Correlation and Regression SPSS Assignment – Based on using Aspelmeier
Correlation and Simple Regression
- Read and carry out all of the procedures presented in Chapter 11 of Aspelmeier.
- Use the data from the practice exercise to do the following:
- Obtain the correlation between Number of Complaints and Number of Times on Sled Team. Provide a sentence in APA format that reports the test of the significance of this correlation.
- Use the regression option in SPSS to predict scores for Number of Times on Sled Team from Number of Complaints.
- Provide the regression equation in raw score units.
- Provide the regression equation in standard score units.
- What is the standard error of estimate?
- What proportion of variability in scores for Number of Times on Sled Team is accounted for by Number of Complaints?
- Does Number of Complaints account for a significant proportion of variability in scores for Number of Times on Sled Team? Report the results of the F-test in APA format.
- Generate a scatterplot in which Number of Times on Sled Team is on the Y-axis and Number of Complaints is on the X-axis. Have SPSS insert the regression line.
Multiple Regression
- Read and carry out all of the procedures presented in Chapter 12 of Aspelmeier.
- Use the data from the practice exercise to do the following:
- Use the regression option in SPSS to predict scores for teach_proz from scores for class_proz, class_size, and teach_auth.
- Provide the regression equation in raw score units.
- Provide the regression equation in standard score units. Which predictor variable would you say has the greatest amount of influence in the regression equation? Why do you think this?
- What is the standard error of estimate?
- What is the multiple squared correlation when scores for teach_proz are predicted by scores for class_proz, class_size, and teach_auth? What information does this number provide about the ability of these three predictor variables to account for variability in the criterion variable?
- Do the three predictor variables account for a significant proportion of variability? Report the results of the F-test in APA format.
- Use the Stepwise procedure to predict scores for teach_proz when nominating scores for class_proz, class_size, and teach_auth for entry into the equation. Describe each step SPSS goes through in reaching its solution. What is the regression equation that SPSS recommends we use?
- Use hierarchical regression to determine the unique contribution of class_proz in predicting scores for teach_proz, beyond the variability accounted for by teach_auth. Is this unique contribution statistically significant? Why do you think so?
- Generate the Venn diagram that displays all of the proportions of variability when class_proz and teach_auth are used to predict scores for teach_proz. These include the unique contributions of both predictors, the overlap in the two predictors, and the proportion of variability not accounted for by the predictors.