Joe Novak
Address: 22500 West 53rd Terrace, Shawnee, KS
Age: 57
Occupation: High school principal
1. Should there be a statewide ban on smoking in indoor public places, such as restaurants and bars?
For the general health and well being of all Kansans, the state legislature should open a dialogue on a statewide smoking ban. In opening a dialogue and hearing from all sides, Kansas could enact a proactive statewide practice while considering exceptions or possible special considerations.
2. Would you support an increase in the cigarette tax to help pay for health coverage for low-income Kansans?
Before considering any and all possible funding sources for health care coverage, the state legislature needs to define a comprehensive health care initiative for ALL Kansans. This takes into consideration the uninsured as well as a growing number of underinsured. Once a plan has focus, the state has to look at all potential funding sources in which to help the plan get to the implementation phase
3. Where do you think the state budget can be cut?
When our current governor took office, she and each department did a full audit of where they could save the state funding. That is always the first step in reducing the budget. An additional piece is to review programs and services and determine which are working in serving Kansans and which no longer serve a purpose. Phasing out ineffective programs also helps the budget. Entering into these financial times, all government funded programs and offices will need to look to this process again,
4. Would you support an increase in the age for Kansans to get a driver's license?
I would support enforcement and/or a strengthening of current driver’s license laws regarding driver’s permits and restricted license drivers. Current law sets reasonable and proactive training and experience guidelines for 14-16 year-olds. We have too many of those drivers on the road not fulfilling their obligations and/or staying to current restrictions
5. Should Lawrence be allowed to keep its same-sex registry without interference from the state?
6. Do you support Gov. Kathleen Sebelius' opposition to the two coal-fired plants in western Kansas?
Yes. In a recent statewide poll conducted in June, an overwhelming majority of Kansans support opposition to coal-fired plants. These same Kansans prefer that the legislature develop a comprehensive plan for energy production and consumption that focuses on renewable, clean, and affordable sources for the future.