O’ Lord ! O’ My Lord ! May I never forget You !
॥ Shri Hari ॥
Related to the Need to Keep a “Shikha”
Tvameva Maata Cha Pita Tvameva
Tvameva Bandhusha Sakhaa Tvameva
Tvameva Vidyaa Dravinam Tvameva
Tvameva Sarvam Mama Deva Deva
Swami Ramsukhdas
Related to the Need to Keep a “Shikha”
Question - What is the benefit of keeping a “choti” (shikha, no equivalent word in English) ?
Answer - He who looks at benefits and gains, cannot make spiritual progress. While doing some work, if you only look towards gains, then what reverence do you have for the words of the scriptures, and words of saints? What honour and respect do they hold in your heart? Even animals and birds do things for their personal gains, for serving there selfish needs. This is not humanity. Keeping a “choti” (shikhaa) is for your own good - in this I do not have even the slightest bit of doubt.
In reality, one should look towards “Dharma” without looking toward the gains and losses. It has come in the scriptures (Dharmashaastra) that whatever sacrifices, austerities, charity, fasts, etc. and whatever auspicious work that is done, without keeping a “shikha,” will all become ineffective and unfruitful -
Sadopaveetinaa bhaavyam sadaa baddhshikhen cha |
Vishikho vyupaveetasch yatkaroti na tatkrutam || (kaatyaayansmruti 1/4)
Not only that, but those virtuous acts done without “shikhaa” become fiendish acts.
“Rakshasam tadhi vijyeyam samastaa nishphalaa kriyaah || (Vyaas)
Therefore the scriptures have commanded -
Snaane daane jape homm sandhyaayaam devataarchane |
Shikhaagranthim sadaa kuryaadityetanmanurabraveet ||
“During the time of bathing, charity, chanting divine name, oblation, prayers during sunrise and sunset and prayers to the demi-gods (devatas), one must always tie a knot to the “shikhaa” – this has been said by Maharaj Manu.”
In the sixteen sacraments “sanskaars” in Hindu dharma, the “chudaakaran sanskaar” (ceremony of shaving one’s head) has great significance. In this sacrament, by keeping a “shikhaa” one acquires a long life, power, strength and radiance –
Deerghaayutvaaya balaaya varchase shikhaayai vasht |
For the protection of the “shikha” which has great significance, the hindus gave up their heads, but refused to shave off their “shikha” during the “Yavan” rule. It is such a sad plight that nowadays, that very same “shikhaa” is being shaved off by people’s own hands! In the Scriptures the atonement for not keeping a “shikhaa” has been disclosed -
“Shikaam chindanti ye mohad dveshaadagyaanatopi vaa |
Taptakrucshren shuddhyanti trayo varnaa dvijaatayah || (Laghuhaarit)
All three “varnas”, the twice born, that cut off their “shikha” out of delusion, aversion, or ignorance, they become purified after performing religious observance of undergoing pain and suffering.”
Ath chet pramaadaannishikham vapanam syaat tatra koushim shikham brahmgranthi samanvitaam dakshinakarnopari aashikhaabandhaadavatishtet || (Kaathkaguhyasootra)
Upon coming under the sway of negligence and oversight if someone cuts of his “shikha” while hair cutting, then he can make one out of “Kusha” (sacred grass used in brahmanical ceremonies) and keep it over the right ear, until the hair is long enough to tie a “shikha” (to be continued)
If after seventy years of age (in old age) due to loss of hair, if one cannot keep a “shikha” then one can make a “shikha” with whatever remaining hair from the surrounding area and perform one’s daily routine work. If no hair remains, then keep a “shikha” of “Kusha” hair and perform your daily work, but never be without a “shikha” –
Akhil Bharatiya Pandit Mahaparishad (Varanasi) has enumerated various benefits of keeping a “shikhaa”
1. By keeping a “shikha” and duly following the conventions man gains wisdom, good thoughts, etc.
2. By keeping a “shikha” the inner powers continue to be strengthened.
3. By keeping a “shikha” man becomes righteous “dharmic”, pure (sattvic) and abstinent (samyami).
4. By keeping a “shikha”, man attains success in accomplishing both worldly and spiritual work.
5. By keeping a “shikha” man is able to properly do Pranayama, Ashtaangyog and various kriyas.
6. By keeping a “shikha” all “devatas protect the man.
7. By keeping a “shikha” man’s eye-sight is protected.
8. By keeping a ”shikha” man’s remains healthy, sturdy, energetic, and has a long life.
Question - We are embarrassed to keep a “shikha” (choti), how to get rid of this embarrassment?
Answer - It is a surprising thing that while lying and cheating in business you are not embarrassed or ashamed; in abortion and other sinful acts you are not ashamed; in stealing, treachery, etc. you are not humiliated; but in keeping a “choti” you feel ashamed! Is your embarrassment proper, or is listening to words of God and Saints and making them happy appropriate? If you keep a “choti” then initially you may be embarrassed, but later on it will be O.K.
Question - Seeing the “choti” people laugh, how to be saved from such acts?
Answer - People may laugh, they may call you crazy, then bare it, but do not give up on “Dharma”. Your “Dharma:” will go with you, laughter, fun and jokes will not go with you. Do not be afraid of other’s laughter. Initially they may laugh, but later on they will have reverence for you, that he is firm on his Dharma. There was a loving gentleman named Shankaranand. He was very educated and learned. He told me that he had gone to Germany for his studies. He said he wore his “dhoti” over there. On seeing his attire, the people initially laughed at him, but later on they respected him, recognizing him as an honest man, a truly righteous man. Therefore fearlessly and boldly fulfil your Dharma, what is there to fear in this, tell me?
There is a story. There was a man whose nose was cut off due to some reason. His associates asked him what happened, and he said that between the two eyes the nose was coming in the way of being able to behold Brahma. If there was no nose in-between, then when the two eyes mean one can visibly and evidentially behold Brahma. On hearing this, his associates also cut off their nose. When they could not have a vision of Brahma, then he said, that it was not due to cutting my nose that I had a vision of Brahma. His associates said - “be quiet now, do not make a commotion! If someone asks you then tell them that you are seeing Brahma” Slowly and surely the word spread and others started cutting off their nose. Many cut of their noses but did not have a vision of Brahma. Now when any one with a nose would come, they all used to laugh at him, saying look him with a nose ! Similarly, the ones who have had their “choti” cut off, are laughing at the ones with “choti”. Therefore do not pay attention to their laughter, one must follow their “dharma”.
Na jaatu kaamaann bhayaann lobhaad
Dharma tyajejjeevitasyaapi hetoh |
Nityo dharmah sukhadukhe tvanitye
Jeevo nityo heturasya tvanityah ||
(Mahabharat swargaa. 5/63)
Out of desires, fear, greed, or even to save one’s life, one must never give up their Dharma. Dharma is imperishable and pleasure and pain are perishable. Similarly “jeevatma” is imperishable and the cause for its bondage (attraction) is perishable.”
Narayana ! Narayana !! Narayana !!!
From book in hindi, “The Need to wear a Sikha” by Swami Ramsukhdasji
By reading the scriptures and holy books one does not gain that much knowledge as from “satsang” (association with truth, holy company). By reading the scriptures one may make a mistake, but not those who do “satsang”.
Most of the world has entered into you through the ears (by listening); therefore it is only by listening to “satsang” that the world can be driven out.
It is with immense zeal, and great fervour that I am bent upon searching and finding a way in which all can realize God, very quickly and easily,.
To gain benefit of such soul touching and benedictory discourses, visit www.swamiramsukhdasji.org and www.swamiramsukhdasji.net to listen to discourse and to read books. Do this for yourself and also inspire others and thus partake in this divine and virtuous deed.
From "Sant Samaagam" in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji
Books by Swami Ramsukhdasji, can be purchased from the online store at: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.net/market.html
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