Christine Nutter El Ouardani

3845 Farquhar Ave., Unit 206

Los Alamitos, CA 90720

(773) 614-1415


2014- Assistant Professor, Department of Human Development, California State University,

Long Beach

2013-2014Lecturer, Department of Comparative Human Development; University of



2013Ph.D., Department of Comparative Human Development, University of Chicago

2004M.A., Department of Comparative Human Development, University of Chicago

2002B.A., International Relations and Psychology, Michigan State University


2016College of Liberal Arts Humanities Research Stimulation Award, CSULB

2014Richard Saller Dissertation Prize, University of Chicago, Honorable Mention

2014Henry Memorial Award for Best Dissertation, University of Chicago

2010-2011Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowship

2009-2010Gianinno Dissertation Write-Up Fellowship, University of Chicago

2008Bernice Neugarten Prize Lectureship, University of Chicago

2007-2008Fulbright-Hayes Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship

2007-2008National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant

2006-2007American Institute for Maghribi Studies Long-Term Grant

2004-2006 National Science Foundation 3-year Graduate Research Fellowship

2003-2004 Behnke-Harris Fellowship, Irving Harris Foundation

2002-2006 University of Chicago Graduate Fellowship


Peer-Reviewed Publications

El Ouardani, Christine N. (In Press) Corporal Discipline Reform in a Rural Moroccan Classroom. Anthropology and Education Quarterly.

El Ouardani, Christine N. (In Press) Innocent or Intentional?: Interpreting Oppositional Defiant

Disorder in a Preschool Mental Health Clinic. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry.

Chapin, Bambi, Christine El Ouardani, and Kathleen Barlow. 2015. Socialization. In Oxford

Bibliographies in Anthropology. Ed. John Jackson. New York: Oxford University Press.

Nutter-El Ouardani, C. 2014. Childhood and development in rural Morocco: Cultivating reason and strength. In D. Bowen, E. Early, and B. Schulthies (Eds.), Everyday Life in the Muslim Middle East 3rd ed., 24-38. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.


El Ouardani, Christine N. (Revise and Resubmit) Making Ambivalent Subjects: Performing and Playing at Corporal Discipline with Children in Morocco. American Ethnologist.

In Preparation

Discipline and Development: Negotiating Childhood, Authority, and Violence in Rural Morocco. (Book manuscript)


Refereed Solicited Presentations

2016Validating Intentionality: What Counts As Evidence When Diagnosing Disruptive Behavior Disorders in Preschool-Aged Children?. Paper accepted and to be given at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN, November 18.

2015Playful Violence, Violent Play: Discipline and the Development of Child Agency in Rural

Morocco. Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, Denver, CO, November 19.

2015Pleasure and Disgust in Talk about Violence in Rural Morocco. Paper presented at the Society

for Psychological Anthropology meetings, Boston, MA, April 11.

2015Diagnostic Dilemmas: How American Clinicians Make Sense of Young Children’s Aggressive

Behavior. Paper presented at the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group Meeting,

Long Beach, CA, March 13.

2013 Developmental Disability and Disordered Households in Morocco. Paper presented at the

Society for Psychological Anthropology Meetings, San Diego, April 13.

2013 Authorizing Kinship: Corporal Punishment and Ambivalence in Morocco.” Paper presented at

the American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, Chicago, IL, November 23.

2012Care and Kinship in Rural Morocco: Gesture, Affect, and Play in Disciplinary Practices. Paper

presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco, CA,

November 16.

2012Authority, Exchange, and the Painful Clinical Encounter. Presented at the Society for

Medical Anthropology meetings, Baltimore, March 28.

2011 Becoming ‘Arubi: Negotiating Rural Moroccan Identity Through Teasing and Play. Paper

presented at an Invited Session at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings,

Montreal, November 18.

2009 Refiguring Child Injury and Pain in Rural Morocco. Paper presented at the American

Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, Philadelphia, December 2-6.

2009Performing Corporal Discipline: Children, Violence, and Islam in a Moroccan Village. Paper

presented at the Society for Psychological Anthropology, Biennial Meetings, Monterey Bay, CA March 26-28.

2005Negotiating Intentionality: Conceptions of Preschoolers’ Moral Agency in a Children’s Mental

Health Clinic. Paper presented at the Psychological Anthropology and American Ethnological

Society, Joint Biennial Meetings, San Diego, April 10-13.

Refereed Conference Panels

2015Christine El Ouardani and Elise Berman. Violent Talk and the Production of Social

Experience. Society for Psychology Anthropology Meetings. Boston, MA, April 7-9.

2013 Christine El Ouardani and Elizabeth Fein. Disorders of Development: Child and Youth

Mental Health in Changing Cultural Contexts. Society for Psychological Anthropology

Meetings. San Diego, CA, April 4-7.

2012 Christine El Ouardani and Amy Cooper. Rethinking the Boundaries of Care, Intimacy, and

Health. Society for Medical Anthropology Meetings. Baltimore, MD, March 27-31.

2009 Christine El Ouardani and Bianca Dahl. Children and Global Development: Embodiment,

Intervention, and Figuration. American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings.

Philadelphia, PA December 2-6.

2005Bambi Chapin and Christine El Ouardani. Competing Conceptions of Children: Cultural

Models in Institutional Settings. Society for Psychological Anthropology Meetings. San Diego,

CA. April 10-13.

Invited Talks

2016Care or Neglect?: Corporal Discipline Reform in a Rural Moroccan Classroom. Invited talk

given at Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, September 9.

2016Beating as a Form of Care: Gesture, Affect, and Play in Disciplinary Practices in Rural

Morocco.Invited talk given at the Frederick Douglass Institute for African and African-American Studies, New Directions Symposium, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, April 14.

2014Children’s Rights and Corporal Punishment Reform in a Moroccan Primary School. Invited talk

given at the 10th Joint Area Centers Symposium—“Children and Globalization,” University

of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, April 11.

2010 Injury, Pain, and Violence in Morocco. Invited paper presented at the Clinical Ethnography

Workshop, Stanford University, May 11.

2008 Socialization Practices and Conflict Resolution in a Rural Moroccan Village. Paper presented at

the Fulbright Fifteenth Annual Maghrebi Area Studies Symposium, Rabat, Morocco, April 17.


Assistant Professor, California State University Long Beach, Department of Human Development

HDEV 407: Cultural Approaches to Child and Adolescent Mental Health

HDEV 470: Internship Practicum / Seminar

HDEV 403: Acquisition of Culture: Social Processes in Cross-Cultural Context

HDEV 320: Research Methods in Human Development (Qualitative and Quantitative)

Lecturer, University of Chicago, Department of Comparative Human Development

CHDV 26219: Critical Approaches to Child Mental Health

CHDV 35423: Violence and Trauma

CHDV26309: Life Course, Generation, and Globalization in the Arab World

Instructor, University of Chicago, Department of Comparative Human Development

CHDV 26228: Ethnographic Methods

CHDV 29800: BA Honors Seminar

CHDV 26219: Critical Approaches to Child Mental Health—Bernice Neugarten Prize Lectureship

Preceptor, University of Chicago, Department of Comparative Human Development (2010-13)

Writing Instructor, University of Chicago, “Reading Cultures” Core Curriculum (2010-12)

Teaching Assistant, University of Chicago, Department of Comparative Human Development

CHDV 20500: Psychological Anthropology (Autumn 2003)


Ethnographic Fieldwork

2006-2008Two years of ethnographic research with families, in schools, and in medical clinics in Fez, Morocco and surrounding rural areas.

2006Three months of preliminary research in Fez and Casablanca, Morocco. Language

training in Moroccan Arabic.

2005Two months of preliminary research in Fez, Morocco. Language training in

Moroccan Arabic.

2003-2004Nine months of ethnographic research in a child psychiatric clinic looking at emerging diagnostic categories with preschoolers.

Other Research Experience

2003Co-authored a small-scale research study for the non-profit organization Free the

Children, documenting the psychological impact of war trauma on child soldiers in Sierra Leone.

2003-2004Participated in the development of a coding schema looking at disruptive behaviors in preschoolers and coded videotapes of disruptive behavior for the Chicago Preschool Project at the University of Chicago, Department of Psychiatry.

2002-2004Interviewed women about their experiences of giving birth and developed coding schema

for mother-infant interaction videotapes for the Chicago Doula Project, at the University of Chicago, Department of Psychiatry.


2003-2005Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Extern, Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School,

University of Chicago

2001-2002Advocate, Safe Place Domestic Violence Shelter, Michigan State University

2000Intern, American Embassy-Paris, Political Section

1997-1998Youth Coordinator/Research Assistant, Free the Children International, Toronto, Canada


Service to the Profession

2016Ad-hoc Reviewer, Palgrave-MacMillan Book Series

2016Reviewer for the ACYIG Newsletter

University Service

Fall 2016-presentCLA Faculty Council

Fall 2016-presentCo-Chair, Tenure-Track Search Committee

Fall 2016-presentCo-Organizer, Research Seminar

Fall 2016-presentMember, Budget Committee

Fall 2015-Spring 2016Co-Chair, Tenure-Track Search Committee

Fall 2014-Spring 2016Member, Curriculum Committee

Fall 2014-Spring 2015Faculty Advisor, Human Development Student Association

Spring 2015Alumni Committee Member (Planned Alumni Day event)


English (Native); French (Fluent); Moroccan Arabic (Fully Conversant)


American Ethnological Society

American Institute for Maghrib Studies

American Anthropological Association

Anthropology of Children and Childhood Interest Group

Foundation for Applied Psychiatric Anthropology

Middle East Interest Group

Society for Medical Anthropology

Society for Psychological Anthropology