Correlation and Regression SPSS Assignment – Based on using Aspelmeier

Correlation and Simple Regression

  1. Read and carry out all of the procedures presented in Chapter 11 of Aspelmeier.
  2. Use the data from the practice exercise to do the following:
  3. Obtain the correlation between Number of Complaints and Number of Times on Sled Team. Provide a sentence in APA format that reports the test of the significance of this correlation.
  4. Use the regression option in SPSS to predict scores for Number of Times on Sled Team from Number of Complaints.
  5. Provide the regression equation in raw score units.
  6. Provide the regression equation in standard score units.
  7. What is the standard error of estimate?
  8. What proportion of variability in scores for Number of Times on Sled Team is accounted for by Number of Complaints?
  9. Does Number of Complaints account for a significant proportion of variability in scores for Number of Times on Sled Team? Report the results of the F-test in APA format.
  10. Generate a scatterplot in which Number of Times on Sled Team is on the Y-axis and Number of Complaints is on the X-axis. Have SPSS insert the regression line.

Multiple Regression

  1. Read and carry out all of the procedures presented in Chapter 12 of Aspelmeier.
  2. Use the data from the practice exercise to do the following:
  3. Use the regression option in SPSS to predict scores for teach_proz from scores for class_proz, class_size, and teach_auth.
  4. Provide the regression equation in raw score units.
  5. Provide the regression equation in standard score units. Which predictor variable would you say has the greatest amount of influence in the regression equation? Why do you think this?
  6. What is the standard error of estimate?
  7. What is the multiple squared correlation when scores for teach_proz are predicted by scores for class_proz, class_size, and teach_auth? What information does this number provide about the ability of these three predictor variables to account for variability in the criterion variable?
  8. Do the three predictor variables account for a significant proportion of variability? Report the results of the F-test in APA format.
  9. Use the Stepwise procedure to predict scores for teach_proz when nominating scores for class_proz, class_size, and teach_auth for entry into the equation. Describe each step SPSS goes through in reaching its solution. What is the regression equation that SPSS recommends we use?
  10. Use hierarchical regression to determine the unique contribution of class_proz in predicting scores for teach_proz, beyond the variability accounted for by teach_auth. Is this unique contribution statistically significant? Why do you think so?
  11. Generate the Venn diagram that displays all of the proportions of variability when class_proz and teach_auth are used to predict scores for teach_proz. These include the unique contributions of both predictors, the overlap in the two predictors, and the proportion of variability not accounted for by the predictors.