Town of Mt. Pleasant

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, February 19, 2018

The monthly board meeting for the Town of Mt. Pleasant in Green County was held on Monday, February 19, 2018, at the Monticello Village Hall, 140 N. Main Street, Monticello WI. Those board members present were Chairman Ken Christen, First Supervisor Bryon Feller and Second Supervisor Jeff Malkow. Also present were Clerk Joni Waelchli-Buehl and Treasurer Marie Bittner. Patrolman Bob Zurfluh came late due to road conditions. Audience members included Kris and Todd Haase of Haase Surveying, LLC and Eugene and Catherine Trumpy.

The meeting was called to order at Chair Ken Christen.

A motion was made by Jeff Malkow and seconded by Bryon Feller to approve the minutes of the

January 2018 Monthly Board Meeting. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

A motion was made by Bryon Feller and seconded by Jeff Malkow to approve the treasurer’s report as presented by Marie Bittner. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

A motion was made by Jeff Malkow and seconded by Bryon Feller to approve the land division for Trumpy Dairy Farm and Eugene Trumpy, as recommended by the Plan Commission at their meeting on Monday, 12th of February. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

A motion was made by Bryon Feller and seconded by Jeff Malkow to pay the bills as presented by the clerk. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

There was no public comment.

The dates for Open Book and Board of Review for Town of Mount Pleasant are as follows:

Open Book- 18 April 2018 from noon until 2pm at the Monticello Village Hall

Board of Review- 15 May 2018 from 8:30am until 1030am at the Monticello Village Hall

The date for the Annual Meeting for the Town of Mount Pleasant was confirmed as:

Monday, 16th of April at 7:00pm. The monthly Town Board meeting will immediately follow.

Road Tour dates were discussed and possible dates were chosen. Chair Ken Christen will propose the dates to the Green County Highway Department and confirm with the Bob Zurfluh and the Board.

Discussion of changing some roads to Class B was tabled until March.

The TRIP funding slated for Oliver Road in 2018 is being reviewed at the state level, awaiting approval. Further discussion was tabled until March.

Bob Zurfluh gave the Patrolman’s report. The hot patch buggy was rented and potholes were fixed. The 2002 truck is not working correctly yet, so it will be taken in to be reevaluated. Water is eroding the gravel on Oliver Road, on Witt Road by the bunkers, on Spoerry Road, on Silver Road and on Rechsteiner. Several culverts are clogged due to the cold weather and the snow and ice.That, along with tonight’s rain is creating problems on town roads.

Bryon Feller gave the Fire District report. A search committee found a potential truck for the department. If it passes inspection, the Fire District will put in an offer. The Fireman District dinner is being held on the 26th of February at T&D’s in Monticello.

Items for February meeting agenda: Class B roads, TRIP.

A motion was made by Bryon Feller and seconded by Jeff Malkow to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Submitted for board approval on 28 February 2018 Joni Waelchli-Buehl Town of Mt. Pleasant clerk