"Models, MethodsandIntellectual Technologies of System Analysisandits Applications"
27 May - 10 June the Crimea (Yalta) supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University, Institute for Applied Systems Analysis of National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute", Vilnius University (Lithuania), Karlstad University (Sweden), Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea, the Institute of Economics and Management of the National University "Crimean Humanitarian University" will be held International Summer School for young scientists, professors and graduate students on "Models, Methods andIntellectual Technologiesof System Analysis and its Applications".
For twelve days the participants of the School will attend lectures of leading specialists, take part in scientific discussions and receive a certificate.
The training program includes the following topics:
- Methods of optimization in the management of complex systems
- Conceptual and logical modeling of modern databases of economic organized systems
- Fuzzy models and techniques in intelligent systems
- System analysis and theory of decision making under uncertainty conditions
- Artificial neural networks and problems of their application to the development of organizational and economic systems
- System analysis of medical processes
- Management of health as a human system
- Modeling development strategy of large enterprises, cities, regions
- Optimization of placement of companies in the regions
- Role play AMP (attestation of managers and professionals)
The Organizing Committee of the School "Models, Methods and Intellectual Technologies of System Analysis and its Applications"
Gluzman O.V.- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Rector RHEE "The CrimeanHumanitarianUniversity"
Larina R.R.- Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, director of the Instituteof Economics and Management RHEE "The Crimean Humanitarian University," Head of the Department of Management, Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member.Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine
PankratovaN.D. –Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Deputy of director of the Institute for Applied Systems Analysis MONMSU and NAS.
Nakonechny A.G.-Professor, Doctor of Sciences, Head of Department of Systems Analysis and Decision MakingTheory, Cybernetics Faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev
Zaychenko J.P.- Doctor of Sciences,Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Continuing Education Institute for Applied Systems Analysis of the NationalTechnicalUniversity of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute"
Dapkunas Sihitas- PhD in Computer Science, assistant professor, assistant professor of software engineering
Bui D.B.-Doctor of Sciences, professor of Department of Theory and Technology of Programming, Cybernetics Faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev
Shestopalov V.- Doctor of Sciences,Professor ofKarlstadUniversity (Sweden)
Kiseleva E. M. –Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the Oles Gonchar National Uneversity of Dnipropetrovsk.
Martsenyuk V.P. –Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Vice-rector of TernopilMedicalUniversity, Head of the Department of Medical Informatics.
Zheludkovsky E.O.- PhD, Asssstant Professor of Management, Institute of Economics and Management RHEE"The Crimean for HumanitiesUniversity"
Grishin I.Y.- PhD, Senior Researcher, Head of Computer Science and Information Technologies,Institute of Economics and Management RHEE"The Crimean for HumanitiesUniversity"
Polyanskaya T.M.- PhD, assistant professor, assistant professor of management of the Institute of Economics and Management RHEE"The Crimean Humanitarian University"
Chetyrbok P.V.- Senior Lecturer in Computer Science and Information Technologies Institute of Economics and Management RHEE"The CrimeanHumanitarianUniversity"
Seko Helen- Director of Student Research Office IEU RHEE "CHU"
ScheduleMay 27 - June 10, 2012
May 28 at 10:00 (room № 1)
OpenSchool"Models, Methods and Intellectual Technologies of System Analysis and its Applications":
Gluzman O.V.- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the NAPS Ukraine, Rector of RHEE "The CrimeanHumanitarianUniversity"
Larina R.R.- Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, director of the Instituteof Economics and Management RHEE"The Crimean Humanitarian University," Head of the Department of Management, Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member.Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine
May 28 - June 10, 2012
Lectures and trainings:
Methods of optimization in the management of complex systems (lectures – 6 hrs., trainings - 4 hrs.)
Larina R.R.- Doctor of Economic Sciences,GrishinI.- PhD, Senior Scientist,
Fuzzy models and techniques in intelligent systems (lecture - 4 hrs., Training - 6 hrs.)
Zaychenko J.P.-Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
System analysis and theory of decision making under uncertainty conditions (lecture - 4 hrs., Training - 6 hours).
Nakonechny O.G.-Doctor of Science, Professor
Artificial neural networks and problems of their application in development of organizational and economic systems(lectures - 10 hours).
Šarūnas Raudis- Academy of Sciences of Lithuania, habilitovanyy doctor, professor of VilniusUniversity (Lithuania)
Optimization of placement of companies in the regions(lecture - 4 hrs., Training - 2 hours).
Kiseleva E.M.- Doctor of Science, Professor
Methods of expert estimations in complex management systems(lectures - 10 hours).
Shestopalov Y.V.- Doctor of Science, ProfessorKarlstadUniversity (Sweden)
Management of health as human system (lecture - 4 hrs., Training - 2 hours.)
Zheludkovsky E.A.- PhD, Assistant Professor
Modeling strategy of large enterprises, cities, regions (lecture- 2 hours.)
Guaranteed operation of complex technical systems (lecture - 2 hours.)
Systems analysis as applied scientific methodology (lecture - 2 hours.)
PankratovaN.D.– Deputy of director of the Institute for Applied System Analysis MONMSU and NAS, Doctor of Science, Professor.
System analysis of medical processes (lecture 2 hours., Training - 2 hours.)
Martsenyuk V.P.– Vice-rector of the TernopilMedicalUniversity, Headof the Department of Medical Informatics, Professor.
Role play (Training - 4 hours).
Polyanskaya T.N.- PhD, Assistant Professor
Feedback - Contact Person:
Larina R.R. / Tel.: / +380506779992E-mail: /
Polyanskaya T.N.
ChetyrbokP. V. / Tel, E-mail.: / +380 0997918401
Tel.,E-mail: / +380 0500867236
Location:98600,Ukraine,Yalta,Khalturina 14Directions from the bus station to the institute en route 18a (station "Children's Hospital").Our website:
05/27/12Arrival of participants - hotel "Alupka"
Travel from Yalta bus station to the hotel en route 26 to station "Ispolkom."
Route taxes from Railway station in Simferopol to Alupka.
Our address: Hotel "Alupka", 98676, Alupka, Frunze Street 8
Phone: +38-0654-72-22-97 Tel \ Fax: +38-0654-72-12-91
Hotel information on WEB - Online Hotel
Registration on WEB - site
Till April 20, 2012
The registration fee is 527 GRN, it should be transferred as abank order marked"Participation in summer school"within20 April 2012:
Essential Elements for money transfers to the account of individual:
ПОЛУЧАТЕЛЬ: Полянська Тамара Миколаївна
МФО 351005
ОКПО 1429413808
СЧ 26258007307665
НАЗЧЕНИЕ ПЛАТЕЖА: Пополнение счета физ. лица Полянська Тамара Миколаївна ИНН 1429413808. Без НДС. (за участие в Школе)
The invitationswill be sentafter payingthe registration fee.If youneed information about accommodation,please notifythe contact information.
Registration fee includes the organization of "InternationalSchool - MM-ITSAA-2012" and print lectures and trainings of the faculty under the specified topics, and Certificate of participation in "school" of its participants.
The travel and accommodation at the Hotel "Alupka" is paid by participants them selves.
Provides tours on weekends at the request of participants and one paid by participants them selves.
Sincerely – committee of the "InternationalSchool - MM-ITC-OCS-2012"