
#4 – If you are in debt then PLEASE read our ebook, Dealing with Debt, it's free for subscribers. And don’t just download it, read it! I wrote this inspirational book from my own family’s personal experience with dealing with debt, I know it will help!
#5 – If you need to earn more money then get moving, extra income from a second job could help tremendously. Just remember if you don’t also get your budget under control, the extra income won't be enough.
#6 – Never give up! Every week that you keep track of your money, and every dollar that you save, will make a difference!
#7 – And finally... share what you learn with others! Even if you just tell a friend about our site or forward our newsletter to them each month, what a difference we can all make together!!! :o)
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