Teri B. Aronowitz


Teri B. Aronowitz

Home: 102 Dewitt Road

Syracuse, New York 13214


Birth Date: November 2, 1954

Citizenship: US


University of Rochester1996-2002

Rochester, New YorkPhD in Nursing

University of Massachusetts1987-1990

Amherst, MassachusettsMSN CNS

Vermont College1984-1986

Montpelier, VermontBSN

East Carolina University1979-1980

Greenville, North Carolina Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate

Mercy Hospital SON1972-1975

Portland, MaineDiploma


Syracuse University2001-present

School of NursingAssistant Professor

College of Human Services Full-time tenure-track

& Health Professions

Syracuse, N.Y.

Camp Yavnah

c/o Hebrew College June-August 2002

Infirmary CarePrimary Care

Campers, Staff & FamilyNurse Practitioner

Camp Yavnah

c/o Hebrew College June-August 2001

Infirmary CarePrimary Care

Campers, Staff & FamilyNurse Practitioner

Camp Yavnah

c/o Hebrew College July-August 2000

Infirmary CarePrimary Care

Campers, Staff & FamilyNurse Practitioner

New York State Industry May-June 1998

Correctional Institution for Primary Care

Male Children 10-18 yearsNurse Practitioner

Morasha CampJuly-August 1998

Infirmary CarePrimary Care

Campers, Staff & FamilyNurse Practitioner

State University of New York1995-1998

College of NursingAssistant Professor

14 Irving Ave. Primary Care Project NP

Syracuse, N.Y.

State University of New York1995-1998

Department of Family Medicine Adjunct Assistant Professor

475 Irving Ave.Family Nurse Practitioner

Syracuse, N.Y.

Syracuse University1994-1995

College of Nursing Assistant Professor

Syracuse, N.Y.Part-time

University of Manitoba1990-1993

Faculty of NursingLecturer, Full-time

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Klinic Community Health Center1990-1993

870 Portage Avenue Family Nurse Practitioner

Winnipeg, Manitoba Per Diem

Private Practice1981-1990

Self EmployedFamily Nurse Practitioner

Springfield, VermontOffice Manager

Springfield Hospital1985-1990

Springfield, VermontChildbirth Educator

Private Practice1980-1981

Employ Dr. L. WilliamsFamily Nurse Practitioner

Kinston, North Carolina

Pitt County Memorial Hospital 1975-1980

Greenville, North CarolinaStaff Nurse

Intensive Care


Medical/ Surgical Charge

Augusta General Hospital1972-1975

Augusta, Maine Nurse's Aide

Summer Employment

Syracuse University2001-present

School of NursingAdvanced Health Assessment

College of Human Services & Health ProfessionsFNP Clinical Courses

Syracuse, NYAdolescent Health Courses

Nursing Research

State University of New York1995-1998

College of NursingCourse Leader

Syracuse, N.Y.**graduate program

Adult & Family NP


Preceptor FNP students

State University of New York1995-1998

Department of Family MedicinePelvic module of physical assessment

College of MedicineIntroduction to Clinical Medicine

Syracuse, N.Y.

Syracuse University 1994-1995

College of Nursing Course Facilitator,

Syracuse, N.Y.**4 year program

Health Assessment

Comprehensive, complex

clinical course

Course Facilitator,

**graduate NP track

Health Assessment

Essentials of Primary Care

Theoretical Perspectives

for Specialty Nursing I

University of Manitoba1991-93

Faculty of NursingCourse Leader, 4 year program

Winnipeg, Manitoba Gerontology

Health Assessment

Nursing Theory

Long-Term Illness

& Disability

University of Manitoba1991-92

Faculty of NursingFaculty Advisor,

Winnipeg, Manitobapost RN students,

independent study

Russell Sage College 1986

Albany, New YorkPreceptor, NP student

Community College of Vermont 1982-1983

Springfield, Vermont Instructor, Health Assessment

School of Nursing 1980-1981

Kinston Memorial Hospital Instructor, Health Assessment

Kinston, North Carolina


Omicron Chapter9/01-present

Sigma Theta TauMember, Research Committee

Chair, By-Laws Committee

Trichapter Research Day 9/98-4/99

Conference CommitteeChair

Sigma Theta Tau

Editorial Board9/97-present

Journal of Family NursingReviewer

Reviewer, RINAHL9/98-2/99

Doctoral Student/FacultyJoint Review

Omicron Chapter9/97-9/98

Sigma Theta TauMember, Research Committee

Human Sexuality Program 5/96-5/98

Depart of Family MedicineMember, Advisory Board

Omicron Chapter9/93-9/95

Sigma Theta TauChair, Finance Committee

Manitoba Association of11/91-7/93

Registered NursesMember Subcommittee for Professional Nursing Needs in Gerontology



Subcommittee on Geriatric Nursing Practice

Nursing Honor Society 3/91-9/91

University of Manitoba Co-Chair, Steering Committee



Telemedicine Canada Spring 1991

Research and Quality Contact Person/Organizer

Improvement in Nursing 8 paper presentations

Educational Series

Manitoba Association of 10/2/90

Registered NursesMember, Subcommittee for item appraisal, National Licensure Exam

Eating Disorder Support Group 1987

Springfield, Vermont Co-founder, co-director

Vermont State Nurses Association 1985

Member, Convention Committee

Springfield Regional Visiting 1982-1984 Boardmember

Nurses Association 1983-1984 Chair, Board of

Springfield, Vermont Directors

New Beginnings 1982-1989

(An organization for victims of abuse) Co-founder and boardmember


Current Licenses:

Vermont 26-0014185

Maine R18878

New Hampshire

New York 453053 FNP certification F331125

American Nurses Association Certification, Family Nurse Practitioner, Certificate number 015059-22

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners,

Certification number F0194012

American Nurses Association Certification, Gerontologic Nurse Practitioner,

Certification number 255675-23


Aronowitz, T. & Morrison-Beedy, D. (in review). Resilience in Early Adolescent African American Girls: The Role of Mother-Daughter Connectedness.

Aronowitz, T. & Morrison-Beedy, D. (in review). Comparison of the Maternal Role in Resilience Among Impoverished and Non-Impoverished Early Adolescent African American Girls.

Morrison-Beedy, D., Carey, M.P., & Aronowitz, T. (in review). Psychological Correlates of HIV Risk Behavior in Adolescent Girls: A Cross-Sectional Investigation.

Aronowitz, T. (in review). Envisioning the Future: Mechanisms for Resilience in At-Risk Youth.

Morrison-Beedy, D., Aronowitz, T., Dyne, J., & Mkandawire, L. (2002). The Nurse Clinicial as Research Participant Recruiter: Experience From a Longitudinal Intervention Study. Journal of the New York State Nurses Association, 32, 9-13.

Morrison-Beedy, D., Aronowitz, T., Dyne, J., & Mkandawire, L. (2002). An HIV Risk-Reduction Intervention in an Adolescent Correctional Facility: Lessons Learned. Applied Nursing Research, 15, 97-101.

Morrison-Beedy, D., Carey, M.P., Aronowitz, T., Mkandawire, L., & Dyne, J. (2002). Adolescents’ Input on the Development of an HIV-Risk Reduction Intervention. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 13, 21-28.

Morrison-Beedy, D., Aronowitz, T., Dyne, J., & Mkandawire, L. (2001). Mentoring Students and Junior Faculty in Faculty Funded Research: A Win-Win Scenario. Journal of Professional Nursing 17, 291-296.

Morrison-Beedy, D., Carey, M.P., Lewis, B.P., & Aronowitz, T. (2001). HIV Risk Behavior and Psychological Correlates Among Native American Women: An Exploratory Investigation. Journal of Women’s Health and Gender-Based Medicine, 10, 487-495.

Kriepe, RE, Hedberg, VA, Klein, JD, Aronowitz,TB, Dimeglio, G, Ryan, SA, Ekeze, L, Mitan, LAP, Tuttle, J, Urbacj, K, Dukarm, CP, Stith, A (1999). Educational Program for Clinical and Community Issues in Primary Care. Adolescent Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Primary Health Care, National Health Service Corps. American Medical Student Association, Reston, VA


Patterson, B., Saydak, M., Tschikota, S., Aronowitz, T., Crawford, M., & Venkatech, P. (1996) Learning to Care: Gender Issues for Male Nursing Students. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research28(1), 25-39.

Patterson, B., Crawford, M, Saydak, M., Venkatech, P., Tschikota, S., & Aronowitz, T (1995) How male nursing students learn to care. Journal of Advanced Nursing22(3) 600-9.

Aronowitz, T. (1993) Perceptions, concerns and needs that influence technology intergration Nursing Educators Microworld7(3) 22.

Aronowitz, T. & Allen, S. (1993) Matching a solution with the correct problem...accurate problem identification! Nursing Educators Microworld7(3) 22.


As Principal Investigator:

Delaying Sexual Debut in Young African American Girls. Submitted August 5th, 2002 to the National Institute of Nursing Research for an Individual National Research Service Award Postdoctoral Training Grant.

The Role of Mother-Daughter Communication in a Comprehensive Sexuality Education Program. June 2002-June 2003. Funded by the College of Human Service & Health Professions Faculty Development Fund. $5000.00.

Factors that Contribute to the Future Expectations of At-Risk Youth. February 2001- February 2002. Funded by the University of Rochester Family Research Roundtable. $2500.

Principal Investigator.

The Role of Parent-Adolescent Sexual Communication on Safer Sexual Behavior. December 2000-December 2001. Funded by the Omicron Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau. $1,500. Principal Investigator

The Role of Connectedness in the Future Expectations of High-Risk Youth. April 2000-April 2001. Funded by the Syracuse Area Psychiatric Nurses Association. $1,000 . Principal Investigator.

Defining Hope in Youth. June1997-June 1998. Funded by Sigma Theta Tau, Omicron Chapter. $500.00. Principal Investigator.

High Risk Youth: The Relationship of Hope and Individuation. Funded by NIH F31-NR0729 for an National Research Service Predoctoral Award. September 1997-September 2000 $80,000. Principal Investigator

The Reliability and Validity of the Set Test Summer 1992. Funded by Manitoba Association of Registered Nurses $3122.10. Principal Investigator.

The Reliability and Validity of the Set Test: A Pilot Fall-Winter 1991. Principal Investigator

Are Adolescents More Knowledgeable About STD's or AIDS? Spring 1991. Principal Investigator

The Relationship Between Health, Movement and Time in Older Women: A Clarification and Extension 1990. Principal Investigator.

RESEARCH (cont.)

As Research Team Member:

A Motivational HIV-Prevention Intervention for Young Women. January 2000-present. Funded by the National Institute of Nursing Research to Dr. D. Morrison-Beedy $259,242 Research Associate (review of literature, development of activities for intervention, focus groups and pilot testing of intervention, interventionist, oral presentations, and writing manuscripts)

Health Care Improvement Grant. (Contractors North Country Children Clinic & the Cornell Extension Program). April 1999-October 2000. Funded by New York State Department of Health $90,000 to Dr. M. Sprik. Data Manager (data entry, cleaning, analysis and preparation of reports).

Family Caregiving of Hospitalized Elderly: A Theroretical Framework. January1999-May 1999. Research Assistant (data entry and management).

HIV, Sex and Youth: School-Based Prevention. September 1998-May 1999. Research Assistant (manuscript preparation, literature searches, assisted in preparation for grant submission).

Northeast Rochester Youth and Family Wellness Project. Funded by Maternal Child Health Bureau. September 1998-May 1999. Research Assistant. (instrument development and pilot work on instrument).

Research Assistant September-December 1997 Center for Nursing Science and Scholarly Practice, University of Rochester, School of Nursing.

HIV in Adolescence: An Intervention to Reduce Risk. January-June 1997. Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, RO1MH49037, to Dr. D. Seigel $1,683,076. Research Assistant

Primary Health Care Project. May 1995-December 1996. Funded by New York Department of Health, $500,000 Research Team Member

Learning to care: The lived experience of male nursing students. Spring 1993. Funded by the Canadian Nurses Foundation $1500.00. Research Team member

Informed Integrating of Computer Technology in Nursing Education Spring-Summer 1991. Funded by Manitoba Association of Registered Nurses $1500.00. Research Team Member.


Morrison-Beedy, D., Carey, M.P., & Aronowitz, T. (March, 2003). Motivational HIV-Prevention Intervention for Adolescent Girls. Submitted to the 24th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Morrison-Beedy, D., Carey, M.P., & Aronowitz, T. (April, 2003). Pre-Intervention Comparisons of Lower-Risk and Higher-Risk Adolescent Girls in an HIV-Prevention Randomized Clinical Trial. Submitted to the 15th Scientific Sessions of ENRS, New Haven, Conn.

Aronowitz, T. & Morrison-Beedy, D. (2003, April). Risky Behaviors in Impoverished and Non-Impoverished Early Adolescent African American Girls: Maternal Role in Resilience. Accepted to the 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, Fla.

Morrison-Beedy, D., Carey, M.P., & Aronowitz, T. (2002, November). Psychological Antecedents to HIV-Risk Reduction in Adolescent Girls: A Comparison of Condom Users and Non-users. Accepted for the Seventh National Nursing Research Conference of STT, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.

Aronowitz, T. & Morrison-Beedy, D. (2002, September) The Contribution of Mother-Daughter Connectedness to Resilience in Early Adolescent African American Girls accepted for the State of the Science Conference of STT, Washington, DC

Morrison-Beedy, D. & Aronowitz, T. (2002, September) HIV-Related Information, Motivation, and Behaviors in Adolescent Girls: Pre-intervention Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial accepted for the State of the Science Conference of STT, Washington, DC.

Aronowitz, T. (2002, April) The Impact of Time Perspective on Resilience in Impoverished African American Youth at the 9th Biennial convention of the Society of Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Aronowitz, T. (2001, November) Factors that Contribute to the Future Expectations of African American Impoverished Youth at the STT International Biennial Convention, Indianapolis, IN

Morrison-Beedy, D. & Aronowitz, T. (2001, November). The Role of Sexual Education on the Sexual Behaviors of Preadolescent Girls at the STT International Biennial Convention, Indianapolis, IN

Morrison-Beedy, D., Aronowitz, T., Dyne, J., & Mkandawire, L. (2001, April). Using Focus Groups to Develop an HIV-Prevention Intervention for Young Women at the ENRS 2001 Conference, Atlantic City, NJ.

Aronowitz, T. (2001, March) The Role of Connectedness in the Time Perspective of African American At-Risk Youth at Professional Unity-Practice Diversity Northwestern NYS Chapter of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association Annual Convention, Canandagua, NY.

Aronowitz, T. (2001 February). The Impact of Time Perspective on Resilience in African American Youth at Risk for HIV at Ohio State University School of Nursing, Columbus, Ohio.

Morrison-Beedy, D., Aronowitz, T., Dyne, J., & Mkandawire, L. ( 2000, October). Mentoring Students and Junior Faculty in Faculty Research: A Win-Win Scenario at the 2000 NYSNA Annual Convention, Niagara Falls, New York.

Aronowitz, T. (2000, August). The Role of Connectedness in the Future Expectations of High-Risk Youth at the 2000 Add Health Users Workshop NIH Campus, Bethesda, Maryland.

Aronowitz, T. (2000, April). Envisioning the Future: Mechanism for Resilience in High-Risk Youth at the Northwestern New York Chapter of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association Conference, Syracuse, New York.

Morrison-Beedy, D., Aronowitz, T., Dyne, J., Mkandawire, L., & Eboh, J.(2000, April). Refining and Modifying an HIV Prevention Intervention for Young Women at the Fifth Annual Nursing Poster Session of the Omicron Alpha & Omicron chapters of STT, Syracuse, New York.

Morrison-Beedy, D., Aronowitz, T., Dyne, J., Mkandawire, L., & Eboh, J.(2000, April). Mentoring Students and Junior faculty in Faculty Funded Research at the Fifth Annual Nursing Poster Session of the Omicron Alpha & Omicron chapters of STT, Syracuse, New York.

Aronowitz, T.(1999, October). Factors Related To Positive Future Expectations in High-Risk Youth at the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 13th Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Aronowitz, T., Ryan, S., & Auinger, P.(1999, September). Sexuality Education in Youth: Outcomes of Willingness to Talk at the International State of the Science Congress, Washington, DC.

Aronowitz, T.(1998, December). Moving In and Out of Trouble: High Risk Youth at the Sigma Theta Tau, Omicron Chapter Annual Meeting, Syracuse, NY.

Aronowitz, T.(1998, October). Defining Hope in High Risk Youth at the National Multi-disciplinary Conference on Adolescent Health and Sexuality, Tucson, Arizona.

Aronowitz, T.(1998, June). High Risk Youth at the Department of Family Medicine, SUNY Health Science Center in Syracuse, New York.

Aronowitz, T. (1998, April). Exploring Hope in Youth at the Eastern Nursing Research Society in Rochester, New York.

Aronowitz, T. (1996, October). Clinical Journaling to Promote Client-Focused Practice at the Nursing Practice in the 21st Century: Ethics, Communications and Legal Issues in Syracuse, New York.

Aronowitz, T. (1996, April). Clinical Journaling to Promote Client-Focused Practice at the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties 22nd Annual Conference in Boston, Massachusetts.

Aronowitz, T. (1995, May).Scholarship in Nursing at the Chaptering Ceremony of Xa Lamba University of Manitoba College of Nursing in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Aronowitz, T. (1993, January). The Relationship Between Time, Movement and Health in Older Women: An Extension and Clarification Guest Lecturer of Graduate Seminar University of Manitoba, Faculty of Nursing.

Aronowitz, T. (1993. January). Risk Factors Associated with Gynecological and Breast Cancers at the Women Lubavitch Annual Luncheon, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Aronowitz, T. (1992, October). The Development and Application of Nursing Theories to Education, Practice and Research Guest Lecturer of Undergraduate Course 49:417 Issues and Trends in Nursing and Health Care, Faculty of Nursing.

Aronowitz, T. (1992, May). The Intergration of Computer Technology in Nursing Education at the Tenth Annual NLN & ANA National Computer Conference in Morristown, New Jersey.

Aronowitz, T. (1992, April). Maximizing the Roles of the Clinical Nurse Specialist Graduate Student Nurses' Research Day, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Nursing.

Aronowitz, T. (1992, March). Creativity and Change in Curriculum Guest Lecturer Graduate Seminar, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Nursing.

Aronowitz, T. (1992, February). Margaret Newman's Model of Health Guest Lecturer Graduate Seminar, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Nursing.

Aronowitz, T. (1992, February). The Nurse Practitioner Role: Historical and Personal Perspective at Career Day, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Nursing.

Aronowitz, T. (1991, November).Testing Mental Status in Older Adults Telemedicine of Canada.

Aronowitz, T (1991, November-December).Health Assessment for Nurses at Sharon Home in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Aronowitz, T. (1991, September). Maximizing the Roles of the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) at the Second National CNS Conference in Hamilton.

Aronowitz, T. (1991, June). The relationship between health, movement, and time in older women: A clarification and extension at the National Nursing Research Conference in Kingston, Ontario.

Aronowitz, T.(1991, May). Assessment Techniques a one-day workshop for nurses at The Pas Health Complex, The Pas, Manitoba.

Aronowitz, T.(1991, May). The relationship between health, movement, and time in older women: A clarification and extension at the Nursing Research: The Path to Excellence in London, Ontario.

Aronowitz, T.(1991, April). The Nurse's role as Primary Care Provider: A Personal Perspective to the Primary Care Committee of the Manitoba Association of Registered Nurses in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Aronowitz, T.(1990, October). Biological Theories of Aging Guest Lecturer Graduate Seminar, University of Manitoba School of Nursing, Winnipeg, Manitoba.


American Academy of Nurse Practitioners

American Nurses Association

American Psychiatric Nurses Association

Coalition of Nurse Practitioner Syracuse Chapter

National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners

New York State Nurses' Association

Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Council

Sigma Theta Tau, Beta Zeta & Omicron Chapters

Society of Research in Adolescence


Consortium on HIV and Families sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health, July 2002 in Miami, Fla. Stipend awarded by The College of Human Services & Health Professions.

Post-doctoral Fellowship at the Kinsey Institute for Research on Sex, Gender & Reproduction, Indiana University, June 2002. Fellowship focus was ‘Interventions for High-Risk Sexual Behavior: Design, Implementation, & Evaluation’.

Maternal Child Health Bureau Fellowship, Leadership Education in Adolescent Health, University of Rochester, 1997-98

Externship, Center of Family Nursing, University of Alberta, Calgary, Alberta, 1996

Teacher of the Year 1991-92, University of Manitoba

Cum Laude, University of Massachusetts, 1990

Graduate Fellowship, University of Massachusetts, 9/89-5/90

Clinical Nurse Specialist Trainee Grant, VA Medical Center Northampton, Mass., 2/90-5/90 24 hours/wk.